May 31, 2013
Anthony Orlando
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Liar, liar, pants on fire? Let me count the ways. Some comments on your column protesting that Republican Governors are not angels.
Mr. Orlando,
It dawned on me that since I gave up my pre-dawn gin I need a frisson to send Morpheus home.
You’re it today.
“The answer is the greatest act of hypocrisy in modern politics.”
You refer, of course, to the Republican Governors, bounders all, who tip-toe into Washington in the dead of night and load up their gas guzzling, polar bear killing stealth SUVs with federal pelf, such swag coming from honest, hardworking modern American Liberal states.
I say “Good Show”
If you are too dumb to lock the safe you really can’t complain when someone takes the money that you borrowed from the Chinese, can you? If you want to be Charley Brown believing that this time Lucy will let him kick the football….well that’s too damn bad.
But that’s not why I write.
I suggest that as long as the years 1916, 1940, and 1964 are not air brushed out of History like some deputy commissar out of favor with the Politburo the champion of “greatest act of hypocrisy in modern politics” shall forever be the modern American Liberal Democratic Party.
I shant comment on Woodrow Wilson’s vile, racist, and bigoted stands on Blacks and Jews. It would also be unfair to mention his sponsorship of the Ku Klux Klan so I won’t. [Do you think he inspired Justice Hugo Black and Senator Robert Byrd, both of whom were card carrying Democrats? Find out and get back to me, OK?]
“He kept us out of war.”
That was his slogan in 1916.
Liar, Liar. Pants on fire!
Franklin Roosevelt was a serial lawbreaker in 1938, 1939, and 1940. One of the great things he did as a felon was his constant breaking of laws that he had signed.
“I won’t send American boys to fight in foreign wars.”
That was his slogan in 1940.
Liar, Liar. Pants on fire!
Lyndon Johnson started 2 wars when he was President. One of them is still being fought. Before he started the second one – the one that has a big black wall with a lot of names on it in Washington – he borrowed Roosevelt’s 1940 line.
Liar, Liar. Pants on fire!
Thanks for getting me started this morning. If you need a part time job I have an opening in my front lawn Wack-A-Mole game. You have a very thick skull, probably ivory, doubtless filled with mush. I’ll have to duct tape your ears lest your mAL mush spill out and turn my lawn into a Super Fund Cleanup site.
PS – Why don’t you wiretap all the Governors? You guys are good at that.
Friday, May 31, 2013
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