Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Congressman Sander Levin

December 10, 2012
Congressman Sander Levin
27085 Gratiot Avenue
Roseville, MI 48066

RE: Jeezus Haitch Keerist! You are some piece of friggin’ work.

Congressman Levin,

I just saw you being interviewed by Gwen Infill about the passage, in Michigan, of a “Right to Work” law. Its enforcement is limited by the borders of Michigan. Your answers were clouded by the syndrome typical of modern American Liberals, that is to say, “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. If you have problems with that send a SASE.

Some things jump out:

#1 – Your hair is much better than your brother’s. He begins his comb over from his arm pit. You don’t.

#2 – If memory serves, President Obama hosted a meeting of Congressional leaders in February, 2009. “There was an election, I won” was as effective and truthful an answer as he gave all day.

#3 – You may wish to familiarize yourself with the 10th Amendment. The last time I looked it was still on the books, still valid, and, until it is changed, the law of the land.

#4 – The state of Michigan, through its duly elected representatives, passed a law that guarantees its citizens “The Right to Work”.

#5 – You, in typical modern American Liberal style, hector a Michigan State Senator, a Republican, why a law, passed by the legislature and soon to be signed by the Governor, should be ignored. As a member of Congress what the Michigan legislature does is of no official concern to you.

#6 – Refer back to #2.

#7 – Are you of any assistance to the royally screwed annuitants of Delphi Motors?

#8 – Have you ever belonged to a union? Not the soft-edged Teachers’ union or the thuggish SEIU. How about the Teamsters?

#9 – I have created a new sub-division of my awards for you.

You are hereby named

The sub-division is for “hypocritical modern American Liberal politicians who would not know which end of a shovel to use”.

Wear your laurel proudly.

Here’s a thought for yearend gift giving.

Why not give some of your hair to your folliclely challenged brother, the senior Senator from Michigan? I mean the poor bastard uses two quarts of Gorilla Glue to keep the 9 foot long night crawler coming out of his arm pit under control.

Brothers should take care of brothers, right?

Kevin Smith

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