Friday, October 12, 2012

Karen Yi The Sun Sentinel

October 11, 2012
Karen Yi
The Sun Sentinel
500 Broward Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: “Race used in grading” – Some suggestions for additions to your Page 1 article on race based grading curves. The unasked question is why have we have waited so long to do this.

Ms. Yi,

Finally, one of my great ideas, perhaps a bit before its time, gains traction.

I have been advocating a 2 birds with one stone Geometry policy since the last century.

One of the great problems facing inner city youth is low self-esteem due to low grades due to low grades.

The hated, racist FCATs are now used to brand students, schools, neighborhoods, and cities with “D”, our new Scarlet Letter. It stands for “Dummy”. It also stands for “Dolt” and “Dunce”.

How simple it would be to reverse this trend!

If we were to change Pi from 3.1416 to 3.0 we would help our struggling youth in a variety of ways.

#1 - Geometry grades would improve.
#2 – FCAT scores would soar.
#3 – Potentially ferociously feral Black youth would be more inclined to be less feral because of higher grades.
#4 – A few decades out, when the bridges all start to fall down, we would have a built in, year round, Summer of Recovery. Provided, of course, that our Mandarin money lenders give their approval.

My plan to drop the past tense needs some work but I’m gaining on it.

Also, each basketball team must have a point guard who is a small, calorically challenged White guy who has at least 6 thumbs. No exceptions.

Since this is GLBT Appreciation Month perhaps we could find room for those who did not make the cut for the school production of “A Chorus Line” to make the football team? Tight end, wedge buster…the possibilities are endless.

I suppose that when the boobies are running the hatch stuff like this happens.


Kevin Smith
Board Certified Life Coach

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