Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Letter to the Editor The Sun-Sentinel

June 15, 2010

Letter to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: “Ass Kicking from the Oval Office” – Soon to be an Olympic sport?


Thank God the President is fully limbed because nobody is busier than the one legged man in the ass kicking contest. Before he starts giving external “colonic massages” to the evil polluters from perfidious Albion I suggest a few pre-season matches here.

#1 – I enclose a printed copy of Congressman Klein’s website dated 6/8/10
#2 – I enclose a copy of two envelopes addressed to Congressman Klein that were returned to me. The return date on one is 5/5/10. The mail date on the other is 6/3/10.
#3 – Whose ass gets kicked first? The Congressman or the Post Office?
#4 – Until the arrival of the great Reagan the United States government had done two things superbly well in my lifetime. The first was the fighting of World War 2. The other one was being the General Contractor on the moon shot. Reagan rescued the country from the clutches of Carter’s thanatoptic malaise. He also beat the Russkies and saved the Western World without ever taking his sword out of his scabbard.
#5 – If the government’s attempts at plugging the well are as successful as the Department of Energy and the Department of Education are at reaching their goals we will be knee deep in goo by the time our football season starts.
#6 – If History is a guide we know with boot in the ass certainty that if the government is put in charge of the beach they will be importing sand in short order.
#7 – It would be anatomically difficult but I hope the first ass he kicks is his own. That would be a change we would all welcome.

Kevin Smith

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