Monday, January 25, 2016

January 24, 2016
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Those rascally Republicans. Is there no end to their mean spirited perfidy?

Big Stein,

Thanks for warming up a cold morning. It was so cold that the manatee pups, the ones that make the best sushi, resisted my gluten wonder bait.

You say that Republicans blame Obama for everything. I’ll get back to that>

I am sorry that Sarah Palin is not up to your exacting standards. As long as the utterances of Vice President Alpha Gump, a nitwit who managed to flunk out of 2 graduate schools in one semester and the brown squirt Professor Irwin Corey-like Vice President Curley Biden are Googleable we will never know how high that bar should be.

Gore/Gump was/is so friggin’ dumb he makes my hair hurt. It is an inconvenient truth that he regularly gets lost on an escalator.

To his credit he did coin the phrase “no controlling legal authority” while dodging a Federal felony charge. [How can we forget that Janet Reno, a Florida chick who began her illustrious Federal career by barbecuing some 7 dozen of her fellow citizens in Waco was in charge of the look see? I haven’t]

Lest we forget he got jammed up because some discalced, mendicant, saffron robed Buddhist nuns used their credit cards to give him $300,000. Maybe he wasn’t that dumb.

Curley Biden, named after the smartest Stooge, knows that sometimes it is a “big fucking deal” like when he realizes that is close, very close to figuring out what to do with his thumbs. Having mastered the art of putting on his own shoes – toes to the front always – he is on to bigger and better things. He knows that he is close, very close, to finally figuring out what to do with his thumbs. After all those years of trying to pick his nose with his thumb or sticking it in his eye may be coming to an end. Assuming that a phone booth can be found I will book all bets that he couldn’t find his ass using both his hands. 

Back to the Republicans blaming Obama for everything…

Your list of things that they find him responsible for includes Global Warming. Be advised that before there was Global Warming there was Global Cooling. I first read about it in 1968. Lyndon Johnson was President that year. I can think of at least 2 things for which he should be disinterred and keelhauled. Global Cooling/Warming ain’t one of them.
Speaking of retroactive blame maybe you can help me with the following.

It is a well-known fact that George W. Bush, egged on by the Koch Brothers, caused Hurricane Katrina because he didn’t like Black people, particularly those in New Orleans. The fact that a Democratic Mayor, a Democratic county executive, and a Democratic Governor could not get a truck filled with ice and water across one bridge is never mentioned. [I won’t mention the fact that the Democratic Mayor is in the pokey for stealing stoves, both hot and cold.] Modern American Liberals live by the Bush is evil and the source of all things evil and bad in the world, right?

One more thing before I go.

Flint, Michigan has been fortifying its water with lead. [Full disclosure requires me to tell you that I made a few dollars in the lead removal business]

This began when Michigan had a Democratic Governor.

Flint had been buying water from Detroit. You may recall that Detroit had a Democratic Mayor who, can you believe this, is in Federal prison for robbing old ladies and boosting poor boxes. Flint went into the water business because of the potential swag that could be made for the Bosses. 

The Environmental Protection Agency, a group with immense negative power, was begun by Richard Nixon. It had jurisdiction but chose not to exercise it. Thus the poisoning of children was allowed to continue unabated. The head of the agency, appointed by Obama, has since resigned.

My question is simple.. 

If Bush was guilty of killing all those Black people on New Orleans shouldn’t Obama be found guilty of poisoning all those people in Flint?

Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander, right?

Kevin Smith

PS – I heard that the Koch Brothers caused the blizzard. Look in to it and get back to me please Grazie

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