January 11, 2008
Tom Moran
The Star Ledger
Star Ledger Plaza
Newark, New Jersey 07102-1200
RE: And this year’s savior is…is…Senator Salama Bahama. I wonder if reading your column this morning is the same as touching the hems of their garments? If only their shadow would fall upon me.
Mr. Moran,
Some mornings you’re better than gin.
Your report of the conversation between the junior Senator from Illinois and the Newark wunderkind was like a dose of anti-Beta blockers.
That it predictably heralded “the triumph of hope over experience” was to be expected. Some people just never let you down.
One thing.
As card carrying modern American Liberal, a man who agonizes over his carbon footprint, I know you use mass transit. Here’s a reading assignment for you.
“They [Obama & Booker] steer clear of ideological fights
and conflicts. They focus on solving problems.”
Have you ever heard of the Davis-Bacon Act? It was passed by a Democratic Congress [with New England Republican help] and signed into law by an enthusiastic Democratic President. That it was the most racist piece of Federal legislation of the 20th century there is no doubt or debate. [Kind of like Global Warming]
Senator Obama goes out of his way to proclaim his support for it. It’s one constant effect, an effect that is more than 70 years old, is to make it deuced difficult for inner city youth – actually that ‘s a polite way of saying unemployed and unemployable [in case you haven’t noticed the schools don’t work] Black youth soon to be classified as “feral” – to get a job.
Why would a “clean, articulate” man, to quote Senator Biden, he of Chia pet hair, support a law whose intended effect is to keep Black folk in second class citizen mode? If there is a Logical reason it escapes me. Anything “escaping” a kid from Bayonne is irritating.
Your mission, should you accept it, is to read up on Davis-Bacon and then ask the “clean, articulate” Mayor of Newark why he doesn’t scream from the steps of City Hall for its repeal.
If Senator Bahama becomes President Mayor Booker will have, as is said in New Jersey circles, a “marker” on him.
Tell him to cash it in and get this abominable racist law repealed.
Get back to me on your progress with this.
Your next assignment will be to read about other successful “surges” in American History. The first two will be Sherman’s and “line abreast’ through Belleau Wood.
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