June 22, 2020
Judge Clay Jenkins, a registered Democrat, is an elected County Judge in Texas. He proves a point made by Ulysses Grant. “The best way to get rid of a bad law is to enforce it.”
Texas has a law which says that the presiding/assignment/senior Judge can exercise political power while keeping his robe on and his gavel handy. That means he can enter the political arena, the one where decisions are made and are subject to public review and criticism. Public criticism. 4 letter words. Envelopes labeled decorum, good taste, and civility were/are stretched past bursting. “Free men speaking with free tongues” was good advice when given by a wounded veteran of the first war against the bad guys who made up the first Taliban.
I saw the mother of a Congressman punch a heckler in Bayonne, NJ. She, he, the heckler, and the Republic survived.
It’s easy, even in Texas, to have your cake and to eat it too. It is impossible, a word seldom used in Texas, to eat your cake and have it.
The Judge, who has someone tell everyone in the Court Room to stand up because he is entering, suffers from Stage 4 – possibly Stage 5 which is out where the regular buses don’t run - “Non-olfactory fecal matter syndrome”. That means for those who lack an elitist education, one that reeks of White privilege and power, his shit doesn’t stink.
Stop the Presses
I just heard Congressman Hakeem Jeffries [D-NY] a bug-eyed true believer in raising taxes and the minimum wage as a sure way to cut back on Black abortions, say that AG Barr is acting as the President’s personal lawyer.
Perhaps he could take some time out from franchising Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ attempts to make looting – “alternative shopping” in her Ebonics class – eligible for student loans to explain the difference between AG Barr being the President’s lawyer and AG Holder being the P resident’s “wing man”.
It’s an open book test. Take your time, you fucking moron.
Like Trollope, the obvious must be stated. Like Orwell, things at the end of your nose must be restated. Holder worked for Obama. Barr works for Trump. “Water is wet; stones are hard…”
Before lymphomas and Keytruda caused me to seek refuge in Texas, I was a proud non-Eyetie member of the Friday goombah lunch club at Caffe Europa on Los Olas in Fort Lauderdale. Frank Paladino, a name synonymous with cement and Manhattan – the one on the Hudson, not the one in Kansas, has many sterling qualities. He introduced me to Dave Podell, MD for which he is granted a major life-time indulgence for any and all peccadilloes.
He has a gift with the spoken word that would cause a McKellan or an Olivier to look up. When he sys “fucking moron” he paints the lily of sneerdom and contempt. There is neither comeback nor riposte for or to it. Once the white-hot iron is applied there in no mulligan. Once a fucking moron, always a fucking moron
Which brings us back to Judge Jenkins.
A trait common to fucking morons everywhere is that they must proclaim, publicly and perpetually, that they are fucking morons.
Most mornings, his Lordship leaves his throne room and says to himself that there’s no sense in being a half-assed fucking moron when being a full breasted fucking moron is such a simple step.
Yo Frankie! When was the last time you were in Texas? A target of Homeric proportions awaits. A Texas-sized ass whupping awaits a Texas-sized fucking moron. Your country needs you
Kevin Smith
PS – Speaking of fixed elections, did you know that the Vietnam Wall in DC, the one with the names off those dead Americans, begins in Duval County, Texas. That’s where Landslide Lyndon and Abe Fortas stole the primary election in 1948 that ultimately put LBJ in the White House and those names on the Wall. Honest Injun. Look it up
Great news from Fighting Blue Hen, Delaware. Sleepy Joe Biden just completed 3 days of successful bowel movements. By his guiding templates that means his pants were off, he was sitting on the toilet, and he did not wipe his ass with his underwear. He will get an extra custard for that. No one knows how he got the card that says “You are invited to eat shit and die.”
Since it is now OK to tear down statues – that’s like burning a book, isn’t it? – can we have a do over on Christmas, 1864? This time let’s have Sherman turn right at Charleston rather than left..He captured 1,000 cannon, all large bore weapons, with ample ammunition .5 rounds from each weapon starting from the town hall and working in and out for 2 hours should do it. After all, those red necked goobers, pre-Trump supporters all, started the fucking war, didn’t they?
After the 3rd Punic War The Romans, more than a little pissed off, killed all the Carthaginians, leveled the city, and salted the earth. When was the last time you heard any lip from those feral WOGs?
Plymouth solved its witch problem before it got totally out of hand. Massachusetts is bad enough what with all those Kennedys and Senator Lieawatha. I mean Howie Carr ain;t Superman.
And yes, November is important unless you want the boobies to run the hatch.
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