December 10, 2017
“Mayor” Commissioner Beam Furr
115 S. Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: Climate Change, “settled science”, and why do modern American Liberals always want more power? Some comments on your mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel
“Mayor” Commissioner Furr,
Pop Quiz
What ended the last Ice Age?
Global Warming. Honest. You could look it up.
Speaking of “settled science”, Ptolemy’s version of the universe was “settled” for 15 centuries. What “unsettled” it? Hint. Google Galileo.
Since we all know that sea levels are rising – Think stone crabs cavorting in the Sawgrass Mall by next June – do you have Plan B for dealing with dropping water front property values and the concomitant drop in tax revenues? Do you think mortgage applicants should be apprised of the certain risk of their indentured property becoming a manatee refuge? Why should the Feds insure water front property?
Other than being compared to the world’s tallest midget or the 3rd largest non-commercial building in Wichita, what does the “Mayor” of Broward County do?
Kevin Smith
PS – I know life ain’t easy for a boy named Sue. How about Beam?
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