February 8, 2008
Memo to the files: “Super Delegates” – What’s wrong with this picture or why there is still hope for Mike Gravel and when did Loni Guinier get on the Supreme Court of the United States?
At least the Florida hanging chads of 2000 weren’t lynched. One of the treacley modern American Liberal mantras – I know, I know they’re all treacley – was “One man, one vote” and its stirring codicil “Make every vote count and count every vote”. Twice in Hudson County, Cook County, and Landslide Lyndon Johnson country. Three times if necessary
“I was unable to lay my finger on the passage in the Constitution” that says New Hampshire gets to vote first. The Florida Legislature, a bi-cameral institution whose elections would get the approval of Clod Carter, the Plains Poltroon, voted to change the date of the primary. “Not fair”, say the John Cheever stereotypes up North. “You’re right”, say the scroyles who run the Democratic Party.
The penalty was simple.
Florida voters are disenfranchised at the Democratic convention this year.
The Constitution of the United States says that each state may set the rules for elections in its state.
The Democratic Party overturned the Constitution of the United States and the will of the people of Florida as expressed in a vote of the Florida Legislature, said vote being signed into law by the duly elected Governor of Florida. These same jackanapes hector us that our laws should comply with the UN, with the World Court, and soon, very soon, with what some towel headed mullah named Judge Abu Mullah Shariah rules on cliteroidectomies, floggings, beheadings, stonings, and cartoons.
The Supreme Court decided a case, Baker v Carr, in 1962.
Baker, a Tennessee Republican, sued Carr, the Tennessee Democratic Secretary of State because Tennessee had not altered the geographical boundaries of its legislative districts since 1901. Baker said the effect of that was to dilute his vote to absurdity. The argument that cows should not have a voice in the legislative process made some sense then. Now some of the Broward County modern American Liberal swells want to have manatee suffrage.
The Supreme Court agreed.
The principle of “One man, one vote” became the law of the land.
Except in Florida.
“But wait”, like the TV pitch man says, “there’s more”.
Florida has no say at the Democratic Convention because “men in council rooms far apart” so decided. Even if they had not the Florida vote would still be watered like light beer. [Let some candidate try to outlaw that and he will my money, my support, and my vote.] “Super delegates” have that effect. They weren’t elected; they were “chosen”.
Continuing its tradition of bigotry the Democratic Party euchred the rank and file saps into accepting “Super Delegates”. Has anybody ever heard of the House of Lords? Didn’t we and the Brits have a dustup over that a few centuries back?
Somehow, somewhere, in a very strange Secret Conclave manner, certain people, people who I know wear masks and sacrifice animals, choose other people to have a vote equal to those who got their vote the old fashioned way; they were elected. Elections are noisy, nasty things. That’s why they are good. That’s why people want to come here. That’s why you “never see anybody swimming to Cuba”. The dictum “Free men speak with free tongues” still hold true 25 centuries after it had its first run.
People in power, particularly Democratic caudillos, cannot live with what the people decide at the polls. The people must be guided; they must be informed; they must be made to know what is good for them. They can vote but it doesn’t really count unless they vote the correct way.
Quien sabe as to what criteria are used in choosing the chosen few – vegan, age, cholesterol, race, premature anti-waterboarding, school busing…Whoever knows ain’t talking.
Goals, not quotas. Just like Affirmative Action.
Who gets to pick the people who pick?
Quis custodes custodiet?
Which brings us back to Baker v Carr, hanging chads, photo IDs, Willie Horton, voter intimidation, voter empowerment, Hillary channeling Eleanor about White House swordsmen, and speaking of wars without an exit strategy how about the one on Poverty, Camelot [not the play but the reality series] and how the Hell did someone as bigoted and racist as John Sparkman get to run with Adlai Stevenson and why isn’t KKKKleagle Robert Byrd driven from the Senate by men with dogs and whips and why doesn’t Mike Gravel get a fair shot at the brass ring?
Democrats and their flunky media lap dogs are blessed by an absence of memory be it short term or long. That, plus “eclectic indignation”, allows them to remember “with advantages” while they forget with convenience. Undeterred by facts and unruffled by the evidence of their own eyes they are welded together by a belief in a gravity defying utopian system “that will be so perfect that no one will have to be good”.
They just don’t care. They just want to be in charge.
It’s a formula that’s worked before.
Who says it won’t work this November?
Meanwhile Florida makes the news again. It is announced that Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who saved us from Ronald Reagan by ending the Cold War and tearing down the Berlin Wall, will be at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino for one night only April 16th. Talk about filling inside straights!
“Because a wolf shows you his teeth it doesn’t mean he is smiling at you” was sound advice on the steppes pre-Lenin and the wonders of scientific socialism. “Keep your ax handy” was pretty good too.
I think Billary and Bahama Salama are going to behave like a pair of hungry badgers fighting over a lamb. I think the Super Delegates may be coming up to a place called Hobson’s Choice. I think Bill and Hillary will go the Thelma and Louise route if their wishes are not fulfilled.
Let the TV writers stay on strike.
These narcissistic – scratch that - solipsistic frauds are on the old slippery slope that will make Hugo Chavez look good. Talk about a chilling effect on Western Civilization! Robert Mugabe will send observers to the Democratic convention. The boys in Burma will ask why we’re picking on them.
Never bring a knife to a gun fight. Bet on the bitch.
I love it.
Can it get much better than this?
How about Handsome Billy from Hot Springs playing his saxophone for Fatima Obama?
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