Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tom Moran The Star Ledger

December 14, 2012
Tom Moran
The Star Ledger
Star Ledger Plaza
Newark, NJ 07102-1200

RE: More about Wal-Mart

Mr. Moran,

I left one thing out in my note to you on December 9, 2012. It is an inconvenient truth that modern American Liberals either air brush out, a la the Joy Boys of the Politburo, or send it down the memory hole so fast it shatters glass.

When did Wal-Mart become evil? Was it evil per se? Ab initio? Did it become evil when Hillary Rodham Clinton joined the Board of Directors or did it become evil when she left it?

If you have an uncontrollable urge to pig out on Twinkies – and having belonged to 2 unions I can say that the ones present at their demise were/are dumber than a box of hammers - do not despair. You can get them at – You guessed it – Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart advanced the pay date for its dividend to this year so that its shareholders would have less Federal income taxes to pay on it. When was the last time the Star Ledger or its parent paid a dividend?

Have you thought about raising the price of your paper? That’s one way to increase circulation.

Kevin Smith

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