June 24, 2010
Thomas L. Friedman
The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, New York 10018
RE: “Obama Lacks Guts to Exit Afghanistan” – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun-Sentinel.
Mr. Freidman,
I am loath to criticize however mildly, however genteelly, however sensitively, a multiple Pulitzer Prize winner. Adding to that is the daunting fact that your ex cathedra thunderbolts come from the aerie high up in the debt-ridden New York Times, the redoubt of modern American Liberalism. By the rules governing the not so benevolent despotism of said modern American Liberalism I should be prostrate.
I am not.
The first reason is that you have shown no public shame at being associated with another Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times alumnus, Walter Duranty. A brief reprise shows that he was the bought and paid for agent of the KGB while he was your man in Moscow. It would not be too difficult to make a case that his reportage led to the deaths of 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 Kulaks in Ukraine. That the majority of them were Jews and that the world did nothing was noted by another community organizer, Adolph Hitler. The New York Times has kept his name on its impressive Hall of Fame wall to the detriment and debasement of all other winners.
I wonder what its reaction would have been if the 1934 winner, Freidrich Birchall, your man in Berlin, was found to be in the employ of the Gestapo.
But enough of that.
Since the President lacks, as you say, the cojones to act Presidentially, does that mean that the change all the mush brained loons of the Left lusted for has gone walkabout? How many times must we prove Dr. Johnson correct when he said of a different matter “It is the triumph of hope over experience”?
Why would you be upset about a stolen election in Afghanistan when the President and his gang of thugs are from Chicago? The only place less corrupt than Chicago is Gomorrah. Will Governor Blago be allowed to keep his hair in prison? King Richard the First gave us Kennedy in 1960. There is an entire wing in the local Federal prison devoted to Windy City elected grifters and appointed poltroons. Kids in public schools, the schools that no politician sends his kids to, have a new anthem that they sing. “No Hot Stove is Safe” is a catchy tune.
You say “the President can bring U.S. Grant back from the dead to run the Afghan war”. I rather think he’ll come back only if he can bring Sherman with him. Sherman’s policy of “Make’m howl” shortened the Civil War by 12 to 18 months. When does “Uncle Billy” get the green light? When did President Obama become Audie Murphy?
Lyndon Johnson boasted that “a Vietnamese shit house couldn’t be bombed without his OK”.
Will David Axelrod be in charge of F-18 strikes? Will Rahm Emanuel find some Afghani asses to kick? Is there a new Curtis LeMay in the Pentagon who is being groomed for big things? Will Van Jones get to wear a Green Beret? Will Nancy Pelosi become the new Mata Hari? Will the “Courageous Restraint” medal be scrapped?
Do you think the Chinese will lend us the money to do all of this?
Speaking of the Chinese, you said a while back that we need a good dose of Chinese moxie, of Sino grit, to get this country back on track. Is now the time?
Do you think we need a Yellow Peril Cincinnatus?
It may be that the world isn’t as flat as you thought.
Kevin Smith
PS - Can we expect to see Cindy Sheehan picket the Rezko financed Obama home in Chicago?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
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