Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gary Stein The Sun Sentinel

April 1, 2012
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “I’m sorry…not.” – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun Sentinel

Big Stein,

Reagan is still dead. Tebow is too young. That leaves us with The Duke.

“Never apologize. It’s a sign of weakness.”

I suppose a quote from Woody Allen or Sean Penn or the ghost of Rock Hudson could be used to keep this “fair and balanced” but I think both of us would be sorry.

I agree with the major premise of your column. “If I have offended you” puts the entire apology into the murky world of the subjunctive. Modern American Liberals have no choice but to begin any apology with that caveat. As “Men without chests”, believing in nothing, they are forced to believe in anything. Thus, their favorite color must be plaid.

Speaking of “Nazi references”….

On September 18, 2001, then State Senator Debbie Wasserman-Schultz sent Agent Thomas and Agent Mineva of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, men with badges, guns, and the full majesty of the law, to my house because of something I wrote. Agent Mineva said that not only should I stop writing to her but that I should stop writing to all public officials.

That doesn’t quite rank with Kristalnacht but can I use the terms “chilling effect” and “slippery slope”? What if they had seized my files? Isn’t that what the Nazis did?

Speaking of “Nazi references” and “apologies” I consider it a touchstone of American political and, more importantly, American moral life to see where all the modern American Liberals stood on August 22, 1939. You remember that, don’t you? Stalin and his good pal Hitler decided to bury the hatchet. The first place where it was buried was in Poland’s neck. Has anyone ever apologized for that?

For one day short of 2 years and 2 months Hitler had more friends on the American Left than Doctor Suess or Woody Guthrie. Even the Rosenbergs did a little goose stepping. Alger Hiss became a fan of Wagner. Richard, not Honus. It was like Guernica never happened. Orwell almost had nowhere to go.

As a country we have apologized to our non-Macaca Indians. We have apologized to Japanese Americans. There are a lot of Americans soldiers buried in Africa, Sicily, Italy, and Western Europe. Has anyone ever apologized for that?

How about an apology at the Democratic convention?



April Fool!

Kevin Smith

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