Sunday, April 15, 2012

Letter to the Editor The Sun Sentinel

April 15, 2012
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: “I know that my redeemer liveth” – Some comments on your breathtakingly, egregiously stupendous opinion page in today’s Sun Sentinel


First, the column on “bullying” by Noelle Nikpour

“All History is biography; all biography is anecdote.”

I solved a bullying incident involving my daughter the old fashioned way.

My daughter was being harassed and threatened by another girl who was 2 grades ahead of her. The principal – AKA ”Roland the Worm” – did nothing. I drove my car onto the lawn of the house where the bully lived. I told her father who was standing behind his wife that if my daughter were harassed, threatened, or bullied from this day on I would beat him so badly that he would not be recognizable. Further, I told him I would take my chances with a jury.

This may not be a universal solution but it worked for me. Besides, it’s what a father is supposed to do. More importantly, it worked for my daughter.

Second, the lamentations of Big Stein.

I find it the height of hubris that a modern American Liberal carps about legislators lacking “guts” because they don’t agree with his thunderbolts of wisdom. All it would take to be transported to the land of milk and honey would be the repeal of the laws governing gravity. That will happen as soon as he elects half plus one plus a governor who subscribe to his views, such as they are. He has his work cut out for him so give him some time off to proselytize.

Stein cites 30,000 as the number of gun deaths a year. It is a numbing statistic. My last gunfight was almost 19 years ago. One police officer was dead before he hit the ground. Another was shot in the sternum by a .357 magnum from 7 feet. He lived. He also danced at my daughter’s wedding. I know what a bullet can do at close range.

I offer another statistic.

1,500,000 abortions since 1973. 58,500,000 total. Between 35% and 40% of them are performed on Black women. 6% of the population has killed as many as 25,000,000 people. That is a numbing statistic. A case for government sponsored genocide could be easily made, no? Where’s Al Sharpton when we really need him?

2 small points: Alas, they are both like baby turds in the punch bowl because they are inconveniently true and they pop up from time to time.

A – Switzerland has the highest gun ownership rate in the world. It makes Southern West Virginia and the South Bronx look like Vatican City. It also has the world’s lowest crime rate. We all can’t move there but perhaps we could replace the national anthem with guys in short pants yodeling. What was it that Harry Lime said about the cuckoo clock?

B – In a way exclusively available to board certified modern American Liberals, people who still believe that Julie and Ethel didn’t do “it”, Alger couldn’t have done “it” and that the world would have been a better place if Henry Wallace had been elected, he picks and chooses his facts. For any student of the Founding Fathers his reference to Thomas Jefferson is like finger nails on the blackboard.

It was James Madison and George Mason, his lesser known buddy, who snuck in the part about guns. On a lighter note, Ken Jenne, Broward’s ex-sheriff and ex-con, was the only public official to advocate the repeal of the 3rd Amendment. You may want to look that one up.

On to Steverino.

#3 – I am not a fan of tinkering with any part of the Constitution Since modern American Liberals insist that it is a living, breathing document I might make an exception for Professor Goldstein. I refer to the part about Bills of Attainder. Why not see if flogging, bastinado, and the return of the strapado while listening to hip hop rap at 124 decibels have any saving graces? He would be a good start.

About the vote in Bush v Gore…

The vote on the equal protection portion was 7 - 2 in favor of Bush. The 5 – 4 vote was on a procedural matter of whether or not to accept the case. It is a sublime irony of the highest order that if Robert Bork had been confirmed in 1987 he would have voted against accepting the case. Beware of what you wish for.

Once again facts intrude on Stevie’s tired polemic.

In the years between Bush v Gore and Citizens United 1/3rd of the Supreme Court changed.

Stevie says that Justices Breyer, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan will “never” [his term] vote against Obamacare [my term]. I guess he doesn’t know – maybe he doesn’t want to know – that all the above named Justices voted with the majority on certain parts of the Citizens decision.

Incidentally, if the Court has been made better by the addition of a “wise Latina” do you think it has been made better by the addition of 2 “wise Italians”, not to mention 6 practicing Roman Catholics?

Stevie’s sobriquet,
is one that he never fails to renew.

One more question plus to Big Stein and Stevie before we move on to Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, today’s target of opportunity.

If Mrs. Romney is unfit to comment on anything because her wealth would preclude her from knowing anything of the real world why wasn’t the same standard applied to Madcap Gypsy Lady Tereza Heinz Kerry? The easiest way to commit suicide would be to jump off her billfold. She gave her husband a $7,000,000,000 yacht as a tip, presumably for services rendered. Which of life’s lessons could she have offered to the single mom, a woman of color with children in need of a good Ritalin program, who is being exploited by the low prices at Wal-Mart? I know that Jackie Kennedy helped her husband in his campaign in West Virginia by telling the coal miners’ wives in Logan that their husbands would appreciate water cress or arugula in their baloney and relish sandwiches. Little things like that, plus Poppa Joe’s swag, swung the election

#4 – Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is known for her lavish hats. It is rumored that she wears them when she showers. The real reason she wears them is to keep her brains from falling out.

She picks “Timothy” as her paradigm for feral Black youth – urban style. The woes that “Timoth” must endure are caused by the dreaded Florida FCATs. It is a state wide standardized test to see if – forgive me – the students are learning anything.

Once “Timothy” fails his FCATs he won’t be able to get a high school diploma. Because of that he won’t be able to get a job. Then when he is confronted with White America’s racist insistence on a photo ID to vote “Timothy” will turn to a life of drugs, crime, and the Homeric fathering of children.

She says “not every child needs a college degree”.

I say nay.

Let every “Timothy” who gets past the abortionist’s death hook be given a Bachelor’s degree when his birth is registered.

Later, if he can get a high school diploma to go with it, “Timothy’s” future will be secured.

I understand that Congresswoman Wilson was a school principal. I pity those children. It’s too late for them but let’s start with a new rule: The History teacher, in fact all teachers, must be held to the high standard imposed on the football coach. It’s too late for her. Her tale implies that all that is needed is more teachers being paid more money and the problem will be solved. We will not just see National Merit Scholars but we will see Nobel Prize winners two stepping to Elgar. It sounds like the “shovel ready” jobs plan. How has that worked out?

The Logical progression of her column is since umbrellas cause rain blue skies will be the result of banning umbrellas. Maybe it is the opposite. Maybe twice as many umbrellas – no government can ever cut back on any function – will mean half as much rain spread out to preclude dry seasons. Maybe. I think. All that is needed is a plea for the poor polar bears and the return of Midnight Basketball.

How many “Timothys” has she consigned to the Gahennas of ghetto life? The difference between her and an abortionist is that she only kills the spirit.

Sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

God bless America!


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