Monday, October 8, 2012

Snoop Dog and the new Notre Dame helmets. Yes Virginia, there is a connection.

October 7, 2012
Snoop Dog and the new Notre Dame helmets.
Yes Virginia, there is a connection.

Of course everyone likes, indeed loves, the 19th century caricature of a red faced, ebullient, maybe one gin punch over the line, calorically challenged Santa Claus.

The illustrator of same, Thomas Nast, was a phenomenally proficient and productive portraitist of politicians. They were Democrats and as such early modern American Liberals. Since he worked for people who bought ink by the tank car it was impossible to defend yourself, particularly if you lived down to his expectations. Thus, his portrait of Boss Tweed, a pasty faced, pot-bellied, dirty fingered slug still stands vividly in the nation’s memory 135 years after it was sketched.

He also hated Roman Catholics. The only group he despised more was the Irish émigrés. Thus, the combination of them, particularly in New York City, sent him and his barbed pen into over drive.

One of his more popular sketches was of a small man in a finochio-like green costume assuming a fighting pose. He would fit the general description of a leprechaun. He had distinctly simian qualities.

The term “Fighting Irish” was the truth.

The cartoon would never be found anywhere near a group of Irish Catholics. To show it would ring the bell for a never endingRound One.

It could be a sign of God’s whimsy that a group of French priests traveled half way across this fair land before they found a place to plant their flag and His cross. Naturally the French priests called the place Notre Dame. As the clock began to tick faster the terms “Fighting Irish” and Notre Dame became synonymous and interchangeable. The drunken, bellicose, ape-like, layabout leprechaun was able to lose its hateful origins and become an accepted, indeed loved, symbol of the school and its football team.

[It is fitting and proper to note that 2 of the most famous football coaches there were neither Irish nor Catholic.]

Time softens the edges of language and insult.

Thus, when Notre Dame introduced their new helmets, the bug eyed ape stuck on the side was not big deal.

When Hamlet told Ophelia to “Get thee to a nunnery” he meant a whorehouse.

Was it Alice or the Red Queen who said “Those words mean exactly what I want them to mean”?

A few days ago we saw a debate in which the empty chair would have scored higher than the empty suit.

A day later I was told the following by a mush brained, pointy headed talking nit-wit who was so far in the tank for B. Hussein Obama that he could have drained his sinuses and tried to train his ears to heel from the inside. Governor Romney had to disown his more radical supporters or the main stream media would be really, I mean really really mean to him.

A day later I read of the Snoop Doggy Dog, AKA Snoop Lion, list of reasons why he is voting for B. Hussein Obama. I quote directly from his notes. Let me add that Edmund Burke and James Madison are not sure whether they should turn over in their graves or dig them down as deep as they can go.

“Romney is a white niggah” – “Obama is a black niggah.”
Romney’s wife – “bitch” to the Dog Man – “got a dancing horse”. Caroline Kennedy, she of “Sweet Caroline” fame, had a horse named Macaroni. It is not known if her father’s taste for bearded clam al dente precluded it from a decent 2 step.
Obama’s wife “got a fat ass”.
Romney is a “ho”. He is also a Mormon but he “ain’t got no hoes”.
The Snoopster says “Bitch I will beat the shit out of you”. It is syntactically unclear whether he is referring to the candidate or his wife.
He says he will not vote for Romney is because “this motherfucka’s name is Mitt”. The much maligned Fairness Doctrine compels me to include his reason # 9 for voting for Obama – Am I the last one to remember when Senator Lard Kennedy introduced him as Bahama Osama bin Laden Yomama Obama Salama? I hope not. - as one that is only whispered about in modern American Liberal circles. It is, “He smokes Newports.”

I am not sure of the difference between “a white niggah” and “a black niggah”. I do agree with his statement that Michelle “has a fat ass”. In a few years she’ll be using industrial strength WD-40 to get into her Aunt Jemima costume. She’s about 2 sweet potato pies and a mac & cheese IV away from having a keister that’s an axe handle and a half wide. She’s got those great arms from smuggling all those 5 gallon cans of lard up the back stairs of the White House. It is an inner city substitute for KY Jelly and can be used to do the girls’ do.

I am not really sure what Snoop Lion Dog does for a living. He must do it very well. He has a face that could cure diarrhea. But if he is, to quote VP Curly Biden’s apt description of Black people hoping to enter public service, “clean, bright, and articulate” it may be time to lay in some adult sizes of Kool-Aid.

I’ll say this for him.

“He never lets you down.”

Kevin Smith

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