February 13, 2016
Robert Owen
Robert Mugabe
Leon Trotsky
The one common denominator of the ohmadahns who bewail and bemoan income inequality is that they are really, really smart. Multiple degrees all but guarantee that they are so smart they become really, really dumb. By really dumb I mean Guinness Book of Records dumb. It would be amusing to people who live in the real world to watch these horses’ asses ramble on about the perfectibility of man. Alas, they sometimes get to dictate public policy. Now that one of their own is running for President they are positively tumescent that their heads up their asses, hot is cold, and wet is dry outdated and perpetually unworkable and disastrous ideas may yet have an audience larger than the faculty lounge.
I have 7 sometime readers in Massachusetts. They and their spouses have, collectively, 15 degrees. They are skilled professionals who provide critical services in 5 different professions without regard to race and creed. It is rumored that they have sometimes helped Republicans. Judging by their lifestyles it can be safely assumed that they don’t work for free. Needless to say, which is why it must be said, they got their money the old fashioned way: they earned it. As far as I can tell no Kennedy Lucky Sperm donees are in the lot. The terms “giving back to the community” and “out-reach” protected by the aegis of “social justice” are necessary for any conversation with them. Those terms validate their skewed value system. It is a system built on expectations with no regard for results. If results were a guide there would be no elected officials in Massachusetts, such would be the honest wrath of the people. The thought of Boston being turned into Salem is one to be enjoyed.
Another trait they share is that they believe, really, really believe that raising taxes and the minimum wage is what the economy needs for the non-1% to be farting through silk by summer time 2017. Also, for those seriously unlucky in life’s lottery, they will have a rise in self-esteem, they will be free of the heartbreak of psoriasis, and lambs will be clambering to spend the night with the Lion King.
Another trait shared by those pilgrims voyaging to the unicorn ranch and the government supported 40 acres of rainbow stew bushes – grown without pesticides, herbicides, germicides, and, so far, homicides - is that anyone opposing the lofty goals of true believers is not only wrong but evil. It is further proof that the Koch Brothers must be stopped and Damn the Constitution if need be.
Is it time for a Cross of Gold speech? It’s always time for a Cross of Gold speech.
Pol Pot
Fred Kite
Norman Thomas
Almost 60 years after los hermanos Castro, grande lardon and pequeno lardon, took over they still haven’t solved the 3 most basic problems of any collectivist, statist government. #1 – Breakfast #2 – Lunch #3 – Dinner. The cry from millennia ago was “Let my people go” has been replaced by “Let my people eat”. The timeless words of the immortal Big Mike from Bayonne have become part of our heritage, of our canon.
“That’s why you never see anybody swimming TO Cuba.”
The in house criticism is muted because to do so would be to admit that the dog will not hunt, the mule will not plow. “IT” – Socialism – does not work, has not worked, will not work.
To so admit would render their lives futile and useless
Assume for the nonce that Socialist President Sanders or Socialist-Lite President Clinton is able to make the ultra-rich pay their fair share. Assume that they do so willingly. Where will the tax man go in the 3rd year of their administrations, there being no rich people left? How many times will the goose, having been shorn to, through, and beyond the bone, will return voluntarily to the butcher shop? In the end the only way Socialism survives the school of experience is to have an iron hand inside an iron glove using an iron bar in a most brutal manner.
Erich Honecker
Hugo Chavez
Honecker, the last fuhrer of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Germany, said “Neither an ox nor a mule can stop the spread of Socialism”. They couldn’t stop it because they were leading it. Churchill said that “Socialism is the equal sharing of misery”.
The 11 names mentioned have one thing in common – Socialism.
While I am open to the idea of free beer History shouts at us that we will die if we sip from this poisoned cup. Do so at your own peril.
Kevin Smith
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