Tuesday, July 18, 2017

July 2, 2017

Ron Klein, Esq.
Holland & Knight
515 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: The History of health care legislation – A “moveable feast” – 1 from column A & 2 from column B as explained by you in today’s mini Op-Ed section in the Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Klein,

God – Am I risking being cited for a hate crime by invoking His name? – is kind to animals and small children in that He blesses them with short memories. To that we can now add modern American Liberals, particularly when it comes to health care legislation.
Simply put, there was no bi-partisan effort at compromise. None whatsoever.

It began in February, 2009.

President Obama took time off from his campaign promise of “cooling the earth and calming the seas” to have 60 Republican members of Congress over to the White House. He greeted the guests with the Chicago gambit of “Shit in your hat, pull it down over your ears ‘cuz you look good in brown”. He then said. “Listen up you red neck cracker peckerheads! There was an election. I won. You lost. Get used to it, you swine.”

Then there were briberies that would have made Dem pols in Hudson County and Cook County both proud and envious. [Vide – Louisiana and Nebraska] Then he told egregious lies to Congressmen from Michigan and Wisconsin.

Who the Hell needed Republicans?

The classic codicil was when Nancy Pelosi – Is she off her meds or is she starting to bury her own Easter eggs full time? It’s time for a new episode of the Honeymooners’, right? – said, “We’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it.”

God’s Holy Trousers but that’s what happened, remember?

Kevin Smith

PS – A bit of New Jersey pride is about to be proclaimed. Congressman Robert Kean [R-NJ], in addition to be one of the first Americans to be proclaimed a “righteous gentile” by the state of Israel, was proclaimed “Mr. Social Security” by Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR knew the need for bi=partisanship when passing immense social legislation. You may wish to take a peek at the civil rights legislation of the ‘60s. They would not have passed the Senate save for the Republican minority. It’s OK to name a building after Senator Russell [D-GA] and nuclear ships of the line after Senator Stennis [D-MS] and Congressman Vinson [D-GA] but if it weren’t for Senator Case and Senator Javits and Senator Dirsken and Senator Hruska and Senator Scott and Senator Smith  the damn things wouldn’t have passed. You may remember or you could look it up that Senator Irvin and Senator Gore and Senator Fulbright took a pass on it.

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