April 15, 2018
Mayor Gary Resnick
2020 Wilton Drive
Wilton Manors, FL 33305
RE: Hate crimes as bemoaned by you in your mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel.
Mayor Resnick,
Is your intolerance, I daresay hatred, of “ignorance, hatred, and bigotry” fine- tuned only when said evils are aimed at gays?
What if I were to be walking in your fine city, a place known for its “inclusivity”, when I stumbled on a left-handed lisping Lithuanian lumberjack upon whom I used my unlicensed assault cudgels – as if there were any other kind – about his head and shoulders in a most felonious manner. If I were to call him a predatory Sodomite – a la the great Lord Keynes until he was almost 30 and that’s a horse of a different color – who had been exiled from Gomorrah because of his fondness for CafĂ© Curtains and his devotion to the manly smell of Brut? Would my felony be made worse?
I don’t know your academic background but your condemnation of people using the word “Queen” – with the obvious exception, I hope, I hope, of talking about Victoria or either of the Elizabeths – suggests that Alice saying “those words mean exactly what I want them to mean” is, for you, from terra incognita.
Is Spencer’s “Faerie Queene” banned from the library in “inclusive” Wilton Manors?
Two hate crime words in the same sentence. Why not take a peek at what Shakespeare meant when Hamlet told Ophelia “to get thee to a nunnery”? Your police will be busy, busy.
“The best law will not stop people from attacking fill in the blanks”.
Perhaps T.S. Eliot’s take on evil might help. Send a SASE for the exact reference Which brings us back to the original Dr. J.
“How sad of all the things that men endure
how few laws or kings can cause or cure
Kevin Smith
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