Monday, March 10, 2008

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

March 9, 2008

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

10100 Pembroke Pines Boulevard

Pembroke Pines, Florida 33028

Congressperson Wasserman-Schultz,

I just watched you talking to Brit Hume on Fox – Here’s a strange thought. Senator Clinton won’t talk to them. You are a big time mahac in her campaign. If you can talk to the enemy why can’t she? – about the Florida primary or the Florida non-primary or perhaps the Florida “Mulligan” primary or, maybe better put, The Great Florida Primary Clusterf**k.

Several points.

#1 – You say this is “the most important election in our lifetime”. I heard that in 1960 when Eleanor Roosevelt said it. She backed Adlai Stevenson. I heard it in 1964. I was told that if Barry Goldwater won we would have 500,000 men in Vietnam and race riots. Boy oh boy but am I glad that I didn’t vote for him. I heard it in 1980…but I digress. The only good thing Peckerhead Carter did was make it easy for the Great Reagan to mop up the mess that Jimmuh made. Speaking of Carter have you read his book on Israel and Apartheid?

#2 – You said that the hoist on one’s own petard fiasco now playing was foisted on Florida ‘by the Republican legislature and the Republican Governor”. Back in my other life civil fraud could be committed by omitting a material fact, that is to say you could lie by not saying something. You lied by not saying that the legislation to move the date was co-sponsored by a Democrat. Before it got to the Republican Governor for his signature the vote in both Houses was but one shy of unanimous. Exactly one Democrat voted against it. Either your former colleagues in both Houses were asleep at the switch or acquiesced in its passage. Either way you told a lie. Maybe that’s why you feel so comfortable with Hillary who couldn’t lie straight in bed.

#3 – Based on my past experiences with you I don’t think you are too familiar with James Madison. He’s the little guy for whom the capitol of Wisconsin was named. He did good work in Philadelphia one hot summer a long, long time ago. I’ll borrow part of a sentence he wrote years later. “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that part of the Constitution that says” New Hampshire has to go first. Would the heavens have crumbled if they didn’t? Why, for a political party that prides itself on being the first to overthrow traditions and one that shows contempt for the “permanent things”, did they put their private parts into the grinder?

#4 – You were quite engaging when you phumfered on Brit Hume’s question “What now”? You sounded like you had your teeth upside down and in backwards as you tried to explain how you were going to square the circle. Nice touch.

#5 – Should Senator B. Hussein Obama wind up as a tenant in largest one family, multistoried dwelling on the register of public housing I hope that you will join with the other tenants of public housing in Washington, D.C. and demand that his daughters go to one of the very fine public grammar schools in the District. It’s OK that your kids don’t go to public schools here but the President should be held to a different standard, don’t you think?

#6 – I am enclosing a copy of a letter I sent to Michael Mayo of the Sun-Sentinel this morning. Since it covers the same subject I thought it might be of interest to you.

#7 – Love your hair. Don’t ever change it.

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