November 7, 2010
E. J. Dionne
The Washington Post
1150 15th St, NW
Washington, DC 20017
RE: Some things never change. A primer on how Progressive Democrats and their shills make hot equal cold, up equal down, and why gravity is optional in the 57, or was it 58, state country ruled by the Lord Barack the Beneficent. For this we are thankful to the Miami Herald for not printing it in disappearing ink today.
Mr. Dionne,
The concept of “the permanent things” [vide Eliot and Kirk] is not only alien to modern American Liberals it is anathema to the ink stained elitist statists who, in addition to suffering from acute “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”, believe, deeply believe, that their role in life is to tell other people how to live.
Having said that, I must say that there are some constants in their, your, screeds.
For instance, facts are never allowed to intrude upon an argument. That Logic is a discipline that must be constantly offended is a prerequisite to tenure in the hive that searches, alas vainly, for the Austrian/English dictionary that has become one of the sacred tablets of the Obama satrapy.
This morning’s column tells us the following:
#1 – “Obama should push forward an infrastructure bank.”
This may come as a shock to you put banks require capital. Before your favorite widget maker can make your favorite widget some widget material must come in the back door of the factory. The raw material of banks is money. Sorry pal but we don’t have any. I am sure the Chinese will line up with woks filled with Benjamins to finance the double decking of the New Jersey Turnpike. Why stop at the Bridge to Nowhere? How about the Tunnel to Nowhere? Start in Wynona, MN and keep digging until you reach the Great Wall. Why inconvenience the people who use the Bayonne Bridge by shutting it down to raze it in order to raise it? Let’s just lower the river. A win/win in my book. Newly “created” jobs plus the indigenous fish, the white eel, will love it. All these projects are shovel ready, aren’t they? Just like last year, right?
#2 – “And if Republicans continue to insist on tax cuts for the wealthy, they should have to identify spending cuts to cover the costs.”
The “costs”? Only people who know that all social problems can be solved if only men of good will want them solved would say that taking less money from someone puts a burden on the payer to make up the difference. Madness. Lunacy.
Here are two. One is symbolic; the other isn’t. Maybe it’s the other way around.
A – Not one penny of taxpayer money will ever again go to NPR or its affiliates. Also, a Congressional investigation into why Miss Piggy, Big Bird, and Bill Moyers have had a 40 year free ride on the backs of the American taxpayer. I love Elmo. I’d love him even more if he paid his “fair share”.
B – The tax deduction of interest and local real estate taxes on home mortgages is racist. It must be stopped. A higher percentage of White people own homes than Black people. Why should Blacks subsidize Whites? Why can’t Black renters deduct from their taxes the percentage of their rent that goes to pay the landlord’s interest on his mortgage and his real estate taxes? Lord knows but that’s “fair”, isn’t it?
#3 – “Obama must press on with reforms to the bureaucracy…” Shall I alert the media? For 234 years this country has been acutely aware of this. The exact language is “He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance”. That is from the Declaration of Independence. It was written after the original Tea Party. You should try to become familiar with it. Then I will introduce you to the Constitution.
As bad as Carter and Clinton were – Carter was the worst President in the 20th century while Clinton “was the worst man ever to be President” - they were light years ahead of the head up his ass boob who is now in India trying to sell some cement plants. They were Governors. They ran something. All this neddy dunce ever ran, to quote Jesse Jackson, “was his mouth”. Ain’t Chicago better for the time he spent there? He was sent to Washington to get him the Hell out of town.
#4 – I understand why your new photo shows you with such a silly ass grin. You are ambling onto the back 9 of life and, so far, you’ve gotten away with it. Mush from the wimp to soothe the saps has worked for you so far. “Lost in the dark wood of error” and clueless. The paradigmatic template of modern American Liberalism has a new poster boy.
Kevin Smith
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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