January 31, 2018
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
Ms. O’Hara,
Just as Nancy Pelosi, she of the perpetually abysmal mug, said mug being stretched both tight and taut, of woeful countenance, about a half a bubble off plumb, is about to enter a room filled with mirrors showing her the way to discover some new episodes of “The Honeymooners” as she learns that plaids and stripes do go quite well together when she buries her own Easter eggs, I am a quarter step away from endorsing Dean Trantalis for Mayor of Fort Lauderdale.
As I read your editorial endorsing Dino I sang a minor te deum that I was exposed early and often to Samuel Johnson. It was, as the great doctor was wont to say, “the triumph of hope over experience”.
Your endorsement of him says he is committed to “smart growth”. What in the name of “shovel ready jobs” leading to a never ending “Summer of Recovery” is “smart growth”? Have any candidates sworn allegiance to “dumb growth”?
What special traits are required to be a predictor of “smart growth”? Is “dumb growth” personified by philandering or being a toss-pot? A still dead DWEM asked “Quis custodes custodiet”? 20 centuries ago. A good question then; a good question now.
Was the sale/leaseback of airport property 20 years ago “smart growth”?
The Broward Board of Education indentured the people of Broward County for the capital amount of $700,000,000 for 30 years without having filled out the “use of proceeds” page. And why didn’t we get to vote on the interest? Do you know anyone with an interest free 30-year mortgage? Send up a flare if you find one. Then take your money out of the bank that made the mortgage. Assuming 5% for 30 years the total tab will be in excess of $1,750,000,000. That’s one billion seven hundred and fifty million dollars. Smart,no?
Speaking of “smart growth”, if someone wants to spend his own money to build something and is able to convince someone else to help him finance it where does it give some faceless apparatchik the right to say nyet?
But I digress.
The main reason Dino should be Mayor is because it is past time for Broward County to assert its role as the spear point of modern American Liberalism. With the exceptions of Zabar’s at noon on a cool Sunday morning or the courtyard at La Maison Streisand when the wetbacks, Dreamers all, are flogged for not straining organically raised, gluten free, quinoa-laced, orange juice, there is no place north of Havana and Caracas that is more progressive than Broward County.
No proof beyond manatee suffrage and the voting support that Doctor Mengele would get in any Democrat primary contest is required. His forward views on women’s rights, with abortion being the main one, are well known and appreciated here.
It is time for a People’s Republic of Broward, first in Fort Lauderdale and then on to Light House Point before moving across county lines to Opa Locka and Belle Glades.
Let Fort Lauderdale show us the way!
As Michelle Obama, she of the $4,000 a week raise that she got when her husband went advising street urchins not to bring knives to gun fights to becoming a Senator says, “All we have is hope.” [Let the record show that Chicago’s murder rate began to rival Kabul’s when the feral Black youth of Cook County took his advice]
Dino’s pajama boy campaign advisor was caught exercising his First Amendment rights by denying others theirs. That’s SOP for modern American Liberals. If he tells the police who were investigating trespassing, theft, and destruction of personal property to “Go fuck themselves” I can’t wait ‘til he becomes Dino’s information officer.
Happy days will soon be upon us.
Kevin Smith
PS – Which “lobbyists and special interests” will be shunned? NARAL? SEIU? NAMBLA?
Fair Play for Cuba? Short of tearing up the First Amendment how does he plan on stopping them? Which “wasteful spending” will he cut? How much? How big a bond issue will he try to bring to the market? Will he find pro bono lawyers to prepare the prospectus?
Will he find not for profit brokerage firms to sell it? Will he have to have a second term before we have lambs volunteering to spend the night with the lions? Does Medicare cover a suite at Bedlam to watch this unfolding raree? Orwell. Mel Brooks. Swift. The 3 Stooges. “A Confederacy of Dunces”. Fingernails on the blackboard. And quietly keeping score, “the Gods of the Copybook Headings will make their entries.
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