Sunday, September 27, 2009

Carl Hiaasen The Miami Herald

September 27, 2009

Carl Hiaasen
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: Live sighting confirmed. Now what?

Mr. Hiassen,

Yesterday, around 2:00 PM, I serendipitously encountered a group of what you would call “beet faced droolers”. They were at the corners of Oakland Park Boulevard and what native Floridians, with the obviously ingenious Tequestas excluded, call Federal Highway.

I heard no Wagner. I saw no goose stepping. No one was waving a little red book. I saw no Trotskyites. No one was doing a Robert Byrd impression with the white sheets, the pointed hoods, and the burning crosses. There were no children there chanting “Barack Hussein Obama, we love you dear leader”.

One of the non-ACORN protestors was carrying a neatly printed sign that said



Please advise.

Your favorite Broward County
“beet faced drooler”

Kevin Smith

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