July 17, 2016
Mitchell Berger, Esq.
Berger Singerman
350 Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: Some comments on your egregiously imbecilic mini OP-ED in today’s Sun Sentinel
Mr. Berger,
“I am a member of the Democratic platform committee and
had some involvement in the energy and environment plank.”
The Sun Sentinel
Pray tell, sir, but is that long hand for “I am a moron”?
For any fan of the Trivium, for any believer in the scientific method, for any person who believes that there is a difference between feelings and ideas, a difference that would require 7 League Boots on steroids to span, for anyone who knows that while science is “settled” shouldn’t we keep looking for Ptolemy and Hoyle, for anyone who dares to utter the heretical words “Prove it” when confronted by “Trousered Apes” who revel in GCGWCCCD, your return to the arena where “Ideas Have Consequences” is most welcome. It is like an overload of mental Viagra
“I have watched my party evolve…”
op cit
Does this “evolution” include acknowledging that Andrew Jackson, a Democratic President and a favorite of Arthur Schlesinger, Jr, made Redskin killing an acceptable group activity?
Does this “evolution” include acknowledging that the Democratic Party and the New York Times called Abraham Lincoln, a Republican “.President, a “baboon?
Does this “evolution” include acknowledging the fact that all the Jim Crow laws came about because of Democrat insistence?
Does this “evolution” acknowledge the vile bigotry and strident racism of T. Woodrow Wilson, a Democratic President?
Does this “evolution” acknowledge the fact that Wilson was the first of 3 Democratic Presidents in 48 years -1916, 1940, 1964 – to promise not to “send American boys to fight in foreign wars”?
Does this “evolution” acknowledge the bilious public displays of racism by Vice President Garner, by VP wanabee Sparkman, by Senator Bilbo, by Senator Stennis, by Senator Eastland, by Senator Smathers, by Senator Gore, by Senator Ervin? This is but a partial list but would you believe that they all, every last one of them, are Democrats?
“It is now up to us to embrace the future”
op cit
God’s Holy Trousers but if you actually said that please, please don’t operate heavy equipment or handle sharp objects. Does someone have your power of attorney?
-“Hope and change” had an 8 year run. How is that working out? Of course we must “embrace the future”. What better inanity for mush brained, neddy dunces, people like you, who pledge allegiance to the gravity defying principles of modern American Liberalism. After all, “it’s for the children”, isn’t it?
Please tell me you had a vasectomy. If you haven’t I’ll help pay for it. Shouldn’t that be on Page 1 of Obamacare?
Some housekeeping items:
#1 – Is this the year the Summer of Recovery arrives?
#2 – Have you insisted that associates must use public transit?
#3 – Have you stopped representing either side in waterfront transactions?
#4 – Have you turned off all the A/Cs in your office to undrown the polar bears?
Kevin Smith
PS – GCGWCCCD? GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDestruction.
That’s the chronological chart of the “settled science” as presented by the charlatans and grifters who piss on the backs of the people and tell them it’s rain, you ohmadahn .I will cherish your continuous conflation of causation and correlation as if no one is watching.
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