January 12, 2011
Gary Stein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “Right Wing whining is out of control” – Some comments on you not quite over the top snarky column on political discourse in today’s Sun-Sentinel.
Mr. Stein,
“There’s a $5 Dollar Fine for Whining” is one of my favorite Texas saloon songs.
When you’re right you’re right. Modern American Liberals, an inbred motley collection of curs who can look through a keyhole with both eyes at the same time, are known for their civility, their restraint, and their manners.
Thus, when Michael Moore, he of triple cholesterol numbers, a man who has killed at least 3 cats by stepping on their tails, said “more Republicans should have died on 9/11/01” he really meant that anyone who thought that Bush 41 was a good guy and that Bush 43 was a chip off the old block should have a major league Time Out.
Thus, when Alec Baldwin said that “Henry Hyde should be stoned to death”, he really meant that it was OK to hit him with a water balloon or a cream pie.
Taken out of context, some foolish people, people easily lead by demagogues, “mind numbed robots” who think that Wal*Mart exploits single moms who are women of color with children in need of a good Ritalin program, might think that it was OK to go and kill a Congressman. Luckily we have our vaunted social safety net to intervene and prevent a tragedy. [Did you ever wonder why “tragedy” is modified by “senseless”? Wouldn’t that mean that there is a “sensible tragedy” out there?]
When Lord Barack the Beneficent, and Blessed be his Name, said that he “wanted to kick somebody’s ass” what he really meant was that there is no such thing as a bad boy and that a steady diet of Midnight Basketball would have prevented the BP blowout.
When you become familiar with “tu quoque” get back to me. Meanwhile, “Congress shall make no law…” is still in force.
Kevin Smith
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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