January 20, 2011
Joy-Ann Reid
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1693
RE: Welcome to the Big Leagues – Some comments on your column in the Herald about how the wich, wascally, Wepublicans are so mean they should be horsewhipped, metaphorically speaking. That could be an example of “violent rhetoric on the Right” but since it’s directed at the Right it can’t be, right?
Ms Reid,
I hereby name you to be this year’s first Board Certified modern American Liberal ink stained wench.
All it took was perseverance and a fully developed genetic ability to believe that feelings and ideas are the same; that History is a myth; that human nature is politically perfectible; that words and deeds are the same; that profit is evil; and that, finally, all we need is love.
Before else I would like you to use your new media status to find out if Richard Gere had dinner at the White House last night. Lord Barack had Uncle Wong, the head Chi-Com, in for a big chow down. Gere has been chanting “Free Tibet” for years. Wong and his predecessors have held Tibet under their lion’s paw since 1959. Maybe Gere would have thrown a butter sculpture of the Dalai Lama at him. Who knows? Get back to me on that, please. I do know that Jackie Chan was there as a guest of his famous uncle, noted sleuth and gum shoe, Charlie.
The Republican Right is, to paraphrase Johnson, [Samuel. Not Michael, not Lyndon] evil and the source of evil in others.
Who knew that Jesse Jackson was an acolyte in the church of Rush Limbaugh? I can think of no other reason why he would say, and on national TV, that he wanted to “cut Obama’s nuts off”.
It’s easy to see why Glenn Beck would have helped in the production of the movie version of “The Assassination of George W. Bush”. When he produces “The Assassination of Barack H. Obama” he can say that “turnabout is fair play”. He can, can’t he?
It’s easy to highlight the Simian qualities of Lord Barack the Beneficent. After all, the Democratic Party and the New York Times acquiesced in calling Lincoln a “baboon”.
The supporters of John Adams said that if Thomas Jefferson won the election his supporters would rape the women and butcher the babies.
You decry the “violent rhetoric on the Right”.
3 years ago Senator Durbin [D-IL] AKA “Little Dick”, said that GIs were acting like Nazis.
Yesterday, Congressman Cohen [D-TN] AKA “What a Putz”, said that Republicans were Nazis.
.How would you characterize the above quotes? Interestingly, both men said those things on the floors of Congress. You know, of course, that no member can be held accountable for what is said on the floor. Wouldn’t it have been nice if some full time professional Kumbaya keeners had denounced the statements?
How about “violent rhetoric on the Left”?
Julianne Malveaux, an erstwhile modern American Liberal ink stained wench, now a full time college loan promoter, once wrote that the wife of Clarence Thomas should feed him ice cream for breakfast, crème Brule for mind-morning snacks, double bacon cheeseburgers for lunch, pizza in lieu of high tea, and lard, both fried and broiled, for dinner. If he had a tummy ache she hoped that Mrs. Thomas would IV him with egg nog, beer, and Crisco. Black men have a tendency to hypertension. This leads to a statistically disproportionate number of myocardial infarctions and cerebral hemorrhages in Black men. [That this is doubtless caused by the Republicans, and who says we don’t have death panels, there can be no doubt] Could this be a fuzzy paradigm of “violent rhetoric on the left”?
Fame and fortune await.
Once you get over the truth, and a damned inconvenient truth at that, that “stones are hard and water is wet” you’ll go far. I smell Pulitzer. Somebody has to fill the void left by Janet Cook’s career change.
You go, girl!
Speaking of Janet Cook, could it not be defined as inherent institutional racism that she was made to give back her Pulitzer Prize and made a pariah by her employer, the Washington Post, while Walter Duranty remains undiminished?
Cook made up a story of a drug addict’s child. I am told that while it was completely false it was a fascinating tale. In many ways it was the predecessor to the Dan Rather report on President Bush. “False, but accurate” was his clever retort. In the end, no one was hurt.
Duranty lied about what Stalin was doing in Ukraine in 1931 and 1932. As many as 8,000,000 people died because of his lie. Further, Hitler noticed that the West did nothing. Duranty took the first step that ended with 12,000,000 going into the oven. The New York Times refuses to acknowledge his perfidy. Need I tell you that Duranty was a White man?
Double standard? “You betcha”, as Sarah Palin would say.
Before you are on the View maybe you could tell me what happened to the “Summer of Recovery”. Did I miss it? Was it a victim of Climate Change?
I’ve been trying for 2 years to find, either in Broward or Miami-Dade, a “shovel ready” project. Any ideas?
Kevin Smith
Thursday, January 20, 2011
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