Saturday, December 31, 2016

December 27, 2016
8 years after being promised hope and change, 8 years after highlighting of a the missing 7 or was it 8 states, 8 years after trying to find the Holy Grail of missing reference tomes – the elusive Austrian-English dictionary, 8 years after trying to find a seas and cooling the planet”, 8 years after setting uncrossable red lines only to have them crossed with no – repeat – no consequences, 8 years after trying to repeal all the laws governing gravity, 8 years of following in the footsteps of 3 other community activists; viz. Lenin, Hitler, and Lennon, President B. Hussein Obama has done something positive.
He has shattered forever the shibboleth that Jews are smart.
Forget about not being smart. How about being Homerically can’t find your ass using both your hands while standing in a phone booth stupid? For a century American Jews have turned their eyes away from the inconvenient truth that modern American Liberals, AKA Democrats, are bigoted racists. Beyond that they are unprincipled, hypocritical bigoted racists.
If we are to believe Justice Thurgood Marshall T. Woodrow Wilson was the worst public servant in the 20th century. What venom he didn’t spray at Blacks he saved for Jews. He premiered “Birth of a Nation” in the White House. He was the first of 3 Presidents in 48 years – all Democrats – to promise not to send American boys to fight in foreign wars. How did that work out?
When the Saint Louis couldn’t land in America with its cargo of 900 Jews the next stop was the train station at Hamburg where the night coach to Auschwitz was held for them. Look it up.
Vice President Garner and Vice President Barkley were not friends of B’nai B’rith. For that matter, Senator Sparkman – Adlai’s running mate – never sat shiva. Ditto for Senator Gore, Senator Ervin, Senator Stennis, Senator Talmadge, Senator Eastland, Senator Smathers, Senator Fullbright, Senator Russell, Senator Bilbo….loyal Democrats all. 
There is a statue of an American Congressman in Israel. He is known as a “righteous gentile” because when President Truman could find no Democrats willing to help him recognize Israel in 1947 he turned to a Republican, Robert Kean of New Jersey. There are no Democrats 
They passed the Davis-Bacon Act, the most anti-Black law passed on the Federal level in the 20th century, and filibustered all the anti-lynching laws. 

I can’t mention Congressman Keith Ellison, a candidate to run the Democratic Party, without giving him a gold medal for hypocrisy. If he ran under hi any his real name, Ibn “Death to the Infidels” Khomeini, he might lose some votes in Fly-Over country.
Thus, when Secretary Jay Forbes Kerry, acting on the direct orders of his boss, ordered Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the UN, to vote “present”, a vote akin to a knife in the back of Israel, it was no big deal. Acorns never fall far from the tree.
You don’t have to like lox, and if you don’t like lox your life is lessened, to know that Israel, along with Athens and Rome, formed the 3 legged stool that became Western Civilization. It is a self-evident fact, empirically observable, that the Judeo-Christian tradition does not admit to any Islamic influences. Period.

 The thought that James Madison was influenced by Mohammed or any other Sheikh of Araby is absurdly offensive and asinine. Any culture that countenances slavery, that allows female genital mutilation, that turns a blind eye to Dancing Boys, that beheads and crucifies Christians, that defenestrates homosexuals, is denied a seat at the table of civilized people.

The next edition of the OED will feature American Jews holding hands singing Kumbaya while pledging allegiance to the Democratic Party under the heading “really, really dumb asses”.

Maybe Barack is smarter than he acts.

He figured that the modern American Liberal Jews wouldn’t notice when he slipped the Israelis industrial strength hemlock. Just like when Woody Allen said his temple was so Reformed that the Cantor was a Nazi.


Kevin Smith

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