Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Senator Charles Schumer

March 18, 2008

Senator Charles Schumer

One Park Place

Peekskill, New York 10566

RE: Sticks and stones may break my bones but…

Senator Chuckie,

I have heard you in the last 2 days, in your typically engaging New York modern American Liberal style of “rhetorical incontinence”, persiflaging on and on about the travails of the capital markets.

It was the normal yada-yada caca until you said that President Bush was like President Hoover. That put your toes up on the line of the politics of personal destruction. If you really wanted to heap the billingsgate on our beloved President you would have compared him to President Carter.

President Hoover’s faults were mostly limited to these shores. President Carter’s bill of indictment as the worst President of the 20th century includes many foreign misadventures. That’s why he was/is/shall be known as the “Putz from Plains”.

Thank you for your restraint.

Also, you said “staunch” when you meant to say “stanch”.

No big deal. After all, it is close enough for government work.

S – If memory serves you had some past difficulties with “putz”. If you are still unclear of its meaning send a SASE.

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