February 25, 2018
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
Ms. O’Hara,
Speaking of “I’m From the Government and I’m Here to Help You,” it is obvious that the Koch Brothers, rapacious stalkers of mammon and filthy lucre, unlike George Soros and Tom Steyer, have infiltrated the Sun Sentinel. All people of good will know the deep government is filled who people who really, really believe that Midnight Basketball will work if given proper direction and adequate funding. Also, and predicated on a government program to make lions vegan, a plethora of lambs will be lined up around the block volunteering to cuddle with Leo or Leona.
They are the same people calling for a draft to fill up the ranks, the decimated ranks, of the hugely successful War on Poverty.
The Sun Sentinel, a paper that has never seen a tax that couldn’t be raised or a stifling regulation that can’t be made more stifling – After all, it’s for the children – would never knowingly permit headlines such as the ones discussed below. It’s obvious that someone took over the printing room.
#1 – “Tax Office Was Ripe For Fraud” – Men are not angels and we will always have crooks but this was an interesting scam. All such scams are predicated on the assumption that nobody is looking. It is easier to run a scam on the government because when failure isn’t punished and success can’t be rewarded there is no reason for the big dog to get off the porch and hunt. He’s going to eat regardless. 3 cheers for the insurance company because save for the $10,000 deductible they will eat the $2,400,000.
#2 – “Lease Dispute Could Shutter Butterfly World” says Dan West, Broward County Parks Director. Based on his statement to the Sentinel he is obviously an Affirmative Action hire under the category of developmentally disabled adult.
“We believe Butterfly World brings in substantial revenue,
making it a profit-making business not a charity.”
God’s Holy Trousers but only a practicing modern American Liberal equates revenue with profit. Using that parameter, it is time, indeed past time, to break up the post office. It would take repeated bastinado sessions to get him to understand the difference between gross and net. Why there wasn’t revenue sharing in the original lease is further proof that the landlord, absent a profit motive, had no interest other than getting the rent paid. That’s what happens when a not for profit landlord negotiates. For 30 years the butterfly people had a great run. Now Broward County wants more $. They say they will take over the business. Think Post Office. Think AMTRAK. Think the airport deal from 20 years ago. Think about the Broward County Commission making fools of themselves in a desperate attempt to give Black man a hotel 20 years ago. Think about the deal for the ice rink where the Panthers play. Think about the coming screwing on Marlins stadium.
If you put these slugs in charge of the beach they would be importing sand in 6 months.
Let the butterflies go. Free the buggers. It’s the only chance they have.
#3 – “578 Mailed-In Ballots Arrive Too Late To Count” – Is Mel Brooks scripting this? Is this from a lost Seinfeld episode? Beckett? Ionesco? It took 28 days to get an absentee ballot from the Post Office. I count my working legs on one finger but in 28 days I could circumnavigate this county. After all, I only have 3 titanium joints.
Will anyone have his sad sack, sorry ass fired? Don’t be silly. The union would go bonkers.
Columnist Margaret Carlson said it was OK that absentee ballots not getting here from GIs serving overseas was OK because they were “tax cheats”. That is not the case here. It’s a case of common incompetence and since there is no punishment we can say it is rewarded. Plus, they get to do it again. What a country!
My question is simple.
How did these stories, stories that suggest that government agencies probably couldn’t find their collective asses using both their hands if they were in a phone booth, get into the Sun Sentinel? Bribery? Blackmail? Or did you just hire a bunch of people from the Welfare Department? Maybe the Italianate hand of Steve Bannon can be seen. If I were you I would put Lee Atwater on the list of usual suspects, the ones to be rounded up.
Kevin Smith