Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 21, 2013
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “All them corn fields and ballet at night” – Why the eternal quest, a quest led by boobs, boobs such as you, who “knavishly set traps for fools”, who think the laws governing gravity should be repealed because they are so unfair, is writ large in your typically unctuously oleaginous head so far up your ass column that you could give yourself a rhinoplasty from the inside, about how good government is the end game of History or, if it isn’t, should be, in today’s Sun Sentinel is worthy of comment

My dear Professor,

The Alien & Sedition Acts
The Palmer Raids
The NRA “Blue Eagle”
The War on Poverty
Midnight Basketball

I know you’re asking. What in the name of the world renowned efficiency of state run Motor Vehicle Agencies do they have in common?

They are, as you say, the results of a “relevant, effective and responsive government”, one that “shines”, one that is – Background music from “Hair”, please – the dawn of the “Age of Good Government”.

No autopsy of your absolutely asinine, vacuous, perpetually fact challenged apologia for never ending nit-witism would be complete without your flogging through the fleet condemnation of “selfish profiteers [and] mega-business hoarders of trillions of dollars”. Is there any chance you mean George Soros? Just asking.

“European economies have been self-destructing by adhering to austerity programs that don’t work” is an example of why Fifth Amendment protection should be extended to card carrying, fire breathing, publically preaching modern American Liberals lest they be subject to the Baker Act.

Anyone, you for instance, who believes that the European economy, one that most resembles a Sunday morning bout with the dry heaves, is caused by “austerity” must also believe that umbrellas cause rain.

All of the examples I gave occurred in administrations that lived by and swore allegiance to the advantages of “Big Government”. Honest. You could look it up.

“Sooner or later the pendulum will fully swing.”

And when that “pendulum” swings back with Poe-like precision to where you want it to be to whom can I complain to if the trains – high speed, powered by bovine eructations ensuring an environmentally sensitivity so profound that Ned Lud would be proud – don’t run on time?

June 22, 2013

As I was about to electronically post this note – and can we ever thank Al Gore enough for inventing the Internet? I certainly can’t. It’s almost enough to make me forget about him selling out to the WOG terrorists. Almost. – I asked how is it possible for ohmadahns to gain a pulpit from which to say things that are offensive to both Logic and History.

One possible answer is that “Only Allah can weave a perfect rug”. Come to think of it, Allah ain’t so Akbar anymore, is she?

Perhaps people “can go broke underestimating the taste of the American public”.

The Sun Sentinel is in bankruptcy. The New York Times loses $1,000,000,000 on the Boston Globe and survives on the sufferance of a true Frito Bandido, cook books, and re-runs of the Discovery Channel. Newsweek just disappears. Poof. Gone. No footprints. Who knows? Maybe Drudge was right.

The 25 century long striving of Western Man [both words purposely chosen] for freedom has one common thread running through it.

The Hellenes in the agora knew that the worst form of government was mob rule, AKA democracy. Further, they and the Romans knew that whoever they picked to be in charge they would have to bind him by law and custom so that the res publica could survive.

The people came to realize that their rights, “certain inalienable rights”, were theirs at birth and that they “came from beyond the stars”. They were not granted by a benevolent government. If they had been then the next government, perhaps not so benevolent, could take them away.

Freedom’s song is sung most loudly against government, be it good or bad, big or small.

I am going to fast forward to the brutally hot summer of 1787 in Philadelphia. Who knows? It may have been the start of Global Warming.

It may be counted as a minor proof of God’s existence that a bunch of literate curmudgeons, and yes, they were all White and yes, some of them owned slaves and yes, some of them would have a drink or two with you and yes, some of them had zipper trouble before zippers had been invented, produced the Constitution, a document that is the envy of mankind to this day. It is why you never see anyone swimming towards Cuba.

It came in 2 parts.

The first part says what government can do.

Things like issuing letters of marque and reprisal, things like guaranteeing each state a Republican form of government, things like capturing and punishing pirates, and things like protecting each state from invasion by a foreign power. Good things; all spelled out.

The second part says what government cannot do.

There is a magic moment in the “Law and Order” series.

The detectives are about to get the lowlife to “give it up”. The door opens and an ordinary guy says “Stop”! Everything stops. Most specifically, the government stops. Something called “due process” kicks in. The guy with the spotlight shining in his eyes doesn’t have to prove he didn’t do it. The state has to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that he did it. It must convince 12 of his fellow citizens that he indeed did it.

It worked for O.J. Simpson. It may work for George Zimmerman assuming he can overcome the burden of being “a white Hispanic” according to the New York Times.

Either way the Republic will survive.

Edmund Burke, and I shudder when I realize that you have no idea of who he was or what he wrote, said that the perpetual conflict in any society is always between order and freedom,

I fear that your paradigmatic template, one that is shared by all modern American Liberals, of what a government should do is based on the scribblings of John Rawls. If so, it becomes the horizon. It can never be reached. The result is simple.

In theory the electorate is always looking for more. More stuff, more respect, more attention, more favors. More. More.

In practice you get Detroit.
Chicago has more people being killed by gunfire than Baghdad.

We are told the NRA is to blame.

“How small, of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure.”

Happy days are still not here again.


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