Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 22, 2013
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 Broward Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Wagner, Hitler, Poppa Joe Kennedy – Yes, there is a connection. Some comments on your news story about 2 of the above mentioned in today’s Sun Sentinel


The segue from the Ring to the generation of the perpetually outraged and offended, in this instance, is stopped by the Bill of Attainder prohibition and the inconvenient facts of History.

The news story about Wagner is written fuzzily enough that low information readers will think that Wagner gave Hitler 5 Easy Pieces to learn to play the piano. The inference is that Wagner began chanting “Todt Juden” at Adolph when he was still in lederhosen.

The fact that Hitler was born 6 years after Wagner died is one of those speed bumps on the road to truth that only true believing modern American Liberals are able to overcome. No matter. It sounded good, didn’t it?

In case you are not familiar with Bills of Attainder they were a device that allowed the sins of the father to be visited upon the sons. Sort of like a modern day version of the Curse of the House of Atreus. In 1787 James Madison mentioned it in our Constitution so it would be specifically outlawed.

[It is a bit amusing to note that Margaret Sanger, a racist eugenicist who gave new meaning to the term “cull the herd”, inspired the Nazis to codify her writings in the Nuremberg Race Laws of 1934. Since she founded Planned Parenthood would it not be fair to assume that they too are Nazis and, as such, ineligible for public funding? Just asking.]

The story says that some of Wagner’s letters, letters held by his great-granddaughter, will be released to the public. The inference here is that if they are held up to the mirror the opening lines of the Horst Wessel song will become visible. Alas, that will not happen.

The Papa Joe Kennedy tease is simple.

If we are to believe his letters, he was an anti-Semite who favored Hitler and the Nazis over Churchill and the Brits.

Can we assume that all his descendants are Jew hating Nazis, closeted or not? Their taste in music is not known.

The ideological and political forebears of today’s modern American Liberals all thought, every last one of them, that Adolph Hitler was an OK guy, particularly from August 22, 1939 to June 21, 1941. That was a period that is an endangered species. Modern American Liberals would remortgage their souls to the Devil – Screwtape would be in refinancing clover - so they could airbrush that period straight down the Progressive memory hole. That was the year Hitler and Stalin became friends. That enabled Hitler to start World War 2. As long as Uncle Joe gave Adolph his blessing the people who gave us Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz would have goose-stepped down Pennsylvania Avenue if so instructed. Honest. You could look it up.

No mention of Wagner can be made without refuting Mark Twain. He said that “his music wasn’t as bad as it sounded”. It must be noted that the first performance of his Ring Trilogy in America, conducted by him, filled Central Park. The audience was so overwhelmingly positive that he could be considered a 19th century Elvis. Would that have made Bella Abzug or Mario Cuomo Waffen SS fans? Would Babe Ruth have been the engineer on the midnight train to Auschwitz? Would Joe Namath, Joe DiMaggio, and Rudy Giuliani have been the conductors?

A word of complaint from a loyal reader.

I used to send my Sun Sentinel screeds to some e-mail friends. I would always attach a link to the story or column. I cannot do that without subscribing to your electronic internet service. Since I buy your paper every morning I can’t understand how I would double my pleasure by buying the same thing twice. Thus, my notes go out unlinked. I am sure we will both survive.


PS – What’s that sound? Could it be helicopters coming through the rain? Are they playing the Ride of the Valkyries? Nope. It’s just some mAL wing nuts beating the drums for Obamacare as they plan on pleading the 5th Amendment. Once a Nazi, always a Nazi.

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