Sunday, April 11, 2010

Michael Mayo The Sun-Sentinel

April 6, 2010

Michael Mayo
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Say what? – Why the laws governing gravity no longer apply to eddykation and why the smarmy bastards who run the schools should be made to run a gauntlet of outraged parents and taxpayers.

Mr. Mayo,

If we can have a health care bill enacted into law with no public reading of it why can’t we have an education bill enacted the same way?

You quote Jerry O’Donnell, chairman of the science department at Eagles Landing Middle School in Boca Raton thus. “This is going to kill education…”

Middle school? Is that the upper middle school or the lower middle school? Why do I know that this middle school is overrun like the swamp west of Sawgrass Mills mall is overrun by pythons with curriculum coordinators, diversity specialists, nutrition consultants, deputy vice assistant principals, media advisors, reading advisors, shop stewards, grievance counselors, and certified life coaches? It is a sad fact that those parasites couldn’t find a classroom without a good scent hound and a GPS. Should they stumble into one, like a blind hog finding a truffle, chaos would result. So much of education dollars is spent on things bordering on the absurd that adults turn their gaze away from it lest they be infected. The unions, the cabals, the conspiracy of the educational/poverty complex and their servy boys, the spineless pols who pander to them have flummoxed America into equating educational results with dollars spent. If the results are not good the solution is simple.

Spend more money.

Would it be too much of me to ask, would it be a sign of terminal naïveté if I were to ask that school teachers and educational administrators be held to the same standards demanded of the football coach. Coaches are not rated, retained, or compensated on intentions or efforts. They come back next year based on what they did this year.

Public employees always caterwaul about the lack of respect shown to them. They say they should be treated like employees of private companies. There are a lot of people who used to work for GM who would like to have the security of being a public employee. Wouldn’t the guy installing wheel bearings love to have had tenure?

For 5 years the number of students in the Broward County school system has gone down. If I were to suggest that there should have been a corresponding drop in some portion of the operating budget would it brand me as a bumpkin? Put simply, simple enough for even an education major to grasp, fewer students should mean fewer containers of milk, right?


For 12 years the Sun-Sentinel has reported on the farce known as the continuing construction crisis of Dillard High School. Approximately 4 times the original cost of construction has been spent on reconstruction.


In the real world, the world in which the bankrupt Sun-Sentinel tries to survive, this does not happen. Floggings, bastinadoing, and defenestrations would follow. If we empty Gitmo of bomb tossing WOGs let’s fill it with education majors. The thieving hypocrites in charge would seek sanctuary from Somali pirates before they would face the righteous wrath of the taxpayers.

Why is there universal aversion to testing in the tight circle of education hucksters? The answer is as clear as a geometric design .We have gone in this country from there is no such thing as a bad boy to there is no such thing as a dumb boy. The results of standardized tests refute this. It is very difficult to ignore the evidence of your own eyes. The intellectual pygmy thugs who control American education have a simple answer: Do away with the tests. All tests.

I know that a simple change in geometry would lead us to the fabled Elysian Fields. Just change pi from 3.1416 to 3.0. Test scores would soar. Teachers would get performance bonuses. The self esteem quotient of obese teenagers would rise dramatically.

I know that the bridges would start to fall down in 20 years but this is America and all things are possible. If the Chi-Coms haven’t canceled our credit card we could borrow more money from them and fix them. It would the 24th Stimulus program.

One thing more.

All the children of school teachers, school administrators, school parasites, and of all the politicians who profit from them must attend public schools. No exceptions. None.

Maybe then the bridges won’t fall down.

Kevin Smith

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You find it surprising that a school built in 1950, when replaced from 1999 to 2002 cost several times more?