Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 27, 2013
Joy-Ann Reid
The Miami Herald

RE: The fight continues…because what would happen should victory be attained is too chilling to contemplate. Some questions and comments on why the glass will never even be half-filled due to the uneven table on which the pouring takes place as reported by you in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Reid,

First, I need some help in the Paula Deen brouhaha.

Do you think it would make sense for every White American to answer questions, under oath, about their usage of the dreaded “N” word, the word that White Americans dare not use?

“Are you now or have you ever been a user of the dreaded “N” word, a word that White Americans dare not use”, would be a good opening question.

Each and every White American would be required to come clean under the perjury penalties that the law allows [with no Bill Clinton exceptions] about their past or present usage of the dreaded “N” word, a word that White Americans dare not use.

Trigger was the name of Roy Rogers’ horse. Jigger is a measure used when making cocktails. Chigger is an 8-lessed pest. Digger is the name used by a man who is using a shovel. Bigger, and please excuse the tautology, is bigger than big.

What is the word most commonly used by a certain type of fan at NBA games?

Here’s a hint

Even Paula Deen would not have used it at the Heat/Spurs 7th game.

It is offensive to Logic, a discipline and another one of the jewels of Western Civilization with which you are not familiar, to say that the dreaded “N” word, a word that White Americans dare not use, becomes less dreaded and then OK if it comes from the lips of a non-White American.

The dreaded “N” word, a word that White Americans dare not use is either malum per se or malum prohibitum. It can’t be both.

How would I be able to go to the publicly funded African-American library and ask for a copy of Dick Gregory’s marvelous autobiography? [If you don’t know the title send me a SASE]

How would I be able to get a copy of Nobel Prize winner Joseph Conrad’s marvelous novel bearing the same name? [If you don’t know the name send me a SASE]

Would it be fair to say that if every white American who used the dreaded “N” word, a word that White Americans dare not use, who was also engaged in productive labor, were to be given a one-way ticket to an economic 7th or 8th circle, that the long awaited, hugely anticipated Summer of Recovery would never, never arrive? A whole class of low information Vladimirs and Estragons would be asking why the horizon was receding faster than usual.

You refer to Justice Thomas in less than endearing terms. The one good thing about beginning a sentence with “The irrelevant Clarence Thomas’s sneering call” means that I don’t have to finish said sentence. Thanks for that. If he were to say that “stones are hard and water is wet” you would disagree with both statements in your typical “sneering” way.

Here’s my plan for the partial redemption of the temporal punishment due to Paula Deen for her use of the dreaded “N” word, a word that White Americans dare not use.

Do you remember Julianne Malveaux, and, Jeepers, I can’t tell you how much I miss her, said that she hoped that Clarence Thomas’s wife killed him with food? Cream sauce, carbohydrates on steroids, double fried chicken, sweet potato pie, sausage and biscuit enemas, peach ice cream hair straightener 24 hour, fried pork chop and gravy IVs, - anything to get a phalanx of bad-cholesterol Hoplites to attack and occupy all of his cardiac portals and then, God Inshallah, blow them up the next time he “sneers”?

The idea, while sound, was never implemented properly.

What better person than Paula Deen to take him out?

As a Southern born and raised Black man of a certain age he would secretly want the attention of a White woman like her. His seduction plans would preclude him from questioning why she would want to live with him and cook for him.

After giving him macaroni and cheese back rubs and force feeding him, like a Frog goose, ham hock laden pea soup and she crab stew to an extent that his brains would explode through his nose and ears she would be given a conditional parole. The condition would be that Black Americans, or those who are empowered to use the dreaded “N”, the word that White Americans dare not use would eat for free in any establishment bearing her name.

James Madison, another product of DWEMs [DWEMs? Send a SASE], with whom you are not familiar, said “if men were angels government would not be necessary”. Alas, it is true today as it was when it was written.

As a rising doyenne of the perpetually outraged please tell me if some evil intention could be assigned my recent voting experience.

It took me 107 minutes to vote last November. The usual disabled parking spaces were not available. I have had cancer 3 times. I have congestive heart failure. I have 3 titanium joints. The only part of my aching body that does not have arthritis is my hair which is one of the reasons I keep my glorious beard. I just found out I have COPD. I waited over an hour in the broiling South Florida sun before I could get into the voting building. May I add that the Summer of Recovery is going full steam ahead at the Broward Elections Bureau? [I counted 24 dedicated public servants, doubtless training to implement Obamacare, on the payroll that day.] If I held a mirror up to the ballot it would have made as much sense. That was OK because the machine malfunctioned twice. At a different machine, for my 3rd attempt to cast a ballot, the voting bureaucrat tried to read my selections. I asked if that were a job requirement. She didn’t answer.

Do you think that they were trying to suppress my vote? Do think they were trying to discourage old White Americans, Americans who dare not use the dreaded “N” word from voting? Do you think that the evil Koch Brothers, spawned by the vile Nixonian succubus/incubus cabal, had their fine Italianate hands behind a plot to cause open “racial, regional, generational, urban and rural” warfare?

I must tell you that with skill and cunning and generations of possessing the whip hand I voted. I did not vote for President, as Senator Kennedy called him, Salama Yomama Bahama Osama Obama.

Did he win?


PS – Your weekend homework assignment is to dig into the voting records of the Civil Rights legislation of 1964 & 1965. It will shock and amaze you when you find out that the bills passed in the Senate because of – strains of “We shall Overcome” please - Republican support. They were able to overcome a slew of Democratic Senators who since been inducted into the modern American Liberal Hall of Fame voting against both of them. Look it up.

Also, would you consider the abortion of ca. some 28,000,000 Black babies, babies who will never get to hear the dreaded “N” word, the word that White Americans dare not use, to be either genocide or a holocaust? Get back to me.

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