Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cammy Clark McC Cammy Clark McClatchy Washington Bureau

November 28, 2010

Cammy Clark
McClatchy Washington Bureau
700 12th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005

RE: “Economy Cause Florida Lesbian Landmark to Welcome Male Guests” – Some comments on your not quite man bites dog story

Ms. Clark,

In the worst of all possible worlds what would happen if the headline read “Economy Causes Florida Heterosexual Landmark to Welcome Non-Gendered Guests”?
What if “lesbians” became “homosexuals” and “Male” became “Female”?

Has not a prima facie for discrimination – both gender and sexual preference - been made at Pearl’s Rainbow? Is this a case of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?

Barney Frank, Congress’s leading non-heterosexual, ran a gender specific whore house in his basement. Wouldn’t a Masked Girls’ Night Out Hot Spot have lessened Pearl’s Perils? Could this qualify as a “shovel ready” project?

Perhaps an all lesbian Koran burning plus arm wrestling contest might strike a more responsive economic chord.

I have to step back through the looking glass. The bell on my manatee snare just rung. I hope it’s a small one. Domestic sushi plus organic grease for my door hinges. I love Florida.

Kevin Smith

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