June 20, 2010
Congressman Ed Markey
5 High Street #101
Medford, MA 02155
RE: Apologies all around
Congressman Markey,
After seeing you on television asking for an apology I decided to give you one.
For years the presence of Lard Kennedy, the supposedly immortal moral slag heap, and Barney the Wump Wangling Modern Model of a Mendacious Massachusetts Mortgage Maven, dominated politics in your state. Not that there weren’t public thieves and poltroons in abundance but those two took all the air out of the room. Now that Ted the Tosspot has finally crossed a bar, any bar, there is an opening for new characters. Nature abhors a vacuum. You have the inside track for greatness.
I apologize for not recognizing you sooner.
Accordingly, I name you
If apologizing could plug the Goddamn hole I would be all for it. If sinking the sailboat the BP boob was on would plug the Goddamn hole I would go after it like it was the Bismarck. If Lord Barack the Beneficent playing 36 holes could plug the Goddamn hole I’d tee them up for him. That’s why you are now a recognized HORSE’S ASS.
The next two awards
are a bit harder to win.
No Affirmative Action here. You get them the old fashioned way. You have to earn them. I have faith in you.
Kevin Smith
PS – I have a fondness for Irish Catholics and bachelors from Bayonne.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Thomas L. Friedman The New York Times
June 24, 2010
Thomas L. Friedman
The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, New York 10018
RE: “Obama Lacks Guts to Exit Afghanistan” – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun-Sentinel.
Mr. Freidman,
I am loath to criticize however mildly, however genteelly, however sensitively, a multiple Pulitzer Prize winner. Adding to that is the daunting fact that your ex cathedra thunderbolts come from the aerie high up in the debt-ridden New York Times, the redoubt of modern American Liberalism. By the rules governing the not so benevolent despotism of said modern American Liberalism I should be prostrate.
I am not.
The first reason is that you have shown no public shame at being associated with another Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times alumnus, Walter Duranty. A brief reprise shows that he was the bought and paid for agent of the KGB while he was your man in Moscow. It would not be too difficult to make a case that his reportage led to the deaths of 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 Kulaks in Ukraine. That the majority of them were Jews and that the world did nothing was noted by another community organizer, Adolph Hitler. The New York Times has kept his name on its impressive Hall of Fame wall to the detriment and debasement of all other winners.
I wonder what its reaction would have been if the 1934 winner, Freidrich Birchall, your man in Berlin, was found to be in the employ of the Gestapo.
But enough of that.
Since the President lacks, as you say, the cojones to act Presidentially, does that mean that the change all the mush brained loons of the Left lusted for has gone walkabout? How many times must we prove Dr. Johnson correct when he said of a different matter “It is the triumph of hope over experience”?
Why would you be upset about a stolen election in Afghanistan when the President and his gang of thugs are from Chicago? The only place less corrupt than Chicago is Gomorrah. Will Governor Blago be allowed to keep his hair in prison? King Richard the First gave us Kennedy in 1960. There is an entire wing in the local Federal prison devoted to Windy City elected grifters and appointed poltroons. Kids in public schools, the schools that no politician sends his kids to, have a new anthem that they sing. “No Hot Stove is Safe” is a catchy tune.
You say “the President can bring U.S. Grant back from the dead to run the Afghan war”. I rather think he’ll come back only if he can bring Sherman with him. Sherman’s policy of “Make’m howl” shortened the Civil War by 12 to 18 months. When does “Uncle Billy” get the green light? When did President Obama become Audie Murphy?
Lyndon Johnson boasted that “a Vietnamese shit house couldn’t be bombed without his OK”.
Will David Axelrod be in charge of F-18 strikes? Will Rahm Emanuel find some Afghani asses to kick? Is there a new Curtis LeMay in the Pentagon who is being groomed for big things? Will Van Jones get to wear a Green Beret? Will Nancy Pelosi become the new Mata Hari? Will the “Courageous Restraint” medal be scrapped?
Do you think the Chinese will lend us the money to do all of this?
Speaking of the Chinese, you said a while back that we need a good dose of Chinese moxie, of Sino grit, to get this country back on track. Is now the time?
Do you think we need a Yellow Peril Cincinnatus?
It may be that the world isn’t as flat as you thought.
Kevin Smith
PS - Can we expect to see Cindy Sheehan picket the Rezko financed Obama home in Chicago?
Thomas L. Friedman
The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, New York 10018
RE: “Obama Lacks Guts to Exit Afghanistan” – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun-Sentinel.
Mr. Freidman,
I am loath to criticize however mildly, however genteelly, however sensitively, a multiple Pulitzer Prize winner. Adding to that is the daunting fact that your ex cathedra thunderbolts come from the aerie high up in the debt-ridden New York Times, the redoubt of modern American Liberalism. By the rules governing the not so benevolent despotism of said modern American Liberalism I should be prostrate.
I am not.
The first reason is that you have shown no public shame at being associated with another Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times alumnus, Walter Duranty. A brief reprise shows that he was the bought and paid for agent of the KGB while he was your man in Moscow. It would not be too difficult to make a case that his reportage led to the deaths of 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 Kulaks in Ukraine. That the majority of them were Jews and that the world did nothing was noted by another community organizer, Adolph Hitler. The New York Times has kept his name on its impressive Hall of Fame wall to the detriment and debasement of all other winners.
I wonder what its reaction would have been if the 1934 winner, Freidrich Birchall, your man in Berlin, was found to be in the employ of the Gestapo.
But enough of that.
Since the President lacks, as you say, the cojones to act Presidentially, does that mean that the change all the mush brained loons of the Left lusted for has gone walkabout? How many times must we prove Dr. Johnson correct when he said of a different matter “It is the triumph of hope over experience”?
Why would you be upset about a stolen election in Afghanistan when the President and his gang of thugs are from Chicago? The only place less corrupt than Chicago is Gomorrah. Will Governor Blago be allowed to keep his hair in prison? King Richard the First gave us Kennedy in 1960. There is an entire wing in the local Federal prison devoted to Windy City elected grifters and appointed poltroons. Kids in public schools, the schools that no politician sends his kids to, have a new anthem that they sing. “No Hot Stove is Safe” is a catchy tune.
You say “the President can bring U.S. Grant back from the dead to run the Afghan war”. I rather think he’ll come back only if he can bring Sherman with him. Sherman’s policy of “Make’m howl” shortened the Civil War by 12 to 18 months. When does “Uncle Billy” get the green light? When did President Obama become Audie Murphy?
Lyndon Johnson boasted that “a Vietnamese shit house couldn’t be bombed without his OK”.
Will David Axelrod be in charge of F-18 strikes? Will Rahm Emanuel find some Afghani asses to kick? Is there a new Curtis LeMay in the Pentagon who is being groomed for big things? Will Van Jones get to wear a Green Beret? Will Nancy Pelosi become the new Mata Hari? Will the “Courageous Restraint” medal be scrapped?
Do you think the Chinese will lend us the money to do all of this?
Speaking of the Chinese, you said a while back that we need a good dose of Chinese moxie, of Sino grit, to get this country back on track. Is now the time?
Do you think we need a Yellow Peril Cincinnatus?
It may be that the world isn’t as flat as you thought.
Kevin Smith
PS - Can we expect to see Cindy Sheehan picket the Rezko financed Obama home in Chicago?
Steven L. Goldstein The Sun-Sentinel
June 18, 2010
Steven L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
RE: Congratulations on your plan for combining your “shovel ready” unicorn farm projects with plans for culturally sensitive groves of organically grown, as opposed to the inorganically grown Bush era “rainbow soup” trees, and the novel idea of people taxing themselves if we can’t borrow any more money from the Chinese to do this.
My dear Professor,
Your column in this morning’s Sun-Sentinel calls for an advanced lesson in History and Economics.
Let’s begin with John Maynard Keynes.
He was one of the 20th Century’s most influential and fascinating characters. Alas, like any great man engaged in obfuscatory endeavors – money supply, accelerated demand, fractional reserves, fiscal v monetary policy, inter alia – “he is more quoted than read”. How many people really know what Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking are talking about?
Since “all History is biography and all biography is anecdote” some things about him should be noted.
#1 – Until he turned 30 he was a predatory homosexual. He was a member of the Cambridge Apostles. Their main extracurricular intramural activity was buggering the young lads who worked “below stairs”. He did a 180 when he was 30. As he was later to write, “I met a woman and she has changed everything”.
#2 – He was, in English terms, a hugely successful “punter”. He was a savvy stock market speculator. He was also a big sports gambler who eschewed betting “chalk”.
#3 – He predicted World War 2 a year after World War 1 ended. His book, “The Economic Consequences of Peace”, was oft-times cited by Churchill in the 1930s.
#4 – At no time, in no place, in none of his books, tracts, letters, or public addresses did he ever recommend, suggest, hint, infer, or wish for an increased tax rate, particularly an increased personal income tax rate, when an economy was in decline.
#5 – When asked why he changed his mind on a specific policy, he responded in a tone of absolute incredulity, “The facts changed. What would you have me do?”
#6 – Before he died he was convinced that Hayek, the author of “The Road to Serfdom”, was right on the Big Things and that he was wrong.
Your claim…
“Florida needs a massive infusion of dollars to jump-start a
dying economy. And that can only come from a state income tax.”
is astonishing in its anti-gravity implications. “Stones are hard. Water is wet” seems to have never entered your consciousness. It is possible that you have no idea how the world works. You may be beyond redemption. If you are it won’t be because I didn’t try.
A – There is no instance in recorded History, none whatsoever anywhere, where a civilization taxed itself into prosperity. The great reign of the 5 Emperors showed almost a century of continuous tax cuts. Harding in 1921, Kennedy in 1962, and the great Reagan in 1983 are inconvenient truths that not only do tax cuts work but that they work superbly well.
B – “When you subsidize something you have more of it. When you tax something you have less of it.”
Pay attention. I’ll write slowly.
We borrow gazillions of dollars from the Chinese, a practice that Hillary Clinton condemned about twice a week for the 8 years that she was in the Senate, to fill the public teat with “Mother’s Milk”. We then wet nursed the states and cities to meet their payrolls. That’s why the public payrolls went up while the private payrolls were going down. Those borrowed funds will not be available next year. Your solution is to raise the personal income tax rates to meet next year’s payroll. That is breathtaking even for an economic mooncalf like you.
My Uncle Adam, a canny Scot from Edinburgh said, “What is prudence in running the affairs of a household can scarce be folly in running the affairs of an empire”.
In the world run by Goldstein the Juggling Wizard, a world where water isn’t wet and stones are not hard, a world where “the comic inversion of old certitudes” is mandated, says naught.
Your paradigmatic template is Lord Barack the Beneficent. You may recall that he promised us he would heal the world and make the oceans recede. He can’t even plug a hole in the “vasty deep”. Soon his sycophantic satraps will carry him to the water’s edge where his commands will be fruitless.
Yours and his Plan B solution is simple.
Raise Taxes
Samuel Johnson, another of those oddly magnificent Englishmen, responded when asked how he could confuse the bones in a horse’s leg, “Ignorance madam, pure ignorance.”
Send a SASE and I will fill it with my reading lists for adults who are lost in “the dark wood of error” and don’t even know it.
Kevin Smith
Board Certified Life Coach
Steven L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
RE: Congratulations on your plan for combining your “shovel ready” unicorn farm projects with plans for culturally sensitive groves of organically grown, as opposed to the inorganically grown Bush era “rainbow soup” trees, and the novel idea of people taxing themselves if we can’t borrow any more money from the Chinese to do this.
My dear Professor,
Your column in this morning’s Sun-Sentinel calls for an advanced lesson in History and Economics.
Let’s begin with John Maynard Keynes.
He was one of the 20th Century’s most influential and fascinating characters. Alas, like any great man engaged in obfuscatory endeavors – money supply, accelerated demand, fractional reserves, fiscal v monetary policy, inter alia – “he is more quoted than read”. How many people really know what Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking are talking about?
Since “all History is biography and all biography is anecdote” some things about him should be noted.
#1 – Until he turned 30 he was a predatory homosexual. He was a member of the Cambridge Apostles. Their main extracurricular intramural activity was buggering the young lads who worked “below stairs”. He did a 180 when he was 30. As he was later to write, “I met a woman and she has changed everything”.
#2 – He was, in English terms, a hugely successful “punter”. He was a savvy stock market speculator. He was also a big sports gambler who eschewed betting “chalk”.
#3 – He predicted World War 2 a year after World War 1 ended. His book, “The Economic Consequences of Peace”, was oft-times cited by Churchill in the 1930s.
#4 – At no time, in no place, in none of his books, tracts, letters, or public addresses did he ever recommend, suggest, hint, infer, or wish for an increased tax rate, particularly an increased personal income tax rate, when an economy was in decline.
#5 – When asked why he changed his mind on a specific policy, he responded in a tone of absolute incredulity, “The facts changed. What would you have me do?”
#6 – Before he died he was convinced that Hayek, the author of “The Road to Serfdom”, was right on the Big Things and that he was wrong.
Your claim…
“Florida needs a massive infusion of dollars to jump-start a
dying economy. And that can only come from a state income tax.”
is astonishing in its anti-gravity implications. “Stones are hard. Water is wet” seems to have never entered your consciousness. It is possible that you have no idea how the world works. You may be beyond redemption. If you are it won’t be because I didn’t try.
A – There is no instance in recorded History, none whatsoever anywhere, where a civilization taxed itself into prosperity. The great reign of the 5 Emperors showed almost a century of continuous tax cuts. Harding in 1921, Kennedy in 1962, and the great Reagan in 1983 are inconvenient truths that not only do tax cuts work but that they work superbly well.
B – “When you subsidize something you have more of it. When you tax something you have less of it.”
Pay attention. I’ll write slowly.
We borrow gazillions of dollars from the Chinese, a practice that Hillary Clinton condemned about twice a week for the 8 years that she was in the Senate, to fill the public teat with “Mother’s Milk”. We then wet nursed the states and cities to meet their payrolls. That’s why the public payrolls went up while the private payrolls were going down. Those borrowed funds will not be available next year. Your solution is to raise the personal income tax rates to meet next year’s payroll. That is breathtaking even for an economic mooncalf like you.
My Uncle Adam, a canny Scot from Edinburgh said, “What is prudence in running the affairs of a household can scarce be folly in running the affairs of an empire”.
In the world run by Goldstein the Juggling Wizard, a world where water isn’t wet and stones are not hard, a world where “the comic inversion of old certitudes” is mandated, says naught.
Your paradigmatic template is Lord Barack the Beneficent. You may recall that he promised us he would heal the world and make the oceans recede. He can’t even plug a hole in the “vasty deep”. Soon his sycophantic satraps will carry him to the water’s edge where his commands will be fruitless.
Yours and his Plan B solution is simple.
Raise Taxes
Samuel Johnson, another of those oddly magnificent Englishmen, responded when asked how he could confuse the bones in a horse’s leg, “Ignorance madam, pure ignorance.”
Send a SASE and I will fill it with my reading lists for adults who are lost in “the dark wood of error” and don’t even know it.
Kevin Smith
Board Certified Life Coach
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Letter to the Editor The Sun-Sentinel
June 15, 2010
Letter to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “Ass Kicking from the Oval Office” – Soon to be an Olympic sport?
Thank God the President is fully limbed because nobody is busier than the one legged man in the ass kicking contest. Before he starts giving external “colonic massages” to the evil polluters from perfidious Albion I suggest a few pre-season matches here.
#1 – I enclose a printed copy of Congressman Klein’s website dated 6/8/10
#2 – I enclose a copy of two envelopes addressed to Congressman Klein that were returned to me. The return date on one is 5/5/10. The mail date on the other is 6/3/10.
#3 – Whose ass gets kicked first? The Congressman or the Post Office?
#4 – Until the arrival of the great Reagan the United States government had done two things superbly well in my lifetime. The first was the fighting of World War 2. The other one was being the General Contractor on the moon shot. Reagan rescued the country from the clutches of Carter’s thanatoptic malaise. He also beat the Russkies and saved the Western World without ever taking his sword out of his scabbard.
#5 – If the government’s attempts at plugging the well are as successful as the Department of Energy and the Department of Education are at reaching their goals we will be knee deep in goo by the time our football season starts.
#6 – If History is a guide we know with boot in the ass certainty that if the government is put in charge of the beach they will be importing sand in short order.
#7 – It would be anatomically difficult but I hope the first ass he kicks is his own. That would be a change we would all welcome.
Kevin Smith
Letter to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “Ass Kicking from the Oval Office” – Soon to be an Olympic sport?
Thank God the President is fully limbed because nobody is busier than the one legged man in the ass kicking contest. Before he starts giving external “colonic massages” to the evil polluters from perfidious Albion I suggest a few pre-season matches here.
#1 – I enclose a printed copy of Congressman Klein’s website dated 6/8/10
#2 – I enclose a copy of two envelopes addressed to Congressman Klein that were returned to me. The return date on one is 5/5/10. The mail date on the other is 6/3/10.
#3 – Whose ass gets kicked first? The Congressman or the Post Office?
#4 – Until the arrival of the great Reagan the United States government had done two things superbly well in my lifetime. The first was the fighting of World War 2. The other one was being the General Contractor on the moon shot. Reagan rescued the country from the clutches of Carter’s thanatoptic malaise. He also beat the Russkies and saved the Western World without ever taking his sword out of his scabbard.
#5 – If the government’s attempts at plugging the well are as successful as the Department of Energy and the Department of Education are at reaching their goals we will be knee deep in goo by the time our football season starts.
#6 – If History is a guide we know with boot in the ass certainty that if the government is put in charge of the beach they will be importing sand in short order.
#7 – It would be anatomically difficult but I hope the first ass he kicks is his own. That would be a change we would all welcome.
Kevin Smith
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
June 13, 2010
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pembroke Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
RE: What’s that smell? You, your husband, your proposed Federal banking legislation, your self serving self interest [as if there were any other kind] and the perpetual ailment, the constant fatal flaw of all true believing modern American Liberals, as proclaimed in this morning’s Sun-Sentinel.
My dear Congressperson,
The character defect that enables rational adults to know that they are in the company of card carrying, true believing modern American Liberals is…drum roll please…”non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”.
People who believed that “Midnight Basketball” was good public policy, people who believe that low prices a la Wal Mart hurt consumers, people who condemned the Congressionally approved deficits in the Bush administration but believe that increasing them by a factor of 4 under the guidance of Lord Barack the Beneficent is divinely inspired don’t need to announce their arrival. The ordure, the sure sign of hubris gone wild, will tell of their arrival long before they are in sight.
If we are serious about mass transit any train system running to Bedlam would be overflowing with neither student nor senior citizen discount.
Aristotle, or was it Plato, said, “Something cannot be that which it is not”. He never met any modern American Liberals in the Agora.
OOPS! I just said “agora”.
Your CV says that you have two degrees in Political Science from the University of Florida. If you earned a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree you did so without ever attending the classes that would have made you familiar with the birth of free speech in the Hellenic agoras.
Incidentally, isn’t it about time we did away with the sexist term “Bachelor” when it is used in an academic context? Surely it is time for a “Mistress of Arts” degree, don’t you think?
Free speech has come a long way since those days.
Today it is considered a sign of maturity for the Federal government to subsidize tours featuring art such as “Piss Christ”. Stick a crucifix into a vat filled with urine and voila! you have art. When the Federal government subsidizes tours featuring the cartoons of Mohammed giving bestiality a bad name I will know that my Redeemer liveth.
That will happen when, to cite Hubert Humphrey, we have a balanced budget or a fifth Gospel.
This morning’s Sun-Sentinel has a story that shows that, in addition to missing all your classes on the origins of human rights, you missed your classes on Plutarch.
It is a sad tale. I mention Plutarch because he told us about one of Caesar’s spouses. Flying back and forth to DC should give you ample time to play catch up ball on all your missed reading.
You just can’t be “not guilty”. “Innocent” is not sufficient either.
You husband is the Vice President of Commercial Lending at the Community Bank of Broward.
You are trying to get the House of Representatives to soften legislation directly affecting his industry and his livelihood. I assume that you file a joint tax return. It does not take 7 League Boots to jump the chasm to say that it directly affects your livelihood. Logic, the keystone of the Trivium [I can’t get away from those Greeks] demands that I do so.
Maybe if you sent your kids to any of the really fine public schools in the county you could save a few dollars. As a bonus you could save your honor.
At least you were never bound by a Code of Honor as was Congressman Sestak. In your case there is “nothing lost save honor”.
James Madison, author of the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, answered thus when asked what was the most important trait to look for in a candidate for public office. “Character. Character is all.”
There is no second place in the race. It would be like being a little bit pregnant.
If “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” stumps you send a SASE.
Kevin Smith
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pembroke Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
RE: What’s that smell? You, your husband, your proposed Federal banking legislation, your self serving self interest [as if there were any other kind] and the perpetual ailment, the constant fatal flaw of all true believing modern American Liberals, as proclaimed in this morning’s Sun-Sentinel.
My dear Congressperson,
The character defect that enables rational adults to know that they are in the company of card carrying, true believing modern American Liberals is…drum roll please…”non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”.
People who believed that “Midnight Basketball” was good public policy, people who believe that low prices a la Wal Mart hurt consumers, people who condemned the Congressionally approved deficits in the Bush administration but believe that increasing them by a factor of 4 under the guidance of Lord Barack the Beneficent is divinely inspired don’t need to announce their arrival. The ordure, the sure sign of hubris gone wild, will tell of their arrival long before they are in sight.
If we are serious about mass transit any train system running to Bedlam would be overflowing with neither student nor senior citizen discount.
Aristotle, or was it Plato, said, “Something cannot be that which it is not”. He never met any modern American Liberals in the Agora.
OOPS! I just said “agora”.
Your CV says that you have two degrees in Political Science from the University of Florida. If you earned a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree you did so without ever attending the classes that would have made you familiar with the birth of free speech in the Hellenic agoras.
Incidentally, isn’t it about time we did away with the sexist term “Bachelor” when it is used in an academic context? Surely it is time for a “Mistress of Arts” degree, don’t you think?
Free speech has come a long way since those days.
Today it is considered a sign of maturity for the Federal government to subsidize tours featuring art such as “Piss Christ”. Stick a crucifix into a vat filled with urine and voila! you have art. When the Federal government subsidizes tours featuring the cartoons of Mohammed giving bestiality a bad name I will know that my Redeemer liveth.
That will happen when, to cite Hubert Humphrey, we have a balanced budget or a fifth Gospel.
This morning’s Sun-Sentinel has a story that shows that, in addition to missing all your classes on the origins of human rights, you missed your classes on Plutarch.
It is a sad tale. I mention Plutarch because he told us about one of Caesar’s spouses. Flying back and forth to DC should give you ample time to play catch up ball on all your missed reading.
You just can’t be “not guilty”. “Innocent” is not sufficient either.
You husband is the Vice President of Commercial Lending at the Community Bank of Broward.
You are trying to get the House of Representatives to soften legislation directly affecting his industry and his livelihood. I assume that you file a joint tax return. It does not take 7 League Boots to jump the chasm to say that it directly affects your livelihood. Logic, the keystone of the Trivium [I can’t get away from those Greeks] demands that I do so.
Maybe if you sent your kids to any of the really fine public schools in the county you could save a few dollars. As a bonus you could save your honor.
At least you were never bound by a Code of Honor as was Congressman Sestak. In your case there is “nothing lost save honor”.
James Madison, author of the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, answered thus when asked what was the most important trait to look for in a candidate for public office. “Character. Character is all.”
There is no second place in the race. It would be like being a little bit pregnant.
If “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” stumps you send a SASE.
Kevin Smith
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
E. J. Dionne Washington Post Writers Group
June 7, 2010
E. J. Dionne
Washington Post Writers Group
1150 15th Street NW
Washington. D.C. 20017
RE: “Some people never let you down” – Some musings on your column in today’s Miami Herald.
Mr. Dionne,
There is a formulaic consistency common to best selling novelists and modern American Liberal pundits.
A flow, mellifluous and euphonic, and the total willingness to shun as if they were anathema any facts that contradict the main thesis or argument are musts.
Thus, your column in today’s Miami Herald is the journalistic equivalent of a good old porch hound warming your feet.
That the President, Lord Barack the Beneficent, is good, kind, gentle, sensitive plus a good basketball player is a given.[If I were to tell you that he throws a baseball like my daughter and her daughters would that make me mildly seditious?] His satraps engage in self flagellation because “We don’t communicate it well”. It becomes the reason for the coming seasons of discontent. “If only the American people knew, really knew the real President we would be gamboling in Elysian Fields” is a familiar cry when it is becoming obvious that the President needs a new tailor. In fact, he is about 2 gaffes away from needing any tailor, even a blind one. The lipstick on a pig remark is a bit stale so I won’t use it.
The jobs report of Friday last was preceded by 3 days of “Wait ‘til you see the jobs report” and “Go Stimulus!”.
I could say the jobs report was a bit like a fart in Church but usually they are involuntary. If these guys are so smart they should have known. A good CEO always picks subordinates that he believes are smarter, harder working, or luckier than he thinks he is. Last week the heads up their asses leaks about good times are upon us is proof that Jesse Jackson was right when he said that “the only thing Obama ever run was his mouth”. Wasn’t that just before he said he wanted to cut his ball off? Whodathunk that the Reverend Jackson was a charter member of the Tea Party or maybe the Militia?
[As an aside, I worked briefly for the Census Bureau. I can say two things with 100% metaphysical certitude. #1 – I fulfilled my life long ambition to become a “seasonally adjusted statistic”. #2 – It should be obvious but if there is a better trained, more highly motivated, ready to hit the ground running Federal employee base – with the possible exception of the Post Office – ready to take over the quotidian operations of the hydrocarbon incident in the Gulf of Mexico I would like to see it.]
You mention White House hack flack Christine Romer. Her weekly attempts to make cow chips into rib-eye are hugely entertaining. Her CV shows her to be an accomplished academician – Is that an oxymoron? – who, after getting a Krispy Kreme enema, is rolled out in front of the White House to do George Orwell proud. I hope her sunny disposition and perpetual 25 tooth grin are chemically induced. If she is auditioning for the job of event planner on the Titanic she has my vote. She tells the world at least once a week that the light at the end of the tunnel is Diogenes when it just might be the 20th Century Express.
Too bad. She seems like a nice lady.
You then bemoan and bewail that the well intentioned Congress lacks the huevos to borrow $23,000,000,000 from the Chinese to meet the payroll for 300,000 teachers.
#1 – Capitalizing day to day expenses is a no-no. My largest payroll had 256 workers on it. Many times we did the banking equivalent of the 4 corner offense to meet it. The thought of borrowing long term to meet Friday’s eagle would have led to a shareholders’ revolt, a visit from the SEC, and a pissed off United States Attorney.
#2 – Would you share with me the Logic that condemns Bush deficits but praises Obama’s? If Bush borrowing billions is poor husbandry why is Barack borrowing 4 times as much the wonder of the age?
The faint sound you hear is that of the Gods of the Copy Headings sitting quietly and scribbling on the mountainside. It’s called keeping score. It’s what people in the real world do.
Finally you end by invoking the demon spirit of Jimmy Carter.
By any standard imaginable, by universal acclaim, by common consent, by volcanic acclamation – Mt. Saint Helen’s happened on his watch – Jimmy Carter was the worst President of the 20th Century. He alone makes Hoover [Herbert, not J. Edgar] admirable. He was nasty and mean but in no way tough. By his 3rd year the world was falling apart. At home, he gave new meaning to the term “misery index”. His brother sold truly bilious beer when he wasn’t working for Qadafi. There would be no debate about abortion if it could be made retroactive.
He will be remembered for many things.
He couldn’t direct a two car funeral.
If he had been reelected this country would have been in a shooting war at a time and at a place not of our own choosing.
He made effort the ultimate arbiter. Results didn’t matter.
Thus, he became the paradigmatic template for clueless modern American Liberals.
The only thing that will redound to his credit is that he was so bad, so inept, so God-awful a man as has ever sat in the White House, that he made it easy for the great Reagan to come in a save our nation from its self inflicted toxic ‘malaise’. As a bonus, he beat the Russkies and saved the world.
Thanks for reminding me.
Kevin Smith
PS – When I see Joe Sestak and the way he abuses the Naval Academy Honor Code and then I see Helen Thomas, and if she isn’t the best cougar in town I want to see the other contestants, I think that either Lee Atwater is haunting the White House or Dick Cheney has made the basement his best “undisclosed location”. If they are doing this all to themselves I wouldn’t worry about Iran getting nuclear weapons. With a little luck those WOGS will blow themselves up. I would worry about the Rootie Kazooties at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue eyeballing the “reset” button.
Has the statute of limitations on blaming Bush run out yet?
One last request. I search for an answer. You‘re in Washington. Maybe you can find it. If Clinton gave us surpluses in the late ‘90s why didn’t the debt go down? Maybe the answer is in one of those famous lock boxes. Help me, Obi Wan Kanobe.
E. J. Dionne
Washington Post Writers Group
1150 15th Street NW
Washington. D.C. 20017
RE: “Some people never let you down” – Some musings on your column in today’s Miami Herald.
Mr. Dionne,
There is a formulaic consistency common to best selling novelists and modern American Liberal pundits.
A flow, mellifluous and euphonic, and the total willingness to shun as if they were anathema any facts that contradict the main thesis or argument are musts.
Thus, your column in today’s Miami Herald is the journalistic equivalent of a good old porch hound warming your feet.
That the President, Lord Barack the Beneficent, is good, kind, gentle, sensitive plus a good basketball player is a given.[If I were to tell you that he throws a baseball like my daughter and her daughters would that make me mildly seditious?] His satraps engage in self flagellation because “We don’t communicate it well”. It becomes the reason for the coming seasons of discontent. “If only the American people knew, really knew the real President we would be gamboling in Elysian Fields” is a familiar cry when it is becoming obvious that the President needs a new tailor. In fact, he is about 2 gaffes away from needing any tailor, even a blind one. The lipstick on a pig remark is a bit stale so I won’t use it.
The jobs report of Friday last was preceded by 3 days of “Wait ‘til you see the jobs report” and “Go Stimulus!”.
I could say the jobs report was a bit like a fart in Church but usually they are involuntary. If these guys are so smart they should have known. A good CEO always picks subordinates that he believes are smarter, harder working, or luckier than he thinks he is. Last week the heads up their asses leaks about good times are upon us is proof that Jesse Jackson was right when he said that “the only thing Obama ever run was his mouth”. Wasn’t that just before he said he wanted to cut his ball off? Whodathunk that the Reverend Jackson was a charter member of the Tea Party or maybe the Militia?
[As an aside, I worked briefly for the Census Bureau. I can say two things with 100% metaphysical certitude. #1 – I fulfilled my life long ambition to become a “seasonally adjusted statistic”. #2 – It should be obvious but if there is a better trained, more highly motivated, ready to hit the ground running Federal employee base – with the possible exception of the Post Office – ready to take over the quotidian operations of the hydrocarbon incident in the Gulf of Mexico I would like to see it.]
You mention White House hack flack Christine Romer. Her weekly attempts to make cow chips into rib-eye are hugely entertaining. Her CV shows her to be an accomplished academician – Is that an oxymoron? – who, after getting a Krispy Kreme enema, is rolled out in front of the White House to do George Orwell proud. I hope her sunny disposition and perpetual 25 tooth grin are chemically induced. If she is auditioning for the job of event planner on the Titanic she has my vote. She tells the world at least once a week that the light at the end of the tunnel is Diogenes when it just might be the 20th Century Express.
Too bad. She seems like a nice lady.
You then bemoan and bewail that the well intentioned Congress lacks the huevos to borrow $23,000,000,000 from the Chinese to meet the payroll for 300,000 teachers.
#1 – Capitalizing day to day expenses is a no-no. My largest payroll had 256 workers on it. Many times we did the banking equivalent of the 4 corner offense to meet it. The thought of borrowing long term to meet Friday’s eagle would have led to a shareholders’ revolt, a visit from the SEC, and a pissed off United States Attorney.
#2 – Would you share with me the Logic that condemns Bush deficits but praises Obama’s? If Bush borrowing billions is poor husbandry why is Barack borrowing 4 times as much the wonder of the age?
The faint sound you hear is that of the Gods of the Copy Headings sitting quietly and scribbling on the mountainside. It’s called keeping score. It’s what people in the real world do.
Finally you end by invoking the demon spirit of Jimmy Carter.
By any standard imaginable, by universal acclaim, by common consent, by volcanic acclamation – Mt. Saint Helen’s happened on his watch – Jimmy Carter was the worst President of the 20th Century. He alone makes Hoover [Herbert, not J. Edgar] admirable. He was nasty and mean but in no way tough. By his 3rd year the world was falling apart. At home, he gave new meaning to the term “misery index”. His brother sold truly bilious beer when he wasn’t working for Qadafi. There would be no debate about abortion if it could be made retroactive.
He will be remembered for many things.
He couldn’t direct a two car funeral.
If he had been reelected this country would have been in a shooting war at a time and at a place not of our own choosing.
He made effort the ultimate arbiter. Results didn’t matter.
Thus, he became the paradigmatic template for clueless modern American Liberals.
The only thing that will redound to his credit is that he was so bad, so inept, so God-awful a man as has ever sat in the White House, that he made it easy for the great Reagan to come in a save our nation from its self inflicted toxic ‘malaise’. As a bonus, he beat the Russkies and saved the world.
Thanks for reminding me.
Kevin Smith
PS – When I see Joe Sestak and the way he abuses the Naval Academy Honor Code and then I see Helen Thomas, and if she isn’t the best cougar in town I want to see the other contestants, I think that either Lee Atwater is haunting the White House or Dick Cheney has made the basement his best “undisclosed location”. If they are doing this all to themselves I wouldn’t worry about Iran getting nuclear weapons. With a little luck those WOGS will blow themselves up. I would worry about the Rootie Kazooties at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue eyeballing the “reset” button.
Has the statute of limitations on blaming Bush run out yet?
One last request. I search for an answer. You‘re in Washington. Maybe you can find it. If Clinton gave us surpluses in the late ‘90s why didn’t the debt go down? Maybe the answer is in one of those famous lock boxes. Help me, Obi Wan Kanobe.
John Cook Senior National Reporter Yahoo! News
June 5, 2010
John Cook
Senior National Reporter
Yahoo! News
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
RE: Ragheads and Gamecocks – Why the Palmetto State has a special place in the heart of America. Some comments on your article on South Carolina politics and how it may challenge 1800 and 1876 for pushing the envelope on political speech.
Mr. Cook,
I write for 2 reasons.
#1 – In 1967 I lived at 436 Lincoln Avenue in Orange, New Jersey. One of the other tenants was Lt. John Cook. He was a recruiting officer for the U.S. Army. Although Bess was his wife’s name she was known as “Bess Darling” because that was how he referred to her. They were from South Carolina. I think he was graduated from Furman. If so, Go Paladins! Is there any possibility that you are part of the Cook clan? If so, please send my regards to your parents, your uncles, your aunts, or your cousins.
#2 – ‘Raghead’ is a term that I have not heard in a long time. Its cousin, ‘Nappy Head’, was used by Miami Commissioner Something Spence-Jones as she was taking the perp walk required of all indicted pols. She declared herself a “Nappy haired daughter of the Lord who is innocent”. She was found guilty.
As I read your article about the genteel style of politics in South Carolina I am more and more convinced that the only tactical mistake made by that great American, William Tecumseh Sherman, was that he did no flatten, like the Romans flattened Carthage, the entire state of South Carolina.
The whole place should have been carpet bombed a la Dresden in so far as 19th century technology would permit.
I mention Rome and Carthage because it’s been 23 centuries since Scipio took off the gloves. The battle cry “Cartago delenda est” must have worked. When was the last time you heard of Carthage attacking Italy?
The same can be said for the solution to the witch problem in Salem, MA. All it took was stretching a few necks and New England has been free of witches for more than 300 years.
Who says an activist government can’t do some good? Even a blind pig can find a truffle.
Your problem is, that having started the war, the Civil War, you weren’t prepared for the dogs of war and the havoc they sometimes cause. As long as it was in Tennessee or Pennsylvania or Mississippi it was OK. Who knows? If you hadn’t fired on Ft. Sumter perhaps you could have gone through the unpleasantness like Ireland went through World War 2. “Uncle Billy”, the sobriquet his devoted troops gave him, served as a role model for Curtis LeMay.
There is one other thing. It is something that is “owed to the ledger”.
You mention Lee Atwater, George H.W. Bush, and Willie Horton.
Willie Horton is sometimes known as the poster boy for prison rehab gone bad. He was in prison in Massachusetts for rape and murder. Governor Dukakis, “Wee Mikey” to his friends, is a firm believer in “there is no such thing as a bad boy”. He furloughed him for a long weekend. He went to Maryland where, Surprise! he raped and murdered again. The parents of the Maryland victims went to Massachusetts where Governor Dukakis was too busy to meet with them.
I point this out because it’s true and because you left out one teeny weeny little fact. Even though it’s not much bigger than a turd in a punch bowl it is a material fact. The omission of same constitutes fraud.
Willie Horton was introduced to America by Senator Albert Arnold Gore. Jr. in the New York Democratic Primary in March, 1988. I call him Alpha Gump because he was, is, and shall be a horse’s ass of Homeric proportions. He is dumber than a box of starch.
He was smart enough to hammer Mikey with a simple slogan.
“The Willie Hortons of the world never let you down.”
Chances are if you hadn’t fired on Ft. Sumter the above may not have happened. Since Arnold Schwarzenegger will be between assignments shortly. Maybe you can get him to go back in time and put South Carolina on the winning side.
Kevin Smith
John Cook
Senior National Reporter
Yahoo! News
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
RE: Ragheads and Gamecocks – Why the Palmetto State has a special place in the heart of America. Some comments on your article on South Carolina politics and how it may challenge 1800 and 1876 for pushing the envelope on political speech.
Mr. Cook,
I write for 2 reasons.
#1 – In 1967 I lived at 436 Lincoln Avenue in Orange, New Jersey. One of the other tenants was Lt. John Cook. He was a recruiting officer for the U.S. Army. Although Bess was his wife’s name she was known as “Bess Darling” because that was how he referred to her. They were from South Carolina. I think he was graduated from Furman. If so, Go Paladins! Is there any possibility that you are part of the Cook clan? If so, please send my regards to your parents, your uncles, your aunts, or your cousins.
#2 – ‘Raghead’ is a term that I have not heard in a long time. Its cousin, ‘Nappy Head’, was used by Miami Commissioner Something Spence-Jones as she was taking the perp walk required of all indicted pols. She declared herself a “Nappy haired daughter of the Lord who is innocent”. She was found guilty.
As I read your article about the genteel style of politics in South Carolina I am more and more convinced that the only tactical mistake made by that great American, William Tecumseh Sherman, was that he did no flatten, like the Romans flattened Carthage, the entire state of South Carolina.
The whole place should have been carpet bombed a la Dresden in so far as 19th century technology would permit.
I mention Rome and Carthage because it’s been 23 centuries since Scipio took off the gloves. The battle cry “Cartago delenda est” must have worked. When was the last time you heard of Carthage attacking Italy?
The same can be said for the solution to the witch problem in Salem, MA. All it took was stretching a few necks and New England has been free of witches for more than 300 years.
Who says an activist government can’t do some good? Even a blind pig can find a truffle.
Your problem is, that having started the war, the Civil War, you weren’t prepared for the dogs of war and the havoc they sometimes cause. As long as it was in Tennessee or Pennsylvania or Mississippi it was OK. Who knows? If you hadn’t fired on Ft. Sumter perhaps you could have gone through the unpleasantness like Ireland went through World War 2. “Uncle Billy”, the sobriquet his devoted troops gave him, served as a role model for Curtis LeMay.
There is one other thing. It is something that is “owed to the ledger”.
You mention Lee Atwater, George H.W. Bush, and Willie Horton.
Willie Horton is sometimes known as the poster boy for prison rehab gone bad. He was in prison in Massachusetts for rape and murder. Governor Dukakis, “Wee Mikey” to his friends, is a firm believer in “there is no such thing as a bad boy”. He furloughed him for a long weekend. He went to Maryland where, Surprise! he raped and murdered again. The parents of the Maryland victims went to Massachusetts where Governor Dukakis was too busy to meet with them.
I point this out because it’s true and because you left out one teeny weeny little fact. Even though it’s not much bigger than a turd in a punch bowl it is a material fact. The omission of same constitutes fraud.
Willie Horton was introduced to America by Senator Albert Arnold Gore. Jr. in the New York Democratic Primary in March, 1988. I call him Alpha Gump because he was, is, and shall be a horse’s ass of Homeric proportions. He is dumber than a box of starch.
He was smart enough to hammer Mikey with a simple slogan.
“The Willie Hortons of the world never let you down.”
Chances are if you hadn’t fired on Ft. Sumter the above may not have happened. Since Arnold Schwarzenegger will be between assignments shortly. Maybe you can get him to go back in time and put South Carolina on the winning side.
Kevin Smith
Stephen L. Goldstein The Sun-Sentinel
June 4, 2010
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: Ugly lies in the eye of the beholder – A take on this morning’s column, one that ends not so surprisingly in you saying all will be well if we are less free.
My dear Professor,
“Ugly” is oft times a subjective thing.
Far be if for me to say that Helen Thomas is ugly but her family washed her hair with Alpo to get the dog to play with her. That is clearly argumentum ad hominem. I wrote that after I read that she said that “Jews should get out of Israel and go back to Germany and Poland”. That doesn’t make her look any better, does it?
You say in this morning’s column that anyone who wants to spend their own money to get elected is “ugly”.
You give Ross Perot the ultimate “ugly” honor when you label him the “quintessential ugly”. Jon Corzine and Michael Bloomberg fall into your killing zone also. Perhaps your objection to self financing a campaign is that they will not fall prey to the hated “special interests” groups. Lord knows what the SEIU, the Teachers unions, and pro-abortion groups get for their campaign bucks but it must be steep.
[In a bow to diversity, multi-culturalism, and Affirmative Action Warbucks Corzine gave $25,000 to every living, living being defined as not yet 2 years dead, Black minister in New Jersey. Since they weren’t candidates it was kosher to give them cash. He said it was to “introduce” him to their parishioners.]
Jeff Green and Rick Scott are your two favorite local “uglies”. Both men seem to have disregarded Lord Barack’s warning about “having too much money”. Perhaps they realized that they have too much of it so they have decided to rid themselves of it
Their method of disposal, alas, is not favored by you. Cocaine, gambling, and gamboling have their drawbacks. They want to give it to ad makers, political consultants, beer salesmen, event planners, lawyers, columnists and other hucksters, and probably a few bail bondsmen.
In other words, one wants to be Governor and the other wants to be Senator. If Florida and the United States can survive Jimmy Carter we can survive either of them.
You mention famous names being used by dullards, bounders, ne’eer do wells, and lesser breeds running for public office.
Congressman Kendrick Meek go this job the old fashioned way. His Mommy gave it to him. He gave a new meaning to the word primogeniture. Mommy, AKA Congresswoman Carrie Meek, gave Junior her crown, her mace, her great seals of office, plus an Escalade, the preferred conveyance of choice. Here’s the good part. She didn’t have to die!
A special section should be devoted to Senator Kennedy. In addition to never having worked a day in his life the man was a moral slag heap. If his license, presuming he got it back, read Teddy Goldstein he would have been a whiskey salesman who died 25 years ago of an exploding liver.
Too harsh? Not compared to Helen Thomas.
Whatever your academic training you seemed to have slept in whenever Logic was being taught.
Following your construct of eliminating whatever offends you, one that screams modern American Liberalism, we would shortly have no flowers in the world because of your aversion to bees. And should said bees show a proclivity for stinging women, minorities, and the various less than gendered or over gendered types that you champion you would use DDT on steroids cum plutonium to get rid of them.
In the end the mAL way, soon to be known as the Progressive way, is always the same. You put an iron fist inside an iron glove. Then you pass a law outlawing something.
“They are proof that we need public financing of campaigns.”
Your dictum, “taking private money out of public campaigns”, suggests a wish for expanded unicorn ranches with a side crop of rainbow stew. Where did Lord Barack the Beneficent get his campaign money? I am sure that his Chicago Best Buds, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, the organizers of the Gaza Peace Flotilla, gave him a few bucks.
Maybe they can give some money to have someone take a back hoe to the face of Helen Thomas. She’s so ugly only Dr. John Deere could help her.
The above has been a brief lesson in the First Amendment. It begins with the majestic words “Congress shall make no law…”. Further, in one sentence it specifically mentions 4 separate rights.
Reductio ad absurdum – there’s that bug eyed ape Logic again – the one you most object to, “the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances”, is because they may get the legislature to do something that you object to. Should the legislature pass a bill that outlaws same sex marriage you would object to that. Should the legislature pass a bill that permits 4th and 5th trimester abortions you would arrange for a secular “Te Deum” for that.
The problem with competing in the arena of ideas is that sharp elbows are a must. Free men speaking freely leave wounds. Wars have been fought over those words.
With the exception of the Mohammed cartoons there are no strictures on art.
“Piss Christ”, a cross suspended in urine. “Corpus Cristi” is a play whose premise is that Christ was crucified because of a lovers’ quarrel. Jesus’ lover was Judas Iscariot. The American taxpayers have subsidized both.
How about a tax payer sponsored tour of the Mohammed cartoons? I know that the ones showing him giving bestiality a bad name may be a bit much for young eyes but it’s the price we must pay to learn more about our neighbors.
I will know that “Trousered Apes”, people like you, will have won when the Clerk begins the next session with the words “May some unknown entity bless this Supreme Court”.
Thus ends today’s lesson on liberty.
Kevin Smith
PS – Jeezus Haitch Keerist but Helen Thomas fits Fred Sanford’s spot on description of women with a certain grace. “There ain’t nothing uglier than an ugly old white woman.” She would make Medusa cut her hair.
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: Ugly lies in the eye of the beholder – A take on this morning’s column, one that ends not so surprisingly in you saying all will be well if we are less free.
My dear Professor,
“Ugly” is oft times a subjective thing.
Far be if for me to say that Helen Thomas is ugly but her family washed her hair with Alpo to get the dog to play with her. That is clearly argumentum ad hominem. I wrote that after I read that she said that “Jews should get out of Israel and go back to Germany and Poland”. That doesn’t make her look any better, does it?
You say in this morning’s column that anyone who wants to spend their own money to get elected is “ugly”.
You give Ross Perot the ultimate “ugly” honor when you label him the “quintessential ugly”. Jon Corzine and Michael Bloomberg fall into your killing zone also. Perhaps your objection to self financing a campaign is that they will not fall prey to the hated “special interests” groups. Lord knows what the SEIU, the Teachers unions, and pro-abortion groups get for their campaign bucks but it must be steep.
[In a bow to diversity, multi-culturalism, and Affirmative Action Warbucks Corzine gave $25,000 to every living, living being defined as not yet 2 years dead, Black minister in New Jersey. Since they weren’t candidates it was kosher to give them cash. He said it was to “introduce” him to their parishioners.]
Jeff Green and Rick Scott are your two favorite local “uglies”. Both men seem to have disregarded Lord Barack’s warning about “having too much money”. Perhaps they realized that they have too much of it so they have decided to rid themselves of it
Their method of disposal, alas, is not favored by you. Cocaine, gambling, and gamboling have their drawbacks. They want to give it to ad makers, political consultants, beer salesmen, event planners, lawyers, columnists and other hucksters, and probably a few bail bondsmen.
In other words, one wants to be Governor and the other wants to be Senator. If Florida and the United States can survive Jimmy Carter we can survive either of them.
You mention famous names being used by dullards, bounders, ne’eer do wells, and lesser breeds running for public office.
Congressman Kendrick Meek go this job the old fashioned way. His Mommy gave it to him. He gave a new meaning to the word primogeniture. Mommy, AKA Congresswoman Carrie Meek, gave Junior her crown, her mace, her great seals of office, plus an Escalade, the preferred conveyance of choice. Here’s the good part. She didn’t have to die!
A special section should be devoted to Senator Kennedy. In addition to never having worked a day in his life the man was a moral slag heap. If his license, presuming he got it back, read Teddy Goldstein he would have been a whiskey salesman who died 25 years ago of an exploding liver.
Too harsh? Not compared to Helen Thomas.
Whatever your academic training you seemed to have slept in whenever Logic was being taught.
Following your construct of eliminating whatever offends you, one that screams modern American Liberalism, we would shortly have no flowers in the world because of your aversion to bees. And should said bees show a proclivity for stinging women, minorities, and the various less than gendered or over gendered types that you champion you would use DDT on steroids cum plutonium to get rid of them.
In the end the mAL way, soon to be known as the Progressive way, is always the same. You put an iron fist inside an iron glove. Then you pass a law outlawing something.
“They are proof that we need public financing of campaigns.”
Your dictum, “taking private money out of public campaigns”, suggests a wish for expanded unicorn ranches with a side crop of rainbow stew. Where did Lord Barack the Beneficent get his campaign money? I am sure that his Chicago Best Buds, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, the organizers of the Gaza Peace Flotilla, gave him a few bucks.
Maybe they can give some money to have someone take a back hoe to the face of Helen Thomas. She’s so ugly only Dr. John Deere could help her.
The above has been a brief lesson in the First Amendment. It begins with the majestic words “Congress shall make no law…”. Further, in one sentence it specifically mentions 4 separate rights.
Reductio ad absurdum – there’s that bug eyed ape Logic again – the one you most object to, “the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances”, is because they may get the legislature to do something that you object to. Should the legislature pass a bill that outlaws same sex marriage you would object to that. Should the legislature pass a bill that permits 4th and 5th trimester abortions you would arrange for a secular “Te Deum” for that.
The problem with competing in the arena of ideas is that sharp elbows are a must. Free men speaking freely leave wounds. Wars have been fought over those words.
With the exception of the Mohammed cartoons there are no strictures on art.
“Piss Christ”, a cross suspended in urine. “Corpus Cristi” is a play whose premise is that Christ was crucified because of a lovers’ quarrel. Jesus’ lover was Judas Iscariot. The American taxpayers have subsidized both.
How about a tax payer sponsored tour of the Mohammed cartoons? I know that the ones showing him giving bestiality a bad name may be a bit much for young eyes but it’s the price we must pay to learn more about our neighbors.
I will know that “Trousered Apes”, people like you, will have won when the Clerk begins the next session with the words “May some unknown entity bless this Supreme Court”.
Thus ends today’s lesson on liberty.
Kevin Smith
PS – Jeezus Haitch Keerist but Helen Thomas fits Fred Sanford’s spot on description of women with a certain grace. “There ain’t nothing uglier than an ugly old white woman.” She would make Medusa cut her hair.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
June 3, 2010
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
RE: Shades of Boadicea! The female is the deadliest of the species. Some comments on your radio bit this morning about Israel. Who knew that your role model was Vercengetorix? Plus, what’s that smell?
My dear Congressperson,
In the interests of full disclosure I must tell you that I am not a Jew. The Man who founded my Church was. That, plus the fact that the Athens/Jerusalem nexus became the basis, the warp and the woof, the DNA of Western Civilization, automatically predisposes me to the defense of Israel. If we add Rome, 1215, 1688, and the exceptional American experience of 1787 to the pot we have a Western Canon worth defending. I know that you claim 2 degrees in Political Science so these terms and dates should not be foreign to you.
Unlike President Clinton I will make no claims as to my willingness to jump into a bunker should Israel be threatened. I must add that if I were to find myself in a bunker looking at some charging virgin lusting Mahdi men I would know that the sharp end of the cartridge goes up the spout first. The only sharp end that Clinton used was of a more up close and personal nature. I must add that I would not be a candidate for the soon to be announced “Courageous Restraint” medal. [As an aside, today is the anniversary of my last gun fight but that’s a different story.]
If there is one good thing to come out of the ship incident it will be that it puts to rest the claim that all Jews are “smart”. Whoever ordered the first wave of Israeli SEALS to rappel onto the deck of a moving ship filled with people who have sworn to obliterate their country will not be on the short list for MENSA. Those men went because they were part of something greater than themselves. The words Duty, Honor, Country have never had a sweeter sound. They sound good even if a Klezmer accompanies them. The men who sent them should be flogged.
It has been revealed that Barack Obama’s best buds from Chicago, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, helped to organize the so called Peace Flotilla that tried to invade Israel. Two years ago, Congressman Robert Wexler, AKA “Toad”, went to every shul in South Florida – an amazing geographical achievement considering that he hadn’t been in Florida in 8 years, remember? - proclaiming that Barack Obama was a true friend of Israel. Oy! With friends like that who needs enemies? Is it possible that American Jews have voted for the end of Israel? And we get to have our own Death Panels!
Eric Hoffer and Herman Kahn – Phone home. Please.
Would it be a political stretch to say that what is good policy for Israel securing and defending its borders can scarce be folly in defending ours? One of the hallmarks of a sovereign nation is that it sets the terms and conditions for getting into its territory.
How about waterboarding some of the leaders of the bad guys? Trying to get into a country that doesn’t want you can lead to some drastic measures. Following your Logic it is irrelevant if the name is Pancho or Abdul.
As soon as Camp Gitmo is emptied out maybe we can lease it to the Israelis.
Walls work in keeping people out of a country. Vide China and Rome. Perhaps if we were to shoot the next 9 people trying to break into our country it would give the others pause.
We owe so much to Israel. Our laws, our religion, and now, an effective border policy.
Kevin Smith
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
RE: Shades of Boadicea! The female is the deadliest of the species. Some comments on your radio bit this morning about Israel. Who knew that your role model was Vercengetorix? Plus, what’s that smell?
My dear Congressperson,
In the interests of full disclosure I must tell you that I am not a Jew. The Man who founded my Church was. That, plus the fact that the Athens/Jerusalem nexus became the basis, the warp and the woof, the DNA of Western Civilization, automatically predisposes me to the defense of Israel. If we add Rome, 1215, 1688, and the exceptional American experience of 1787 to the pot we have a Western Canon worth defending. I know that you claim 2 degrees in Political Science so these terms and dates should not be foreign to you.
Unlike President Clinton I will make no claims as to my willingness to jump into a bunker should Israel be threatened. I must add that if I were to find myself in a bunker looking at some charging virgin lusting Mahdi men I would know that the sharp end of the cartridge goes up the spout first. The only sharp end that Clinton used was of a more up close and personal nature. I must add that I would not be a candidate for the soon to be announced “Courageous Restraint” medal. [As an aside, today is the anniversary of my last gun fight but that’s a different story.]
If there is one good thing to come out of the ship incident it will be that it puts to rest the claim that all Jews are “smart”. Whoever ordered the first wave of Israeli SEALS to rappel onto the deck of a moving ship filled with people who have sworn to obliterate their country will not be on the short list for MENSA. Those men went because they were part of something greater than themselves. The words Duty, Honor, Country have never had a sweeter sound. They sound good even if a Klezmer accompanies them. The men who sent them should be flogged.
It has been revealed that Barack Obama’s best buds from Chicago, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, helped to organize the so called Peace Flotilla that tried to invade Israel. Two years ago, Congressman Robert Wexler, AKA “Toad”, went to every shul in South Florida – an amazing geographical achievement considering that he hadn’t been in Florida in 8 years, remember? - proclaiming that Barack Obama was a true friend of Israel. Oy! With friends like that who needs enemies? Is it possible that American Jews have voted for the end of Israel? And we get to have our own Death Panels!
Eric Hoffer and Herman Kahn – Phone home. Please.
Would it be a political stretch to say that what is good policy for Israel securing and defending its borders can scarce be folly in defending ours? One of the hallmarks of a sovereign nation is that it sets the terms and conditions for getting into its territory.
How about waterboarding some of the leaders of the bad guys? Trying to get into a country that doesn’t want you can lead to some drastic measures. Following your Logic it is irrelevant if the name is Pancho or Abdul.
As soon as Camp Gitmo is emptied out maybe we can lease it to the Israelis.
Walls work in keeping people out of a country. Vide China and Rome. Perhaps if we were to shoot the next 9 people trying to break into our country it would give the others pause.
We owe so much to Israel. Our laws, our religion, and now, an effective border policy.
Kevin Smith
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Congressman Joe Sestak
May 30, 2010
Congressman Joe Sestak
600 N. Jackson St. #203
Media, PA 19063
RE: What’s a lie among friends or if “honor is a gift we give to ourselves” when did you drop it?
Congressman Sestak,
There is a bit of irony about having Bill Clinton, a convicted perjurer, ask you to step aside for Senator Specter. If this were a spy novel he would be the “cut out”.
As it turns out he came straight from the White House. I have no doubt that President Obama lied. That’s what Presidents do. 3 times in the last century we were told that American boys would not fight in foreign wars, remember? Presidents must lie; they are not duty bound to commit perjury.
And just how far have you come from the Honor Code?
“A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal.
He will not tolerate those among him who do.”
It was simple enough when you said those words on your first day at Annapolis. I understand that your father is an alumnus of the Naval Academy also. At some point he must have told you about the Honor Code.
Where did it all go wrong?
The details, whether it was quid for a quo or the other way around, are not really relevant. Your ethical antennae, the ones that you got when you voluntarily chose to subscribe to a personal code of honor, should have been quivering as soon as the operator said that President Clinton was on the line. You seem to have become willing Wormwood to his Screwtape exhortations.
There is a scene in “A Man for all Seasons” when Thomas More knows he is going to have his head cut off because of one man’s perjury.
He asks the judge what chain of office his accuser is wearing.
“He is made Attorney General for Wales.”
“For Wales? It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world. But for Wales?”
Your desire to become a United States Senator has broken the bonds that have bound you to something greater than yourself.
I believe that this is going to wind up in front of a Grand Jury.
There you will have a chance to retell your story, this time under oath.
It will be easier then both to lie and to tolerate those liars with whom you have chosen to associate yourself. After the first lie there are no others.
“A man upon oath holds his soul in his hands as if it were water.
He opens his fingers at his own peril.”
“Duty, honor, country” was MacArthur’s last exhortation to the cadets at West Point. Too bad he didn’t get to the Naval Academy.
Kevin Smith
Congressman Joe Sestak
600 N. Jackson St. #203
Media, PA 19063
RE: What’s a lie among friends or if “honor is a gift we give to ourselves” when did you drop it?
Congressman Sestak,
There is a bit of irony about having Bill Clinton, a convicted perjurer, ask you to step aside for Senator Specter. If this were a spy novel he would be the “cut out”.
As it turns out he came straight from the White House. I have no doubt that President Obama lied. That’s what Presidents do. 3 times in the last century we were told that American boys would not fight in foreign wars, remember? Presidents must lie; they are not duty bound to commit perjury.
And just how far have you come from the Honor Code?
“A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal.
He will not tolerate those among him who do.”
It was simple enough when you said those words on your first day at Annapolis. I understand that your father is an alumnus of the Naval Academy also. At some point he must have told you about the Honor Code.
Where did it all go wrong?
The details, whether it was quid for a quo or the other way around, are not really relevant. Your ethical antennae, the ones that you got when you voluntarily chose to subscribe to a personal code of honor, should have been quivering as soon as the operator said that President Clinton was on the line. You seem to have become willing Wormwood to his Screwtape exhortations.
There is a scene in “A Man for all Seasons” when Thomas More knows he is going to have his head cut off because of one man’s perjury.
He asks the judge what chain of office his accuser is wearing.
“He is made Attorney General for Wales.”
“For Wales? It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world. But for Wales?”
Your desire to become a United States Senator has broken the bonds that have bound you to something greater than yourself.
I believe that this is going to wind up in front of a Grand Jury.
There you will have a chance to retell your story, this time under oath.
It will be easier then both to lie and to tolerate those liars with whom you have chosen to associate yourself. After the first lie there are no others.
“A man upon oath holds his soul in his hands as if it were water.
He opens his fingers at his own peril.”
“Duty, honor, country” was MacArthur’s last exhortation to the cadets at West Point. Too bad he didn’t get to the Naval Academy.
Kevin Smith
Anthony Man The Sun-Sentinel
June 1, 2010
Anthony Man
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: An addition to your time line for the career of Little Debbie, AKA Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, as published in the Sun-Sentinel on May 26, 2010.
Mr. Man,
I would like to add an additional date to your timeline of Little Debbie’s public accomplishments.
I would like to add September 18, 2001.
That was the day when Agent Thomas and Agent Pineva, both members of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, men with badges and guns, came to my house. They were sent by Hauptman Wasserman-Schultz because of some things I wrote to and about her.
Scratch a Liberal and you find a Fascist.
She is, to use the doublespeak so common to modern American Liberalism, the paradigmatic template of the closet Nazis who tell us that up is down, hot is cold and keep your mouth shut lest we shut it for you.
That day the policemen played the “good cop/bad cop” routine to perfection. One of them, Agent Pineva, actually told me to stop writing about her lest I “get in trouble”. [I have had policemen visit me several times about things I have written to and about public officials. One of them, Broward Sheriff Office Detective Joe Kessling, began his investigation of me by saying that I was “not in trouble”. I said, “You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean I am not in trouble?”] Agent Thomas told me he and other investigators liked my letters.
I mentioned that the lady storm trooper cum ideological succubus claimed to have two degrees in political science. How she could have done this without stumbling over the statement “Free men speak with free tongues” is beyond me. The words “Congress shall make no law…” are nowhere to be found in her political makeup.
You could include one of her photo ops with any of the teachers’ unions’ caudillos before they went to prison. If memory serves one of them went to jail for stealing two hot stoves and the pennies off a dead man’s eyes. The other went inside for wanting to play hide the salami with a pre-teen of undetermined sex.
I mention this because she always proclaims her belief in the public school system. A legitimate question would be whether or not her children attend public schools.
A new adjective can be added to her laurels.
That she exhibits the outward traits of a Fascist thug there can be no doubt.
Now she is a hypocritical Fascist thug.
As to the coming election you show a map of her district. It looks like a cartographer on crack constructed it. That is not unusual in Florida. We have districts that would elect Michael Jackson or O.J. Simpson. There are voting districts here that would vote 106% for Dr. Mengele because of his advanced stand on abortion. His pioneering methods on 4th and 5th trimester terminations always excite her base.
In her favor it must be said that she likes old greyhounds.
So did Hitler.
Soon, she will blame Nixon for the Gulf oil spill.
I will send her a copy of this letter. Now that she is a Federal official I hope to have some Federal agents drop in. I live on the water. I would prefer SEALS or Marines.
Kevin Smith
Anthony Man
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: An addition to your time line for the career of Little Debbie, AKA Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, as published in the Sun-Sentinel on May 26, 2010.
Mr. Man,
I would like to add an additional date to your timeline of Little Debbie’s public accomplishments.
I would like to add September 18, 2001.
That was the day when Agent Thomas and Agent Pineva, both members of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, men with badges and guns, came to my house. They were sent by Hauptman Wasserman-Schultz because of some things I wrote to and about her.
Scratch a Liberal and you find a Fascist.
She is, to use the doublespeak so common to modern American Liberalism, the paradigmatic template of the closet Nazis who tell us that up is down, hot is cold and keep your mouth shut lest we shut it for you.
That day the policemen played the “good cop/bad cop” routine to perfection. One of them, Agent Pineva, actually told me to stop writing about her lest I “get in trouble”. [I have had policemen visit me several times about things I have written to and about public officials. One of them, Broward Sheriff Office Detective Joe Kessling, began his investigation of me by saying that I was “not in trouble”. I said, “You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean I am not in trouble?”] Agent Thomas told me he and other investigators liked my letters.
I mentioned that the lady storm trooper cum ideological succubus claimed to have two degrees in political science. How she could have done this without stumbling over the statement “Free men speak with free tongues” is beyond me. The words “Congress shall make no law…” are nowhere to be found in her political makeup.
You could include one of her photo ops with any of the teachers’ unions’ caudillos before they went to prison. If memory serves one of them went to jail for stealing two hot stoves and the pennies off a dead man’s eyes. The other went inside for wanting to play hide the salami with a pre-teen of undetermined sex.
I mention this because she always proclaims her belief in the public school system. A legitimate question would be whether or not her children attend public schools.
A new adjective can be added to her laurels.
That she exhibits the outward traits of a Fascist thug there can be no doubt.
Now she is a hypocritical Fascist thug.
As to the coming election you show a map of her district. It looks like a cartographer on crack constructed it. That is not unusual in Florida. We have districts that would elect Michael Jackson or O.J. Simpson. There are voting districts here that would vote 106% for Dr. Mengele because of his advanced stand on abortion. His pioneering methods on 4th and 5th trimester terminations always excite her base.
In her favor it must be said that she likes old greyhounds.
So did Hitler.
Soon, she will blame Nixon for the Gulf oil spill.
I will send her a copy of this letter. Now that she is a Federal official I hope to have some Federal agents drop in. I live on the water. I would prefer SEALS or Marines.
Kevin Smith
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