Monday, February 18, 2008

New York Times & grammar

February 16, 2008

Dom Van Natta, Jr. & Jo Becker

The New York Times

229 West 43rd Street

New York, New York 10036

RE: Democrats Look For A Way To Avoid Convention Rift – UGH!

Mr. Van Natta & Ms. Becker,

Just for the wonderfully egregious theater it will provide I hope they go after each other with daggers, grenades, harpoons, dreaded assault weapons, and flaming bags of blivit up to and through the convention.

But that’s not why I write.

What happened to blue pencils on 43rd Street? Has Fowler been banned? Have Strunck & White become 4 letter words?

“None have endorsed a candidate…”

Have endorsed? How could you? How could the two of you! “None has endorsed…” None is a collective noun. In the 3rd person present tense the verb always ends with the letter ‘s’.

Coming from The New York Times it’s like a fart in church.

When Murdoch takes over and just after he defenestrates anybody left in the building named Sulzberger he’ll be coming after you. Then he’ll turn the building into Section 8 housing, perhaps a SRO hotel, or maybe a sanctuary for transgendered, anti-supply siders who still think Alger Hiss got a rotten deal and Walter Duranty should keep his star on the wall in your lobby. Don’t forget that Franco and Nixon still suck. Oh yeah, women should play in the Masters’ Invitational, also.

What Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, and the vast Right-Wing conspiracy couldn’t do you did.

Like I said…UGH!

CCs – Arthur Krock, Arthur Dailey, Red Smith, William Safire

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