May 24, 2016
Tim Canova, Esq.
Box 22-1868
Hollywood, FL 33022-1868
Mr. Canova,
I tried to think of you as an avenging Saint George riding forward on a valiant steed to slay the dragon in her lair.
Alas, as in most things political, I was disappointed.
Be advised that the snarling dragon, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, is meaner than 2 pounds of cat shit stuck behind the water heater for 10 days. Plus, if she feels threatened, she will send men with badges and guns to your house to “chat” with you. I know this because she sent 2 agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, men with badges, guns, and the full majesty of the law, to my house because of something I wrote about her. “Because of something I wrote”? In America? With an amendment that begins with the majestic words “Congress shall make no law…”? In a country that uses to tax payer money to subsidize a play called Corpus Cristi? Its premise is that Christ was crucified because of a lovers’ quarrel with Judas Iscariot. The envelope of free speech was wide enough to include that but not enough to include my gentle chastisements of her as a public person
When she did this to me she was a Florida Senator. Now that she’s in DC she may send Seal Team 6 after you.
Having said that I suggest you heed the recommendation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, and if it weren’t for Bagdad it would be called the murder capitol of the world, and “never bring a knife to a gun fight”.
I guess it depends on whose Gore is being oxed.
Go get her. Just keep an eye on your “six”.
But that’s not why I write.
May I say that modern American Liberals never let you down?
Witness your astonishing ability to send both inconvenient facts and truths down the memory hole so fast that its carbon foot print is measured by Hercules in leagues. It is place “from which no visitor ever returns”.
I heard you say on TV that the Federal Reserve financed the infrastructure boom of the 1930s.
Buckle up, you boob. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
#1 – 6 years into the New Deal things, things a real as your boot, things that could be measured, were worse than when it started. A strong case can be made for the Depression ending when the Boeing B-17 plant in Wichita went to 7 day a week, 24 hours a day production.
[That presents us with an uncomfortable fact. 3 times in 48 years, the years being 1916, 1949, and 1964 the 3 most Progressive Presidents of the 20th century – Do I have to add that they were all Democrats? – promise that they would not send American boys to fight in foreign wars. Honest. You could look it up.]
#2 – Not only did the Fed not accommodate the imagined infrastructure boom of the ‘30s they acted against it. The money supply shrunk by 25% squelching any recovery and horrifying the great Lord Keynes. Empirical evidence tells me that your knowledge of business, of what makes the dog hunt, of what role “animal spirits” play in “job creation” is limited to the mantras of “Occupy Wall Street” and the never ending Holy Grail-like quest for the horizon-like goal of “fairness”. Aisle stretchers, environmentally sound, organically grown buckets to carry steam, unicorn ranches, aisle stretchers, vegan undrowned polar bears, raising taxes to “grow” the economy, and bull shit as a business plan is proof that you have zero knowledge of how the world works, it being a world where “stones are hard and water is wet”.
Meanwhile, Good Luck fighting Debbie, Debbie.
Be sure to put your boot in first because she, as the prototypical modern American Liberal, the paradigmatic template against which all pretenders are mentioned, will be coming after you with poison snakes, poison gas, lies, damn lies, and worst of all, statistics.
Viva Midnight Basketball!
Kevin Smith
PS – If modern American Liberals hector us about keeping the government out of our bed rooms why is it OK to let them into our bathrooms?