May 7, 2016
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL33394
MS O’Hara,
Even I know that there are some dudes who give chauvinistic misogyny a bad name. That’s why I turn to modern American Liberal spokesmen-women-people for guidance. Can you help me with the following?
#1 – Should Hillary Clinton become President would it require Congressional approval or would an Executive Order be sufficient for her to be paid as much as her predecessor?
#2 – Is there any truth to the persistent rumor that Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s hair looks like it does not because of her doyenne status of the Medusa fan club but rather because anytime she sees Congressman Alcee Hastings she goes crazy when she remembers that she is paid only 78% of what she is. There is, I am told, a female gene that makes her Rapunzel tresses go corkscrew out of rage for the unfairness of it all.
#3 – All hail the founder of You-Tube be it a he, a she, or an it! It allows you to pick 3 minutes out of a 3 hour opera and binge on it. If there is anything to rival Nessun Dorma it has yet to be written. A strong case could be made for it being a minor proof of the existence of God. There is one little turn in the punch bowl It’s OK to hear it in classic Eye-Tie but the English version is not to be believed. If you think women are made into sex objects by filthy lucre chasing men who are insecure in their own sexuality who need to dominate the horizontal tango –Think Al Goldstein, High Hefner, Bill Clinton, Larry Flint – do not, repeat, do not read the English translation. Please don’t think I am using q Tom Sawyer “paint the fence” ploy. I am not. Its language may be too tough for the fairer sex to read. Just like the Mohammed cartoons are too tough to see.
Maybe it should be banned in any language.
#4 – I read of serial rapists roaming the campuses of Spelman and Morehouse Colleges, America’s premier all Black schools. [I can’t resist the temptation to ask how that would read if one word was to be changed. Run “America’s premier all White schools” up the flag pole and see who salutes.] Do you think the Duke Lacrosse team is on a comeback tour?
#5 – Is there a Tawana Brawley connection? Is the world turned upside down?
Happy Mother’s Day!
Kevin Smith
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