Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26, 2017

Fabiola Santiago
The Miami Herald

Abuela Santiago,

I’ve been away awhile so I cOme back with a little trepidation. I thought that the sin of “eclectic indignation”, a sin common to the acolytes worshipping at the shrine of modern American Liberalism, a religion to be found in the 57 or was it 58 states that Barack the Beneficent had discovered, might have been indulgenced away. Silly me! That’s why, had I been born a broad I would have been a big fan of abortion. I would have always been pregnant.

I read in your column in today’s Miami Herald, the one about the Boy Scouts and Trump’s “nasty politics”, about your granddaughter being shocked, shocked about the horror, the horror of an adult using the word “hell” in conversation.

Speaking of little girls being shocked when adults violate their “safe space” and use bad words – Sorry about that James Joyce and Henry Miller – I wonder if you could send me your column about SEIU thugs invading the Wisconsin assembly in 2011? That was the glorious day in participatory democracy when the SEIU community activists went to each female Republican member and said “Go fuck yourself, you miserable fucking cunt”. I remember that because one of my granddaughters asked me about it.

She didn’t ask me about the language but why was the really big guy so mad at the really little lady.

Later on in your column you mention your 7-year-old grandson screaming “that’s nasty, that’s nasty” when watching the Republican convention in 2016. You say you turned the TV off “as if I had been watching porn”. And just think, assuming that that is still possible, Trump wasn’t even the President!

What would have been your reaction a few years earlier if you had to explain to your grandson or your granddaughter what a blow job was and why a President was not just lying about it but perjuring himself about it.

Wait a minute! The last good Republican was Earl Warren and before him it was Abraham Lincoln. Thank God for the Miami Herald scroyles.

Nothing ever changes

Kevin Smith


July 26, 2017

Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a man whose mustache was clipped hourly lest an errant strand mar his visage – it could be said that he was the poster boy for the modern American Liberal sin of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome – once famously [or infamously] said “I will not turn my back on Alger Hiss”.

[Alger Hiss, for those with selective memories, memories predicated on the principles of modern American Liberalism, one of which is “there are no enemies on the Left”, was a superbly educated [Johns Hopkins and Harvard Law School] career Federal civil servant who was a closeted Communist and a Russian spy. He was an ardent New Dealer who handed over U.S. secrets to his Commie masters for a decade. He accompanied the President of the United States to his meeting with Stalin, the Butcher of the Kulaks and one-time Hitler ally and accomplice. While there, and by any means necessary, he made known the plans of his country to his Bolshy masters. And that’s who he was. [Vide Witness and the Venona Papers]

Substitute Imam Awan for Alger Hiss. Substitute Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for Dean Acheson. Guess what?

Imam Awan, a suspected radical Islamist terrorist and an IT and computer employee of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, was arrested as he tried to make a mad dash for the border. He was fired by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz less than 24 hours ago. His first reaction was to get back to Kafiristan, the ancestral home of other technologically attuned radical Islamic terrorists. He is in the federal pokey awaiting arraignment and, hopefully, a one-way ticket to Gitmo, America’s adult Caribbean sleepaway rehab center.

I will bet a dime to a dollar that the first reaction from Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, AKA the paradigm of irenic mAL Medusas, will be straight from her uncle, Sergeant Schultz, America’s favorite Wehrmacht stalag guard. “I know nothing and whatever happened Trump and Putin did it.”

If Debbie had a dick it would be fully and totally in the wringer from which no appendage ever returns.

Alger Hiss can’t be mentioned without mentioning Whittaker Chambers, without mentioning the Pumpkin Papers, without mentioning Royal typewriters, without mentioning bird watching, without mentioning dead Americans, without mentioning treason.

It was, as Winston Churchill said of a different dance, “a time of limitless peril”.

Hiss went to prison where, regrettably, he spent but 4 years, not for treason for which the Rosenberg treatment would have been an option, but for perjury.

Hiss was a stench in the nostrils of honest men and is still a pox on the body politic. He should be disinterred annually and flogged just to make sure he is still dead. A 24 hour, 7 day a week guard, bayonets facing in, should be assigned to his grave to make sure he does not escape like an ideological incubus and infect us mortally’

At least Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, South Florida’s favorite Nazi wanabee book burning thug, doesn’t have a mustache. On the other hand, it might be an improvement.

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 23, 2017

Mary Reidel – Distressed Woman
Mini Op-Ed section
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Chicks get paid less! Some comments on your mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel on the horror, the horror of testicles and the testosterone-laden imbalance of bodies buried at Arlington Cemetery leading to gender discrimination on pay day.

Ms. Reidel;

No wonder wide=bottomed Hillary had such a perpetual sour puss. And here I thought it was due to lack of cross gender horizontal tangoing. Silly me. All along it was the humiliating prospect of being paid 78% of what Obama was paid that gave her that unique suck a lemon, gargle Drano, and Gorilla Glue her soft palate to her tongue that gave her the look that enabled the voters of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin the joy of telling her NO! Hot damn, but I would have been pissed off too.

Do you think I should tell my daughter, an experienced L&D RN, that she is paid 78 % of what Jose, her 5:00 shadow impaired first year contemporary, is paid? She has 3 talented daughters, and who could expect less from my progeny, who will have to make different life choices, no?

Have you addressed the sex-based wage gap that the Sun Sentinel so fiercely defends? If not, why not?

Finally, have you ever considered bangs? I understand the Fall collection of Greek fishermen caps has some interesting models.

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

July 2, 2017

Mary Reidel – President
Women in Distress
1153 S. Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Oh great Logic! How can I offend thee? Let me count the ways. Some comments on your error filled mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Madame President. 

I am glad you beat Wide Bottomed Hillary through the glass ceiling

I am mixing my metaphors because while it is impossible to insult Logic, the crown jewel of the Trivium, you have grievously wounded it. Apparently your time as a student at the Colombia School of Proctology Volunteers never led to a degree.

You say that “gunfire kills 25 children each week” and “what more will it take to convince us about the terrible toll that gun violence is taking on our youngest citizens?”

Did you know that umbrellas cause rain? Alas, I can’t label it invincible ignorance but you are committing the classic modern American Liberal sin of confusing and conflating causation and correlation. Since your genial, high-browed visage suggests that you have no chance of grasping the obvious you are condemned to the nether world of mistaking feelings for ideas.

It almost got Hillary into the White House. At least you’re President of something.

Kevin Smith
July 2, 2017

Ron Klein, Esq.
Holland & Knight
515 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: The History of health care legislation – A “moveable feast” – 1 from column A & 2 from column B as explained by you in today’s mini Op-Ed section in the Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Klein,

God – Am I risking being cited for a hate crime by invoking His name? – is kind to animals and small children in that He blesses them with short memories. To that we can now add modern American Liberals, particularly when it comes to health care legislation.
Simply put, there was no bi-partisan effort at compromise. None whatsoever.

It began in February, 2009.

President Obama took time off from his campaign promise of “cooling the earth and calming the seas” to have 60 Republican members of Congress over to the White House. He greeted the guests with the Chicago gambit of “Shit in your hat, pull it down over your ears ‘cuz you look good in brown”. He then said. “Listen up you red neck cracker peckerheads! There was an election. I won. You lost. Get used to it, you swine.”

Then there were briberies that would have made Dem pols in Hudson County and Cook County both proud and envious. [Vide – Louisiana and Nebraska] Then he told egregious lies to Congressmen from Michigan and Wisconsin.

Who the Hell needed Republicans?

The classic codicil was when Nancy Pelosi – Is she off her meds or is she starting to bury her own Easter eggs full time? It’s time for a new episode of the Honeymooners’, right? – said, “We’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it.”

God’s Holy Trousers but that’s what happened, remember?

Kevin Smith

PS – A bit of New Jersey pride is about to be proclaimed. Congressman Robert Kean [R-NJ], in addition to be one of the first Americans to be proclaimed a “righteous gentile” by the state of Israel, was proclaimed “Mr. Social Security” by Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR knew the need for bi=partisanship when passing immense social legislation. You may wish to take a peek at the civil rights legislation of the ‘60s. They would not have passed the Senate save for the Republican minority. It’s OK to name a building after Senator Russell [D-GA] and nuclear ships of the line after Senator Stennis [D-MS] and Congressman Vinson [D-GA] but if it weren’t for Senator Case and Senator Javits and Senator Dirsken and Senator Hruska and Senator Scott and Senator Smith  the damn things wouldn’t have passed. You may remember or you could look it up that Senator Irvin and Senator Gore and Senator Fulbright took a pass on it.