February 16, 2017
Res judicata came to pass at Appomattox. The Union was preserved and the slaves were freed thanks to Lincoln who less than a year earlier was called a “baboon” by his 1864 Democratic opponent and his water carrier, the New York Times.
No mention of the Civil War can be made without mentioning and praising the names of Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan. [Permit me to add 2 more to the list that began with Achilles. My father’s father had 2 uncles who fought at Gettysburg with the Irish Brigade. One of them is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”.]
I used a Latin term because, way back when, Latin was mandatory if you wanted to gain an atrium baccalaureate from Yale University. John C. Calhoun was a member of the class of 1804 and, presumptively, familiar with it.
President Kennedy said, “Calhoun was one of the 6 most important Senators in History”.
It was Calhoun who posited the Theory of Nullification. Simply put, hopefully not simplistically, it states that any state can “nullify” any Federal action that its legislature or people find unacceptable for any reason. Can it be a coincidence that Fort Sumter is in Charleston, South Carolina? Why it was left untouched, why it was not leveled like Carthage or Dresden or Nagasaki is beyond me.
Grant pounded them. Sherman made them “howl”. Sheridan starved them. Thus, was the question of nullification settled. As the Chinese say, “That rice is cooked”, a figurative translation of res judicata.
Enter sanctuary cities.
Modern American Liberals, the ones who swear that a goal is not a quota, the ones who think that shitting on a police car in Manhattan is a good way to promote economic justice, the ones who say that while all speech is free some speech is freer than others, the ones who say that circular reasoning is really a parabolic curve, the ones who think tautologies are divinely [NB the lower case] inspired, know that Federal law covering immigration is unjust. It is also immoral, unenforceable, racist, bigoted, sexist, agoraphobic, and just plain mean. Righteous people have no choice but to disobey the law, just like Calhoun said they could.
A good physician knows that while all drugs can be fatal it is the dose that counts.
If you can break 1 Federal law why can’t you break 2? How about 13? 27? 69?
And then we have a ukase that says if Dirty Willy, the man least likely to be chosen as a tent mate, decides he feels like a lady he can use the ladies’ room.
The NFL tells Texas – Texas! – that there will be no more Super Bowls unless uni-sex Johns become the only option.
Forget about using the National Guard to roundup law breaking illegal aliens [“law breaking”? “illegal”? Did I just repeat myself?] Logic would dictate that all urinals must have toilet seats, right?
So everything old is new again.
Many thanks and much praise must go to Sir Arnold Lunn for 2 things:
#1 – He euchred Goebbels and Hitler in 1935 when only Churchill knew what they were.
#2 – He coined the term “eclectic indignation” without which modern American Liberals would be limited to bed wetting, nose picking, and pants shitting.
If Rosie O’Donnell wakes up one day feeling like Duke Wayne will some Judge force Notre Dame to make her wedgie buster on its special teams?
Kevin Smith
PS – “I am the King’s good servant but God’s first” were the last words Thomas More said before the ax hit him. “You have no choice but to send me to jail” is what Gandhi told the Judge who was reluctant to do so. If you can’t live with a law disobey it and accept the consequences. There is always room for one more hero.
Yale university will rename Calhoun College. Does that mean they want to see Federal laws on immigration enforced more vigorously?
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