May 31, 2013
Anthony Orlando
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Liar, liar, pants on fire? Let me count the ways. Some comments on your column protesting that Republican Governors are not angels.
Mr. Orlando,
It dawned on me that since I gave up my pre-dawn gin I need a frisson to send Morpheus home.
You’re it today.
“The answer is the greatest act of hypocrisy in modern politics.”
You refer, of course, to the Republican Governors, bounders all, who tip-toe into Washington in the dead of night and load up their gas guzzling, polar bear killing stealth SUVs with federal pelf, such swag coming from honest, hardworking modern American Liberal states.
I say “Good Show”
If you are too dumb to lock the safe you really can’t complain when someone takes the money that you borrowed from the Chinese, can you? If you want to be Charley Brown believing that this time Lucy will let him kick the football….well that’s too damn bad.
But that’s not why I write.
I suggest that as long as the years 1916, 1940, and 1964 are not air brushed out of History like some deputy commissar out of favor with the Politburo the champion of “greatest act of hypocrisy in modern politics” shall forever be the modern American Liberal Democratic Party.
I shant comment on Woodrow Wilson’s vile, racist, and bigoted stands on Blacks and Jews. It would also be unfair to mention his sponsorship of the Ku Klux Klan so I won’t. [Do you think he inspired Justice Hugo Black and Senator Robert Byrd, both of whom were card carrying Democrats? Find out and get back to me, OK?]
“He kept us out of war.”
That was his slogan in 1916.
Liar, Liar. Pants on fire!
Franklin Roosevelt was a serial lawbreaker in 1938, 1939, and 1940. One of the great things he did as a felon was his constant breaking of laws that he had signed.
“I won’t send American boys to fight in foreign wars.”
That was his slogan in 1940.
Liar, Liar. Pants on fire!
Lyndon Johnson started 2 wars when he was President. One of them is still being fought. Before he started the second one – the one that has a big black wall with a lot of names on it in Washington – he borrowed Roosevelt’s 1940 line.
Liar, Liar. Pants on fire!
Thanks for getting me started this morning. If you need a part time job I have an opening in my front lawn Wack-A-Mole game. You have a very thick skull, probably ivory, doubtless filled with mush. I’ll have to duct tape your ears lest your mAL mush spill out and turn my lawn into a Super Fund Cleanup site.
PS – Why don’t you wiretap all the Governors? You guys are good at that.
Friday, May 31, 2013
May 30, 2013
Brad Ashwell
Media & Democracy
@The Sunny Sentinel
RE: I may have struck the mother lode!
Mr. Ashwell,
My constant search for Sunny Sentinel pundits to poleax – Think “unwavering” Big Stein, Little Stevie the Wonder, the perpetually racially outraged D.C.Lyons, occasionally Mikey from Brooklyn – is made easier when they bring some fresh cannon fodder in.
Life in the 10 ring can be interesting, particularly when I draw a bead on you. Think of it like being the catcher on the javelin team.
Who knew, I certainly didn’t, when I read your column on Wednesday the 28th that you, a natural piƱata, would turn into a cornucopia. Like the loaves and fishes of biblical fame the more I take out the more there is to take out.
Call it a historical, literary, political, and cultural Summer of Recovery.
You write that “the Koch Brothers are not a typical wealthy family”. That reminds me of the interesting exchange between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. I know you will enjoy looking it up.
Modern American Liberals lust after creating the paradigmatic template for all things social. Why not “a typical wealthy family”? Let me try to find “a typical wealthy family”.
The Kennedys!
Poppa Joe, as true a corsair as this country produced in the 20th century, established trusts for all his children in 1936. He was particularly concerned with Teddy. Even then he knew he would never be able to support himself. The die was cast early. He never worked a day in his life; he twice cheated in college. He caused the death of a young woman. His sexual habits were such that he would have humped a snake if someone held its head. He tried to put the fix in with Pope over a life time of supporting abortion.
I have sponsored a contest with many valuable prizes to the winner[s]. If someone could find a record of any Kennedy, anywhere, anytime, attending a public grammar school my gratitude would know no bounds.
In addition to being despicable turds they were/are/will be hypocritical despicable turds.
Is that what you mean by “typical”?
You say that the sainted Koch Brothers “increase economic inequality”. Alas, that is not so. The last 5 years of the benevolent rule of our Dear Leader, President B.O. have resulted in a top wage earner/low wage earner gap that would make a true Reaganite blush with envy. Look it up.
Again, the haughty, condescending disdain of meaner than cat shit modern American Liberals shows its viper fangs when you ask “whether we can trust those partisan ideologues to be good public stewards when it comes to providing us with objective news”.
Good golly but I don’t know.
Do you mean “objective” like Dan Rather was in 2004?
I leave with a simple Latin quiz.
Quis custodies custodiet, you putz?
PS – Perhaps I was a bit harsh with you, particularly the part about you not knowing the difference between writer’s and writers’. If so, and may I borrow a page from the modern American Liberal Book of Etiquette, and say if I have offended you I am sorry. If you are offended I am not sorry. In a burst of multi-culturalism, of which my favorite poet is Kipling, let me say “Only Allah can weave a perfect rug”. Ain’t he Akbar?
Brad Ashwell
Media & Democracy
@The Sunny Sentinel
RE: I may have struck the mother lode!
Mr. Ashwell,
My constant search for Sunny Sentinel pundits to poleax – Think “unwavering” Big Stein, Little Stevie the Wonder, the perpetually racially outraged D.C.Lyons, occasionally Mikey from Brooklyn – is made easier when they bring some fresh cannon fodder in.
Life in the 10 ring can be interesting, particularly when I draw a bead on you. Think of it like being the catcher on the javelin team.
Who knew, I certainly didn’t, when I read your column on Wednesday the 28th that you, a natural piƱata, would turn into a cornucopia. Like the loaves and fishes of biblical fame the more I take out the more there is to take out.
Call it a historical, literary, political, and cultural Summer of Recovery.
You write that “the Koch Brothers are not a typical wealthy family”. That reminds me of the interesting exchange between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. I know you will enjoy looking it up.
Modern American Liberals lust after creating the paradigmatic template for all things social. Why not “a typical wealthy family”? Let me try to find “a typical wealthy family”.
The Kennedys!
Poppa Joe, as true a corsair as this country produced in the 20th century, established trusts for all his children in 1936. He was particularly concerned with Teddy. Even then he knew he would never be able to support himself. The die was cast early. He never worked a day in his life; he twice cheated in college. He caused the death of a young woman. His sexual habits were such that he would have humped a snake if someone held its head. He tried to put the fix in with Pope over a life time of supporting abortion.
I have sponsored a contest with many valuable prizes to the winner[s]. If someone could find a record of any Kennedy, anywhere, anytime, attending a public grammar school my gratitude would know no bounds.
In addition to being despicable turds they were/are/will be hypocritical despicable turds.
Is that what you mean by “typical”?
You say that the sainted Koch Brothers “increase economic inequality”. Alas, that is not so. The last 5 years of the benevolent rule of our Dear Leader, President B.O. have resulted in a top wage earner/low wage earner gap that would make a true Reaganite blush with envy. Look it up.
Again, the haughty, condescending disdain of meaner than cat shit modern American Liberals shows its viper fangs when you ask “whether we can trust those partisan ideologues to be good public stewards when it comes to providing us with objective news”.
Good golly but I don’t know.
Do you mean “objective” like Dan Rather was in 2004?
I leave with a simple Latin quiz.
Quis custodies custodiet, you putz?
PS – Perhaps I was a bit harsh with you, particularly the part about you not knowing the difference between writer’s and writers’. If so, and may I borrow a page from the modern American Liberal Book of Etiquette, and say if I have offended you I am sorry. If you are offended I am not sorry. In a burst of multi-culturalism, of which my favorite poet is Kipling, let me say “Only Allah can weave a perfect rug”. Ain’t he Akbar?
Thursday, May 30, 2013
May 30, 2013
Brad Ashwell
Media & Democracy
@The Sun Sentinel
Mr. Ashwell,
With apologies to Shaw…I am sitting in the smallest room in the house. Your column of 5/29/13 on the infamous Koch Brothers, AKA the Wichita Anti-Christs, is in front of me. Soon it will be behind me.
But wait. There’s more. Much, much more.
“Deny climate change” is like a home run hitter seeing an off speed fastball coming in letter high. The only problem is over swinging. I shant.
First, a confession of sorts. In the late 1970s, during the glorious reign of Jimmy Carter, I would finish my morning ablutions by discharging a healthy dollop of Right Guard aerosol deodorant out of my bathroom window. Try as I might I could not enlarge the hole in the ozone layer.
One of my passions is etymology. GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChange is a mouthful. Its history would cause the great Dr. Johnson to gag.
In 1970 we were told that the race was on. The finish line was death, everybody, by 2000. The 2 finalists were freezing and starving.
As far as I can see the Intercoastal is ice free this morning. I will take all bets that it will be ice free tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. I also think that Michele Obama’s drive to make tofu, arugula, and fish oil milk shakes would suggest that we are not starving. I know I am not. Speaking of fat asses, the lovely Michele should take some of her own medicine. She has a booty destined for yards of Spandex.
You may wish to read “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich, Ph. D. It’s still a screamer
Here’s a pop quiz.
How did Greenland get its name?
Because it was green, that is to say “no ice”, you dummy. Look it up.
In the quiet moments, when you think no one is watching or listening, you must consider this. If it weren’t for circular reasoning and its evil twin, the treacherous tautology, “The Church of the World is Ending”, a cult filled with boobs and non-thinkers, would have no argument. None. Sorry about that.
It is the “consensus” of all lovers of Logic, people who know that it is not a parabolic curve, that “post hoc ergo propter hoc” was bullshit 25 centuries ago. Alas, you ninny, it still is.
“Dismantle worker’s rights” – Surely you mean workers’ rights. You did, didn’t you?
If “newspapers are…an essential community resource when it comes to holding power accountable” would not the evidence of your own eyes suggest that it is time, indeed it is past time, to lay siege to the Chicago Tribune building? Kill the men, rape the women, sell the children into slavery, raze the building, and turn the property into a nuclear waste dump. That’s how Rome solved its problem with Carthage
More people were shot in Chicago last month than were shot in Baghdad. I hope that if the Koch Brothers take over the Tribune they could change that. Maybe they could give hidden weapon classes in exchange for subscriptions. Maybe they could have executions at halftime when the Bears, the Bulls, and the Black Hawks play. Child murderers would be shot on the pitcher’s mound to the tune of Harry Carey singing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” during the 7th inning stretch at Wrigley. Anything to get the conversation going.
Finally, let me offer a te deum for “partisan ideologues”. Walking backwards, what would you call Frederick Douglas? How about Thomas Paine? And, lest we forget, Jesus Christ.
There goes the bell in my manatee trap.
Now your article is behind me.
Brad Ashwell
Media & Democracy
@The Sun Sentinel
Mr. Ashwell,
With apologies to Shaw…I am sitting in the smallest room in the house. Your column of 5/29/13 on the infamous Koch Brothers, AKA the Wichita Anti-Christs, is in front of me. Soon it will be behind me.
But wait. There’s more. Much, much more.
“Deny climate change” is like a home run hitter seeing an off speed fastball coming in letter high. The only problem is over swinging. I shant.
First, a confession of sorts. In the late 1970s, during the glorious reign of Jimmy Carter, I would finish my morning ablutions by discharging a healthy dollop of Right Guard aerosol deodorant out of my bathroom window. Try as I might I could not enlarge the hole in the ozone layer.
One of my passions is etymology. GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChange is a mouthful. Its history would cause the great Dr. Johnson to gag.
In 1970 we were told that the race was on. The finish line was death, everybody, by 2000. The 2 finalists were freezing and starving.
As far as I can see the Intercoastal is ice free this morning. I will take all bets that it will be ice free tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. I also think that Michele Obama’s drive to make tofu, arugula, and fish oil milk shakes would suggest that we are not starving. I know I am not. Speaking of fat asses, the lovely Michele should take some of her own medicine. She has a booty destined for yards of Spandex.
You may wish to read “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich, Ph. D. It’s still a screamer
Here’s a pop quiz.
How did Greenland get its name?
Because it was green, that is to say “no ice”, you dummy. Look it up.
In the quiet moments, when you think no one is watching or listening, you must consider this. If it weren’t for circular reasoning and its evil twin, the treacherous tautology, “The Church of the World is Ending”, a cult filled with boobs and non-thinkers, would have no argument. None. Sorry about that.
It is the “consensus” of all lovers of Logic, people who know that it is not a parabolic curve, that “post hoc ergo propter hoc” was bullshit 25 centuries ago. Alas, you ninny, it still is.
“Dismantle worker’s rights” – Surely you mean workers’ rights. You did, didn’t you?
If “newspapers are…an essential community resource when it comes to holding power accountable” would not the evidence of your own eyes suggest that it is time, indeed it is past time, to lay siege to the Chicago Tribune building? Kill the men, rape the women, sell the children into slavery, raze the building, and turn the property into a nuclear waste dump. That’s how Rome solved its problem with Carthage
More people were shot in Chicago last month than were shot in Baghdad. I hope that if the Koch Brothers take over the Tribune they could change that. Maybe they could give hidden weapon classes in exchange for subscriptions. Maybe they could have executions at halftime when the Bears, the Bulls, and the Black Hawks play. Child murderers would be shot on the pitcher’s mound to the tune of Harry Carey singing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” during the 7th inning stretch at Wrigley. Anything to get the conversation going.
Finally, let me offer a te deum for “partisan ideologues”. Walking backwards, what would you call Frederick Douglas? How about Thomas Paine? And, lest we forget, Jesus Christ.
There goes the bell in my manatee trap.
Now your article is behind me.
May 29, 2013
Brad Ashwell
Media & Democracy
@The Sun Sentinel
RE: What’s that smell? Some comments on your Jeremiad column about the end of Western Civilization as we know it…and worse… if the Brothers Koch, Bubonic and his vile sibling Whiplash, buy the Sun Sentinel.
Mr. Ashwell,
One of the distinguishing characteristics of modern American Liberals is that they, and they alone, possess the knowledge to know what is good for everybody. Further, they consider it their sacred duty to tell it to the untermenschen and so guide them because, as you say, “they don’t necessarily know how the ownership of a news outlet may be affecting coverage”.
I am glad to see that the du jour deity of the church of secular humanism has consecrated you, doubtless through a Damascene moment, to guide us through our “dark wood of error”.
Another characteristic of modern American Liberals is “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Since your head is so far up your ass there is a possibility that you don’t know what it means. If that is the case send a SASE.
You accuse them of financing many dastardly deeds. One of them is “discriminatory voting ID laws”.
3 things:
#1 – It took me one hour and forty seven minutes to vote last November. Does that make a prima facie case against Broward County for racism, ageism, sexism, or any other ism that may have fallen through the cracks?
#2 – Have you ever tried to get on an airplane, open a bank account, make an appointment with a physician, or, in Broward County, get a library card without a photo id? Please tell me what that is proof of.
#3 – I went to my daughter’s grammar school two weeks ago to have lunch with her. I left my photo id license in my car. Dawn would have gotten past a rooster before I got into that school. Does that make the Board of Education guilty of anything?
“Will they respect a firewall between owners and the newsroom”? Would you cite the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post as “good” examples of that fuzzy firewall?
You say that we must be protected from “partisan ideologues”. Do you mean people like Victor Navasky? How about Walter Duranty? James Wechsler? Would you say that William F. Buckley or Whittaker Chambers were “partisan ideologues”?
I know that your affinity for private property is akin to Dracula’s for the sun but a basic question remains.
Who in the name of James Madison and Milton Friedman are you to say what should or should not be sold? What divine power gives you the right to say who can or cannot buy something or can or cannot sell something? Here’s a thought that must be like finger nails on the blackboard to you and your ilk. When free men voluntarily enter into a contract to buy and sell something, when the terms are acceptable to both parties, why, other than the latent Fascism that lurks deep in the heart of all modern American Liberals, do you think you can interfere with it?
If the Koch Brothers decide not to buy the Sun Sentinel would you become journalistically tumescent if good billionaire George Soros were to show up with his check book?
There is some good news here.
You have won a most distinguished prize. And considering it is the first time I have read you you should be very proud.
By the powers vested in me I hereby declare you to be a
PS – I’ll save you a stamp. The “non-malodorous fecal matter” I refer to is bullshit
Brad Ashwell
Media & Democracy
@The Sun Sentinel
RE: What’s that smell? Some comments on your Jeremiad column about the end of Western Civilization as we know it…and worse… if the Brothers Koch, Bubonic and his vile sibling Whiplash, buy the Sun Sentinel.
Mr. Ashwell,
One of the distinguishing characteristics of modern American Liberals is that they, and they alone, possess the knowledge to know what is good for everybody. Further, they consider it their sacred duty to tell it to the untermenschen and so guide them because, as you say, “they don’t necessarily know how the ownership of a news outlet may be affecting coverage”.
I am glad to see that the du jour deity of the church of secular humanism has consecrated you, doubtless through a Damascene moment, to guide us through our “dark wood of error”.
Another characteristic of modern American Liberals is “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Since your head is so far up your ass there is a possibility that you don’t know what it means. If that is the case send a SASE.
You accuse them of financing many dastardly deeds. One of them is “discriminatory voting ID laws”.
3 things:
#1 – It took me one hour and forty seven minutes to vote last November. Does that make a prima facie case against Broward County for racism, ageism, sexism, or any other ism that may have fallen through the cracks?
#2 – Have you ever tried to get on an airplane, open a bank account, make an appointment with a physician, or, in Broward County, get a library card without a photo id? Please tell me what that is proof of.
#3 – I went to my daughter’s grammar school two weeks ago to have lunch with her. I left my photo id license in my car. Dawn would have gotten past a rooster before I got into that school. Does that make the Board of Education guilty of anything?
“Will they respect a firewall between owners and the newsroom”? Would you cite the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post as “good” examples of that fuzzy firewall?
You say that we must be protected from “partisan ideologues”. Do you mean people like Victor Navasky? How about Walter Duranty? James Wechsler? Would you say that William F. Buckley or Whittaker Chambers were “partisan ideologues”?
I know that your affinity for private property is akin to Dracula’s for the sun but a basic question remains.
Who in the name of James Madison and Milton Friedman are you to say what should or should not be sold? What divine power gives you the right to say who can or cannot buy something or can or cannot sell something? Here’s a thought that must be like finger nails on the blackboard to you and your ilk. When free men voluntarily enter into a contract to buy and sell something, when the terms are acceptable to both parties, why, other than the latent Fascism that lurks deep in the heart of all modern American Liberals, do you think you can interfere with it?
If the Koch Brothers decide not to buy the Sun Sentinel would you become journalistically tumescent if good billionaire George Soros were to show up with his check book?
There is some good news here.
You have won a most distinguished prize. And considering it is the first time I have read you you should be very proud.
By the powers vested in me I hereby declare you to be a
PS – I’ll save you a stamp. The “non-malodorous fecal matter” I refer to is bullshit
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
May 26, 2013
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: 2 Things plus an aside about your, as usual, upbeat Ulysses-like column about how a caring, sensitive, altruistic person can be a source for good in a world increasingly devoted to the pursuit of filthy lucre and the adoration of Mammon
My dear Professor,
The aside first.
Of the many characteristics that distinguish modern American Liberals from everyday folk, guys like me, for instance, is that they are genetically - I mean right down to the underside of the double helix coil, the place where the deoxyribonucleic acid “dies” that we may live – incapable of just disliking something. They, and you in particular, most hate, loathe, despise, insert own word, the du jour demonic enemy.
It, as your column says, is not possible just to criticize Ayn Rand. She is beyond contempt. She is noxious, toxic, and probably was a smoker. She ruined more lives than Senator McCarthy [Joe, not Gene] and J.Edgar Hoover combined. The world, according to doctrinaire modern American Liberals [as if there could be any other kind] would be better off if she could become retroactively anathema. Forget about burning her books. Dig her up and burn her just to be sure she’s dead. Then, burn her books and her memory.
[I conducted a secret poll of Broward County Randians,
both out and still closeted. One thing was unanimous.
Should Masterpiece Theatre, once Downton Abbey has run
Its course, do a reprise of her books you would be the perfect,
I mean the spot on, paradigmatic template of
Ellsworth Toohey.
Look him up.]
You begin your article about Connie Silver, a local artist who would be acceptable to the 1930s Politburo [a “low, dishonest decade”, remember?] She apparently possesses independent wealth sufficient enough to ease her conscience about the injustice of having it by giving it away. In that way she is like a modern day version of Andrew Carnegie.
Congressman Paul Ryan, and let it be said that he was at least as qualified as Congresswoman Geraldine Zucchini-Fellini to be Vice President, is your first example of greed gone wild, of heartless disregard of “hope and change”, and, I guess, good art.
As to the Koch Brothers….The last time I was in Wichita, Kansas there was a massive, and I mean massive, Calder mobile hanging in a public place due to the largess of, and may I say Thank God for the ego-driven “conspicuous consumption” of the aforementioned Koch Brothers.
By the by, do you know that they are in favor of same sex marriage? Look that one up also.
Can you not picture them in a different time commissioning Hayden? Encouraging the writing of The Aeneid? Helping a young Matisse or a Mark Rothko? I can picture them paying for a Frank Lloyd Wright house. I am sorry you can’t.
Can we stipulate that the “rule of de gustibus”, particularly when used by rich White guys, has produced more great art than any dozen Department of Art for the People can imagine? A picture of Beatrice Arthur standing stoically showing off her bodacious tatas sold for $1,800,000 this week. I mean we’re talking real sweater meat. Maybe it will cause a Summer of Recovery. It’s about time. Which is it? Art imitating life or the opposite?
#1 – “By 1981, her entire client group was made up of young men dying of AIDS.” 1981? Where? Which country?
Do you mean the AIDS “epidemic [And if it really was an “epidemic” what would you call the 1918/1919 flu deaths?] began during the Presidential term of Jimmy Carter?
Neither Tony Kushner nor Harvey Fierstein ever said that.
#2 – If you read Ayn Rand I’ll read….I’ll read….I’ll read….who is the modern American Liberal equivalent of her? Her works have been selling for more than 70 years. Her ideas, and may I use your column of Sunday, May 26, 2013 as an example, are being discussed since modern American Liberals listened to Uncle Joe and thought Hitler was an OK guy [8/22/39-6/21/41 - Look it up]
Speaking of helping the poor, Obama declared that the War on Terror was over this week. {I guess the two London born bug eyed apes didn’t get the memo] When will he declare an end to the War on Poverty, it being America’s longest running war? It’s in its 50th year.
Isn’t it time to call for a cease fire?
Get back to me, OK?
PS – If the Brothers Koch take over the Sun Sentinel you can count on me to put a good word in for you. What would I do without you? Besides, you’re cheaper than cocaine and less threatening than python wrestling. I’ll be there for you. Pure altruism. Don’t tell Ms.Rand.
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: 2 Things plus an aside about your, as usual, upbeat Ulysses-like column about how a caring, sensitive, altruistic person can be a source for good in a world increasingly devoted to the pursuit of filthy lucre and the adoration of Mammon
My dear Professor,
The aside first.
Of the many characteristics that distinguish modern American Liberals from everyday folk, guys like me, for instance, is that they are genetically - I mean right down to the underside of the double helix coil, the place where the deoxyribonucleic acid “dies” that we may live – incapable of just disliking something. They, and you in particular, most hate, loathe, despise, insert own word, the du jour demonic enemy.
It, as your column says, is not possible just to criticize Ayn Rand. She is beyond contempt. She is noxious, toxic, and probably was a smoker. She ruined more lives than Senator McCarthy [Joe, not Gene] and J.Edgar Hoover combined. The world, according to doctrinaire modern American Liberals [as if there could be any other kind] would be better off if she could become retroactively anathema. Forget about burning her books. Dig her up and burn her just to be sure she’s dead. Then, burn her books and her memory.
[I conducted a secret poll of Broward County Randians,
both out and still closeted. One thing was unanimous.
Should Masterpiece Theatre, once Downton Abbey has run
Its course, do a reprise of her books you would be the perfect,
I mean the spot on, paradigmatic template of
Ellsworth Toohey.
Look him up.]
You begin your article about Connie Silver, a local artist who would be acceptable to the 1930s Politburo [a “low, dishonest decade”, remember?] She apparently possesses independent wealth sufficient enough to ease her conscience about the injustice of having it by giving it away. In that way she is like a modern day version of Andrew Carnegie.
Congressman Paul Ryan, and let it be said that he was at least as qualified as Congresswoman Geraldine Zucchini-Fellini to be Vice President, is your first example of greed gone wild, of heartless disregard of “hope and change”, and, I guess, good art.
As to the Koch Brothers….The last time I was in Wichita, Kansas there was a massive, and I mean massive, Calder mobile hanging in a public place due to the largess of, and may I say Thank God for the ego-driven “conspicuous consumption” of the aforementioned Koch Brothers.
By the by, do you know that they are in favor of same sex marriage? Look that one up also.
Can you not picture them in a different time commissioning Hayden? Encouraging the writing of The Aeneid? Helping a young Matisse or a Mark Rothko? I can picture them paying for a Frank Lloyd Wright house. I am sorry you can’t.
Can we stipulate that the “rule of de gustibus”, particularly when used by rich White guys, has produced more great art than any dozen Department of Art for the People can imagine? A picture of Beatrice Arthur standing stoically showing off her bodacious tatas sold for $1,800,000 this week. I mean we’re talking real sweater meat. Maybe it will cause a Summer of Recovery. It’s about time. Which is it? Art imitating life or the opposite?
#1 – “By 1981, her entire client group was made up of young men dying of AIDS.” 1981? Where? Which country?
Do you mean the AIDS “epidemic [And if it really was an “epidemic” what would you call the 1918/1919 flu deaths?] began during the Presidential term of Jimmy Carter?
Neither Tony Kushner nor Harvey Fierstein ever said that.
#2 – If you read Ayn Rand I’ll read….I’ll read….I’ll read….who is the modern American Liberal equivalent of her? Her works have been selling for more than 70 years. Her ideas, and may I use your column of Sunday, May 26, 2013 as an example, are being discussed since modern American Liberals listened to Uncle Joe and thought Hitler was an OK guy [8/22/39-6/21/41 - Look it up]
Speaking of helping the poor, Obama declared that the War on Terror was over this week. {I guess the two London born bug eyed apes didn’t get the memo] When will he declare an end to the War on Poverty, it being America’s longest running war? It’s in its 50th year.
Isn’t it time to call for a cease fire?
Get back to me, OK?
PS – If the Brothers Koch take over the Sun Sentinel you can count on me to put a good word in for you. What would I do without you? Besides, you’re cheaper than cocaine and less threatening than python wrestling. I’ll be there for you. Pure altruism. Don’t tell Ms.Rand.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Corproal Leonard Putnam
A 41 year old piano salesman from Jersey City, my wife's great uncle, who, as the President of the United States said, "dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it he lives - in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."
Raise your glasses to the memory of Corporal Putnam.

Raise your glasses to the memory of Corporal Putnam.

May 22, 2013
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 Broward Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: Wagner, Hitler, Poppa Joe Kennedy – Yes, there is a connection. Some comments on your news story about 2 of the above mentioned in today’s Sun Sentinel
The segue from the Ring to the generation of the perpetually outraged and offended, in this instance, is stopped by the Bill of Attainder prohibition and the inconvenient facts of History.
The news story about Wagner is written fuzzily enough that low information readers will think that Wagner gave Hitler 5 Easy Pieces to learn to play the piano. The inference is that Wagner began chanting “Todt Juden” at Adolph when he was still in lederhosen.
The fact that Hitler was born 6 years after Wagner died is one of those speed bumps on the road to truth that only true believing modern American Liberals are able to overcome. No matter. It sounded good, didn’t it?
In case you are not familiar with Bills of Attainder they were a device that allowed the sins of the father to be visited upon the sons. Sort of like a modern day version of the Curse of the House of Atreus. In 1787 James Madison mentioned it in our Constitution so it would be specifically outlawed.
[It is a bit amusing to note that Margaret Sanger, a racist eugenicist who gave new meaning to the term “cull the herd”, inspired the Nazis to codify her writings in the Nuremberg Race Laws of 1934. Since she founded Planned Parenthood would it not be fair to assume that they too are Nazis and, as such, ineligible for public funding? Just asking.]
The story says that some of Wagner’s letters, letters held by his great-granddaughter, will be released to the public. The inference here is that if they are held up to the mirror the opening lines of the Horst Wessel song will become visible. Alas, that will not happen.
The Papa Joe Kennedy tease is simple.
If we are to believe his letters, he was an anti-Semite who favored Hitler and the Nazis over Churchill and the Brits.
Can we assume that all his descendants are Jew hating Nazis, closeted or not? Their taste in music is not known.
The ideological and political forebears of today’s modern American Liberals all thought, every last one of them, that Adolph Hitler was an OK guy, particularly from August 22, 1939 to June 21, 1941. That was a period that is an endangered species. Modern American Liberals would remortgage their souls to the Devil – Screwtape would be in refinancing clover - so they could airbrush that period straight down the Progressive memory hole. That was the year Hitler and Stalin became friends. That enabled Hitler to start World War 2. As long as Uncle Joe gave Adolph his blessing the people who gave us Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz would have goose-stepped down Pennsylvania Avenue if so instructed. Honest. You could look it up.
No mention of Wagner can be made without refuting Mark Twain. He said that “his music wasn’t as bad as it sounded”. It must be noted that the first performance of his Ring Trilogy in America, conducted by him, filled Central Park. The audience was so overwhelmingly positive that he could be considered a 19th century Elvis. Would that have made Bella Abzug or Mario Cuomo Waffen SS fans? Would Babe Ruth have been the engineer on the midnight train to Auschwitz? Would Joe Namath, Joe DiMaggio, and Rudy Giuliani have been the conductors?
A word of complaint from a loyal reader.
I used to send my Sun Sentinel screeds to some e-mail friends. I would always attach a link to the story or column. I cannot do that without subscribing to your electronic internet service. Since I buy your paper every morning I can’t understand how I would double my pleasure by buying the same thing twice. Thus, my notes go out unlinked. I am sure we will both survive.
PS – What’s that sound? Could it be helicopters coming through the rain? Are they playing the Ride of the Valkyries? Nope. It’s just some mAL wing nuts beating the drums for Obamacare as they plan on pleading the 5th Amendment. Once a Nazi, always a Nazi.
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 Broward Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: Wagner, Hitler, Poppa Joe Kennedy – Yes, there is a connection. Some comments on your news story about 2 of the above mentioned in today’s Sun Sentinel
The segue from the Ring to the generation of the perpetually outraged and offended, in this instance, is stopped by the Bill of Attainder prohibition and the inconvenient facts of History.
The news story about Wagner is written fuzzily enough that low information readers will think that Wagner gave Hitler 5 Easy Pieces to learn to play the piano. The inference is that Wagner began chanting “Todt Juden” at Adolph when he was still in lederhosen.
The fact that Hitler was born 6 years after Wagner died is one of those speed bumps on the road to truth that only true believing modern American Liberals are able to overcome. No matter. It sounded good, didn’t it?
In case you are not familiar with Bills of Attainder they were a device that allowed the sins of the father to be visited upon the sons. Sort of like a modern day version of the Curse of the House of Atreus. In 1787 James Madison mentioned it in our Constitution so it would be specifically outlawed.
[It is a bit amusing to note that Margaret Sanger, a racist eugenicist who gave new meaning to the term “cull the herd”, inspired the Nazis to codify her writings in the Nuremberg Race Laws of 1934. Since she founded Planned Parenthood would it not be fair to assume that they too are Nazis and, as such, ineligible for public funding? Just asking.]
The story says that some of Wagner’s letters, letters held by his great-granddaughter, will be released to the public. The inference here is that if they are held up to the mirror the opening lines of the Horst Wessel song will become visible. Alas, that will not happen.
The Papa Joe Kennedy tease is simple.
If we are to believe his letters, he was an anti-Semite who favored Hitler and the Nazis over Churchill and the Brits.
Can we assume that all his descendants are Jew hating Nazis, closeted or not? Their taste in music is not known.
The ideological and political forebears of today’s modern American Liberals all thought, every last one of them, that Adolph Hitler was an OK guy, particularly from August 22, 1939 to June 21, 1941. That was a period that is an endangered species. Modern American Liberals would remortgage their souls to the Devil – Screwtape would be in refinancing clover - so they could airbrush that period straight down the Progressive memory hole. That was the year Hitler and Stalin became friends. That enabled Hitler to start World War 2. As long as Uncle Joe gave Adolph his blessing the people who gave us Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz would have goose-stepped down Pennsylvania Avenue if so instructed. Honest. You could look it up.
No mention of Wagner can be made without refuting Mark Twain. He said that “his music wasn’t as bad as it sounded”. It must be noted that the first performance of his Ring Trilogy in America, conducted by him, filled Central Park. The audience was so overwhelmingly positive that he could be considered a 19th century Elvis. Would that have made Bella Abzug or Mario Cuomo Waffen SS fans? Would Babe Ruth have been the engineer on the midnight train to Auschwitz? Would Joe Namath, Joe DiMaggio, and Rudy Giuliani have been the conductors?
A word of complaint from a loyal reader.
I used to send my Sun Sentinel screeds to some e-mail friends. I would always attach a link to the story or column. I cannot do that without subscribing to your electronic internet service. Since I buy your paper every morning I can’t understand how I would double my pleasure by buying the same thing twice. Thus, my notes go out unlinked. I am sure we will both survive.
PS – What’s that sound? Could it be helicopters coming through the rain? Are they playing the Ride of the Valkyries? Nope. It’s just some mAL wing nuts beating the drums for Obamacare as they plan on pleading the 5th Amendment. Once a Nazi, always a Nazi.
Miriam Oliphant
May 21, 2013
“What do you mean I’m ‘not in trouble’?
You have a badge and a fucking gun.
What do you mean I’m ‘not in trouble’”?
Some of you may remember Miriam Oliphant, Broward County’s dumber than a box of hammers Supervisor of Elections. One of the highlights of her term, other than being proof positive that Affirmative Action ain’t working, was when she got her boyfriend a job her getting her boyfriend a job at her bureau. His job was to see that the protocols for responding to a raid by Somali pirates or a nuclear attack were in place. Indoor work, no heavy lifting, good pay, great benefits including doing the horizontal tango with the Big Boss Lady gave new meaning to the term “boy toy”. It sure as Hell beat working for a living, particularly for someone not overburdened with ambition.
Common sense would dictate prudence on the part of the employee.
Not with this friggin’ moron.
His record of never arriving on time was offset by the fact that he usually got drunk at lunch.
He cut out the middle man by coming into work 2 hours late 2/3rds of the way down the chute. He gave new meaning to the term “Glassy-Eyed Pete”. He couldn’t count backwards from 10 because he couldn’t count backward from ten when he wasn’t loaded. He still holds the record for 40 ouncers in one afternoon.
I wrote to Supervisor Oliphant suggesting that this was no way to run an airline.
Knock, knock.
Broward Sheriff Office Detective Joe Kessling began the conversation by telling me that I was “not in trouble”.
He did have a badge and he did have a fucking gun.
I don’t know if the above should be filed under “slippery slope” or “chilling effect”.
Maybe it was the dreaded daily double of both that modern American Liberals delight in.
That’s the one that says “Free speech for me but not for thee”. With apologies to Orwell, “Some things, speech for example, are free. Some things, my speech for example, are freer than your speech”.
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, another favorite of the moon bat, wing nut modern American Liberal coven, the one that favors manatee suffrage and 4th trimester abortion, that runs Broward County, also sent the coppers after me. Agent Thomas and Agent Mineva, both members of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and surprisingly, both wearing badges and carrying fucking guns came to my house because I had written something less than complimentary to Little Debbie. It was the classic Hudson County, NJ good cop/bad cop routine. Thank God I was raised on the mean streets of Bayonne.
[There are similarities between the two chicks. Ms. Oliphant has a Master’s degree in some kind of educational specialty that is sneered at by educated, non-degreed people. The Educational cabal is filled with ohmadans who think pi means lunch. Little Debbie claims to have 2 degrees in Political Science from the University of Florida. She has no knowledge of “Free men speak with free tongues”. It is like saying she loves the cello but has never heard of Bach. Both have won my most prestigious award – SMARMY BASTARD OF THE YEAR – with Debbie winning it several times. Broward County is always a target rich environment, particularly for people who both revere and appreciate History and know that Logic is not a parabolic curve. At its core, practicing, card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberals are totalitarian, brown shirted, hob nail booted wanabee Nazis. It only takes watching one 90 year old nun get smacked for protesting in front of an abortion clinic to know that. Because I am not sure that Ms. Oliphant has ever heard of the Bill of Rights I can only say that I am positive that Debbie based on what she tried to do to me and others is opposed to all of it.]
Comes now the magic moment, the moment and we all knew IT could never happen here, when James Rosen of Fox News gets Big Brother interested in him. Rosen has the engaging look of someone who keeps his sardonic mien almost completely under control. Daily duels with dunces will do that to you. He tells you what he knows, not what he thinks.
The Department of Justice put a tail on him, a Sam Spade with a Federal badge, a gum shoe replete with electronic, digital, DNA, GPS and McGriff the Crime Dog tenacity, to see how he found out what he “knew” and who told him about the petty affronts to the Rule of Law that Modern American Liberals thrive on. Who the Hell did he think he was? Daniel Ellsberg?
“The wish of the Prince has the force of law”
morphs very quickly into
“Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest”?
To be continued…
“What do you mean I’m ‘not in trouble’?
You have a badge and a fucking gun.
What do you mean I’m ‘not in trouble’”?
Some of you may remember Miriam Oliphant, Broward County’s dumber than a box of hammers Supervisor of Elections. One of the highlights of her term, other than being proof positive that Affirmative Action ain’t working, was when she got her boyfriend a job her getting her boyfriend a job at her bureau. His job was to see that the protocols for responding to a raid by Somali pirates or a nuclear attack were in place. Indoor work, no heavy lifting, good pay, great benefits including doing the horizontal tango with the Big Boss Lady gave new meaning to the term “boy toy”. It sure as Hell beat working for a living, particularly for someone not overburdened with ambition.
Common sense would dictate prudence on the part of the employee.
Not with this friggin’ moron.
His record of never arriving on time was offset by the fact that he usually got drunk at lunch.
He cut out the middle man by coming into work 2 hours late 2/3rds of the way down the chute. He gave new meaning to the term “Glassy-Eyed Pete”. He couldn’t count backwards from 10 because he couldn’t count backward from ten when he wasn’t loaded. He still holds the record for 40 ouncers in one afternoon.
I wrote to Supervisor Oliphant suggesting that this was no way to run an airline.
Knock, knock.
Broward Sheriff Office Detective Joe Kessling began the conversation by telling me that I was “not in trouble”.
He did have a badge and he did have a fucking gun.
I don’t know if the above should be filed under “slippery slope” or “chilling effect”.
Maybe it was the dreaded daily double of both that modern American Liberals delight in.
That’s the one that says “Free speech for me but not for thee”. With apologies to Orwell, “Some things, speech for example, are free. Some things, my speech for example, are freer than your speech”.
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, another favorite of the moon bat, wing nut modern American Liberal coven, the one that favors manatee suffrage and 4th trimester abortion, that runs Broward County, also sent the coppers after me. Agent Thomas and Agent Mineva, both members of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and surprisingly, both wearing badges and carrying fucking guns came to my house because I had written something less than complimentary to Little Debbie. It was the classic Hudson County, NJ good cop/bad cop routine. Thank God I was raised on the mean streets of Bayonne.
[There are similarities between the two chicks. Ms. Oliphant has a Master’s degree in some kind of educational specialty that is sneered at by educated, non-degreed people. The Educational cabal is filled with ohmadans who think pi means lunch. Little Debbie claims to have 2 degrees in Political Science from the University of Florida. She has no knowledge of “Free men speak with free tongues”. It is like saying she loves the cello but has never heard of Bach. Both have won my most prestigious award – SMARMY BASTARD OF THE YEAR – with Debbie winning it several times. Broward County is always a target rich environment, particularly for people who both revere and appreciate History and know that Logic is not a parabolic curve. At its core, practicing, card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberals are totalitarian, brown shirted, hob nail booted wanabee Nazis. It only takes watching one 90 year old nun get smacked for protesting in front of an abortion clinic to know that. Because I am not sure that Ms. Oliphant has ever heard of the Bill of Rights I can only say that I am positive that Debbie based on what she tried to do to me and others is opposed to all of it.]
Comes now the magic moment, the moment and we all knew IT could never happen here, when James Rosen of Fox News gets Big Brother interested in him. Rosen has the engaging look of someone who keeps his sardonic mien almost completely under control. Daily duels with dunces will do that to you. He tells you what he knows, not what he thinks.
The Department of Justice put a tail on him, a Sam Spade with a Federal badge, a gum shoe replete with electronic, digital, DNA, GPS and McGriff the Crime Dog tenacity, to see how he found out what he “knew” and who told him about the petty affronts to the Rule of Law that Modern American Liberals thrive on. Who the Hell did he think he was? Daniel Ellsberg?
“The wish of the Prince has the force of law”
morphs very quickly into
“Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest”?
To be continued…
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Victor Davis Hanson on Old Books
We all know the usual reasons why we are prodded to read the classics — moving characters, seminal ideas, blueprints of our culture, and paradigms of sterling prose and poetry. Then we nod and snooze.
But there are practical reasons as well that might better appeal to the iPhone generation that is minute-by-minute wired into a collective hive of celebrity titillation, the cool, cooler, and coolest recent rapper, or the grunting of “ya know,” “dah,” and “like.” After all, no one can quite be happy with all that. ...
Read the rest here
But there are practical reasons as well that might better appeal to the iPhone generation that is minute-by-minute wired into a collective hive of celebrity titillation, the cool, cooler, and coolest recent rapper, or the grunting of “ya know,” “dah,” and “like.” After all, no one can quite be happy with all that. ...
Read the rest here
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