Friday, June 23, 2017

June 22, 2017

Congressman Cedric Richmond
Kommandant – Congressional Black Caucus
200 Derbigny Street #3200
Gretna, LA 70053

Congressman Richmond,

I don’t know if you succeeded Congressman Livingstone, another Black ladron who would and did steal a hot stove, but if you did you have big boots to fill. 

I consider it a sign of racial progress that corrupt Black legislators are increasing at a rate that Affirmative Action advocates can only dream of.  I daresay the big word exponential could be used. Congresswoman Brown of Florida, she of the clock stopping face and meaner than cat shit demeanor, actually said that she stole money to help her keep her boyfriends.  Then we had Alcee Hastings who, after having his black-robed ass impeached and thrown off the Federal bench, was elected from a “safe” seat, a seat so “safe” that Step-N-Fetchit would have been elected. [It would have been unanimous if OJ had run.] The people of Florida, in their collective wisdom, chose to send a convicted felon to Congress rather than send a naïf who would have been corrupted. It saved the time and uncertainty of the learning curve.

But that’s not why I write.

I am going to show my White-privileged elitism by using some terms from traditional Logic. Logic was first constructed by dead White European males to confuse addled 3rd Worlders. It has worked superbly well for 25 centuries  Buckle up, you tomnoddy.

Once you construct a universal from a particular, say for example the melanin overloaded Professor of Sociology at Trinity College who said “White people are inhuman” and, further, should they be shot, EMTs “should let them fucking die”, you have grievously offend Logic. He was referring to your colleague Congressman Scalise whose only sin was that he had an uncle who used to hum “Old Black Joe”. His father liked Amos & Andy and he was thought to have some Heckle & Jeckle comic books when he was 6. That’s reason enough to shoot his cracker ass and let him die. Plus, his Aunt Scarlett thought that the Davis-Bacon Law was a very good way to keep uppity Nigrahs in their place.  Although the law is 85 years old it is still a touchstone of today’s Democratic Party. Maybe they haven’t told you yet but if the Koch Brothers in congress try to repeal it….yikes….will you get your marching orders, right quick. You will be like a swarthy Horatius at the bridge doing your Massa’s bidding. Count on it. Horatius?

[As an aside, how did 8 years of Hope and Change work out for you and yours? How many of the Brothers are farting through silk while they take their first pre- breakfast sip of their first 40 ouncer? 80 years after public housing - Who can forget the glory days of  Pruitt-Igoe and Currie’s Woods? I can’t – there is still one common denominator: nobody, and I mean nobody, wants to live there. The only contender for Hellhole Housing is called Section 8 Housing. Look it up. Get back to me if I’m wrong.]

This ties into your refusal to meet with President Trump how?

Simple enough, you dunce. 

Here’s a scissors. Cut off your nose. Look in the mirror and say “I told you so.”

Have a press conference and insult the guy with the “juice”. Tell him next time it’s Adios to your orejas, Then your thumbs. Then, finally, your Johnson. That will show him, you betcha. [Sometimes I wonder if the things that melanin deprived Professor Murray are falsely accused of saying just might be true.]

More than 60 years after Brown v Board of Education why can’t Kwame and Keisha read as well as Herschel and Hephzibah? More than 60 years after the hugely successful War on Poverty, a war with treasure wasted and lives lost 10 times, 20 times, the amounts charged to all other wars, why are “you” still poor?

And yet “you” march off like zombies to vote for your slave masters. The only thing dumber is Charley Brown falling for Lucy promising that this time she won’t drop the football. Wait a minute. He comes out of an ink bottle. “You” come out of an unaborted womb.  If you are interested in Black genocide try to figure out why 6% of the population [Black women] accounts for more than 35% of the abortions every year. Talk about Affirmative Action on steroids! No confusion about goals not being quotas there.

If OJ gets sprung next month can H. Rap Brown and Willie Horton be far behind?
Why not try to get them a talk show? OJ can talk about how close he is to finding the real killers, Willie can talk about White racism, and can there be any other kind, and how it made him rape and murder, and Brother Brown can talk about his marvelous book “Die Nigger Die”. Now that Oprah is canoodling with Gayle there is a TV opening for articulate Black folks with an edge. 

If you do get to rap with the big guy tell him how much you enjoyed his Comey tapes shtick. [Jews are everywhere, aren’t they?] Tell him it reminded you of Plato and the fast one he pulled on the world with that Atlantis caper. OK, OK it didn’t go 25 centuries but Trump’s heart was in it.

Kevin Smith

PS – Any chance of an autographed copy of “Die Nigger Die”?

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