Wednesday, September 2, 2009

David Bositis Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies

September 1, 2009

David Bositis
Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies
1090 Vermont Avenue NW #1100
Washington, D.C. 20005-4928

RE: Say what?

Mr. Bositis,

“…it’s perfectly fine if a white mayor gets elected with black support.
On the other hand, it’s not a good sign if you have
a white candidate getting elected with white votes.
It’s an indication of polarization.”

That solves the mystery of how joint came to be in your title. It must have taken some really powerful loco weed to cobble that sentence together.

Do you think Lani Guinier is coming back to the White House? She would be an ideal fit for the currently vacant position of Czarina of Minority Rights and Wrongs.

If I read your ramblings correctly it is OK for whites to vote for blacks. It’s OK for blacks to vote for whites. It is a moral imperative for blacks to vote for blacks. But if whites vote for whites God in His Heaven will be offended to the point of divine retribution. Perhaps an answer to the mystery surrounding Global Warming is at hand.

For saying something so egregiously stupid that you have caused the tides to stumble I bestow a most prestigious title on you.

David Bositis is hereby anointed


Kevin Smith

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