March 7, 2018
Randy Schultz
RE: Check the last line of my “rant”, as you call them, for the solution to the populi, reptiles all, voxing as you defiantly and with some lachrymosity talk of our deplorable shortcomings and the “unfairness” of it all in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.
Tovarich Schultz,
“Florida wants a ban on military-style firearms and high-capacity magazines…”. Florida’s voters also wanted to ban same-sex marriage, remember?
One of the great benefits of being a card-carrying, fire-breathing modern American Liberal – “eclectic indignation” – is that it enables you to pick and choose which public mood swing to support. Better yet, it enables you to forget or forgive sins depending on who committed them. That’s why the “Permanent Things” are so very alien to you and your fellow travelers on the ideologically and morally bankrupt Left.
“Florida wants more help for traditional schools.” That’s inside baseball talk for more money, right? By that standard, the greatest school system in the universe is found in Washington, D.C. Nobody nowhere and at no time spends more money per student than is spent in D.C. Logic would dictate that the high schools should be churning out not just National Merit Scholars but Nobel Prize winners, right? The sound you hear is the other shoe dropping. Since 1993, 8 children of Presidents have been eligible to matriculate at the really fine D.C. schools. None of the parents chose to send them there. Do you know why? More money means better schools, right?
You say that “Teachers tend to vote for Democrats”. That is as classic an example of rational self-interest as you will see in the public arena. Modern American Liberals don’t care about results. Their only immutable standard is effort and expectations. You can use either Lucy holding the football or Sisyphus and that God Damn rock. Democrats favor a safety net for the less than great teacher. It’s called tenure. Tell me again how paying a less than great teacher more money will make him a better teacher.
Being a modern American Liberal, particularly in the matter of education, means you get to combine two of the shining stars of mAL life: #1 - Utopia & #2 – the horizon. The literal translation of #1 is “nowhere” and #2 is quite unreachable. Perfect together.
You say that the rat bastard Speaker “Corcoran rammed through another education monstrosity that undercut public education”.
Do you think he took a cue from Nancy Pelosi when she “rammed through” a medical monstrosity? That was the one that Obama said would save the average family $200 a month on premium costs. Some would say, not I, that $200 a month is but mere “crumbs”, to which I apply my Bayonne maxim, “If it fell off the table would I pick it up or leave it for the sweeper?” 2 Benjamins every 30 days. I’m picking it up.
[Speaking of Nancy, I know that she is close to being in the 1% of the 1% so money is not a problem but if she has one more face lift she will be peeing through her navel. Somebody should tell her.]
You mention “bullying” as a Right-Wing ruse to bring God back to schools. I have a solution for “bullying: that worked when my daughter was 9. Her youngest is now 13. Send a SASE.
Speaking of insurance costs…you say “Floridians would also like a break from ever-rising insurance costs”.
Have you ever heard a single Mom, usually an inner-city woman of color with a child whose only chance of not becoming a gang-banging feral thug is a good Ritalin program and the palliative effects of Midnight Basketball, complain about rising insurance premiums? When you find one send up a flare.
The people who complain are overwhelmingly rich White males who use a highly subsidized type of insurance to let their property despoil nature and have poor people pay part of their premiums. That’s not right, is it? And nobody says Jack Shit about it.
As promised, here is the solution.
Kevin Smith
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