September 28, 2013
Mayor Robert Conley
City Hall
50 Kings Road
Madison, NJ 07940
RE: Did the Gods take their revenge?
Mr. Mayor,
Let’s stipulate to the following:
#1 – The Madison High School football team, AKA The Dodgers, lost today, ending their 39 game win streak.
#2– Mike Warsek is an alumnus of Madison High School. He played football there. He owns a sandwich shop in town. Doubtless, he puts some extra capicola on players’ sandwiches.
#3 - He paid for a sign that read Dodger Domination – One Nation Under God.
#4 – Someone hung the sign on private property. In this case, a railroad trestle.
#5 - You forgot that if a fish kept its mouth shut it wouldn’t get in trouble. You took the sign down.
#6 – Reread #1.
#7 – Reread #6 and #1.
#8 - #6 & #1 - Redux
The Declaration of Independence mentions “nature’s God”. Should the Declaration of Independence be banned from American History classes in Madison High School?
Should the Pledge of Allegiance be banned from all public events in Madison, NJ because it contains the phrase “In God We Trust”?
The penny says “In God We Trust” and the dollar bill says “Annuit Coeptis”. [If you need a translation send a SASE] Should they both be banned from commerce in Madison, NJ?
It would be unfair of me to say “Post hoc ergo propter hoc”. It is the fallacy most used by charlatans disguised as climatologists, Luddites, and Lysenkoists. Some team members and their families may fall victim to it, particularly at the next election.
Some good has come from your hubris.
You have won a most prestigious award.
I hereby name you
I will try to have a halftime award ceremony presentation at the next home game. It will be preceded by a short prayer asking that God protect you from injury when your dumb ass is being run out of town on a rail.
Kevin Smith
Monday, September 30, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
September 26, 2013
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1390 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005
RE: “Cruz Channels Custer at the Alamo” – An attempt to decipher your column from the headline in the Miami Herald.
Ms. Carlson,
The nest of vipers that houses the ink stained wenches and wretches who proclaim the vile nostrums of modern American Liberalism has outdone itself.
A filibuster by Senator Cruz is evil, vicious, stupid, mean-spirited, polar bear killing, disproportionately injurious to women and minorities, plus it shows how homophobic and racist those snake handling gun nuts from the Tea Party are.
A filibuster by Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, the issue being abortion, is the highest form of representative democracy. Not since Antigone has a chick done so much to advance feminism. She has been credited with at least 2 miracles.
A filibuster by the goons and thugs in the Wisconsin legislature, lads and lassies who began civil dialogues with Republican counterparts with a joyful “Go fuck your self”, was hailed by the modern American Liberal toads as God-like. It was in keeping with the highest traditions of the American Labor movement. Names like Tony Pro, Johnny Friendly, Jimmy Hoffa, and Joe Hill overrun the memory banks.
A filibuster that was proposed by a junior Senator from Illinois over the debt limit and a Supreme Court nomination was hailed as the second coming of Cicero. That he did not go forth with them should have been anticipated by his repeated vote of “present” when faced with a tough vote in the Illinois legislature. What could be expected from a former community activist whose favorite color is plaid?
But then the wine dark waters of the sea of confusion were parted.
Your outrage over Senator Cruz’s filibuster was but a cover for your continuing broadside against members of the American military, particularly those serving overseas.
“Cruz Channels Custer at the Alamo” means that the charge you made in November, 2000 about GIs serving overseas not having their vote counted because they went overseas to avoid taxes just goes on and on.
I hope I am not the first to tell you that Custer wasn’t at the Alamo. Moreover, he was a cavalry officer. 4 decades and more than 1000 miles separate the man from the place mentioned. A small thing but worth noting.
[I shouldn’t construct a universal from a particular but modern American Liberals know jack shit about American History. And unless the American flag now has 57 or 58 stars on it Geography ain’t their strong suit either.]
The reason for the smarmy headline is self-evident.
Davey Crockett led his band of volunteers from Tennessee to Texas, a province of a foreign nation, to escape the burden of unjust taxation. They died because they did not want to pay their fair share of taxes.
Are you saying Good Riddance retroactively?
What should we do with Leonidas?
Kevin Smith
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1390 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005
RE: “Cruz Channels Custer at the Alamo” – An attempt to decipher your column from the headline in the Miami Herald.
Ms. Carlson,
The nest of vipers that houses the ink stained wenches and wretches who proclaim the vile nostrums of modern American Liberalism has outdone itself.
A filibuster by Senator Cruz is evil, vicious, stupid, mean-spirited, polar bear killing, disproportionately injurious to women and minorities, plus it shows how homophobic and racist those snake handling gun nuts from the Tea Party are.
A filibuster by Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, the issue being abortion, is the highest form of representative democracy. Not since Antigone has a chick done so much to advance feminism. She has been credited with at least 2 miracles.
A filibuster by the goons and thugs in the Wisconsin legislature, lads and lassies who began civil dialogues with Republican counterparts with a joyful “Go fuck your self”, was hailed by the modern American Liberal toads as God-like. It was in keeping with the highest traditions of the American Labor movement. Names like Tony Pro, Johnny Friendly, Jimmy Hoffa, and Joe Hill overrun the memory banks.
A filibuster that was proposed by a junior Senator from Illinois over the debt limit and a Supreme Court nomination was hailed as the second coming of Cicero. That he did not go forth with them should have been anticipated by his repeated vote of “present” when faced with a tough vote in the Illinois legislature. What could be expected from a former community activist whose favorite color is plaid?
But then the wine dark waters of the sea of confusion were parted.
Your outrage over Senator Cruz’s filibuster was but a cover for your continuing broadside against members of the American military, particularly those serving overseas.
“Cruz Channels Custer at the Alamo” means that the charge you made in November, 2000 about GIs serving overseas not having their vote counted because they went overseas to avoid taxes just goes on and on.
I hope I am not the first to tell you that Custer wasn’t at the Alamo. Moreover, he was a cavalry officer. 4 decades and more than 1000 miles separate the man from the place mentioned. A small thing but worth noting.
[I shouldn’t construct a universal from a particular but modern American Liberals know jack shit about American History. And unless the American flag now has 57 or 58 stars on it Geography ain’t their strong suit either.]
The reason for the smarmy headline is self-evident.
Davey Crockett led his band of volunteers from Tennessee to Texas, a province of a foreign nation, to escape the burden of unjust taxation. They died because they did not want to pay their fair share of taxes.
Are you saying Good Riddance retroactively?
What should we do with Leonidas?
Kevin Smith
September 27, 2013
Stephen Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Money, money, money, and if only someone would rid you of those meddlesome Republicans how good life would be. Some comments on your “balloon juice” plan to make crooked things straight - Strike that. I don’t want the word police to knock, knock, at my door. Make crooked things fairer is politically better, no? – in today’s unlinkable column.
My dear Professor,
“Thanks to President Obama’s stimulus dollars and
Federal reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s stewardship
of the economy, Florida anticipates having a revenue
surplus of an estimated $845 million next year.”
The Sun Sentinel
I don’t need the Death Panels of Obamacare to diagnose that you have been drinking too deeply from the poisonous “balloon juice” spring discovered by John Maynard Keynes and tended to by Howard Zinn. I bet you think that the Depression was turned around by the NRA.
If I understand what you are saying the route to the land of milk and honey and constantly copulating golden geese consists of borrowing money from the Chinese and creating $1,000,000,000,000 a year from gossamer, spider webs, pixie dust, cotton candy, and my favorite, belly button lint, and then throwing it off the back of a moving train.
Forgive me but that train seems to have made a U-turn in the tunnel. The station named “Summer of Recovery” is on the other track, That’s the station with all the “shovel ready” jobs, right?
Your proposals for Florida disposing of its citizen created surplus is, let me polite here, underwhelming.
` 1 – Every Floridian could get $42 as his piece of the pie, pie being the key word. Speaker Pelosi, and isn’t it time to put an ankle bracelet on her should she get lost in the Capitol catacombs, said that food stamps, coupled with unemployment insurance, are the best red hot poker up the ass of a moribund economy. She said that they multiply 7 times as they go through the economy. The next step is easy. Each and every one of us gets $42. Not in cash but in pie scrip. Not pi scrip. Pie scrip. It can only be used for pie. Pie, as in moon pie, pizza pie, the neighbor’s pie, and your favorite, cow pie.
2 – You say that with “proper expertise and planning” every town in Florida will become OZ and every man will be a King.
The same people who gave, give, and will give us the Post Office, the same people who picked Solyndra, the same people who are incapable either of finding their ass using both hands or, and here’s a toughie, sand at the beach, will with the surplus of $845,000,000 created by the people of Florida cause lambs to volunteer to spend the night with a Cheshire cat grinning Lion King
Madness. Madness.
3 – Among the “team of nationally recognized entrepreneurs, business leaders, bankers…inter alia” who “will fundamentally change American society” will there be a place on the starting team for the Brothers Koch? How about George Soros? America, the land of the second chance, needs Bernie Madoff, don’t you think?
Isn’t it time for “Midnight Basketball” to get its chance to give feral Black youth trapped in inner cities without access to mass transit a chance to shine?
How about Alpha Gump. AKA Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., as the man to ride herd on those corsairs who want to remake society? Thank God he patched the hole in the ozone layer or we all would have been toast, right? Besides, anyone who can get a gazillion dollars from a tribe of Jew hating WOGs for a failed TV station should be in our corner.
I think that Governor Spitzer, Senator Edwards, Congressman Weiner, and Mayor Filner should be ex officio members of the steering committee. Their interpersonal skill will come in handy, particularly if some recalcitrant chicks need their bums stroked.
4 – You say that the Governor should “put an end to the hollow gesture of listening tours”.
Duty requires me to disclose that “listening tours” were begun by Hillary Rodham Clinton. Although she was born and raised in Chicago she was able to keep her love of the New York Yankees hidden. After looting the White House she decided she wanted to be the Senator from New York. She took her bus to the Anchor Bar in Buffalo to tell New Yorkers that she had a picture of Yogi Berra on her wall when she was a kid.
Maybe she should be in charge of the “reset” button.
I tell you as a true friend that the tooth fairy ain’t showing up. I caution you about handling sharp instruments or operating heavy machinery. If you don’t want to spend the weekend in adult sleep away camp, the one that has rooms with no handle on the inside of the doors, duck under the desk if you hear someone say “Baker Act”.
Kevin Smith
PS – POW! Stop the presses! What an idea!
Send the $845,000,000 to Detroit. “It is not too late to seek a better world.” We can make America’s Hiroshima cum Gomorrah into the next “shining city on the hill”. Let’s make Chelsea Clinton the Czarina It will look great on her resume. She has as much experience as her mother had when she parlayed her experience as a commodities trader and land developer into becoming a Director of Wal-Mart. It was just a coincidence that her husband was Governor of the Arkansas where the company is located.[Yeah, right}
If the President can reach out to the head thug in Iran I can reach out to you. How about a bus tour of all the successful Section 8 apartments in Broward County? It will be a chance to get to know each other plus it will be a primer on how well government can do things. Adult beverages will not only be provided they will be required. All aboard!
Stephen Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Money, money, money, and if only someone would rid you of those meddlesome Republicans how good life would be. Some comments on your “balloon juice” plan to make crooked things straight - Strike that. I don’t want the word police to knock, knock, at my door. Make crooked things fairer is politically better, no? – in today’s unlinkable column.
My dear Professor,
“Thanks to President Obama’s stimulus dollars and
Federal reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s stewardship
of the economy, Florida anticipates having a revenue
surplus of an estimated $845 million next year.”
The Sun Sentinel
I don’t need the Death Panels of Obamacare to diagnose that you have been drinking too deeply from the poisonous “balloon juice” spring discovered by John Maynard Keynes and tended to by Howard Zinn. I bet you think that the Depression was turned around by the NRA.
If I understand what you are saying the route to the land of milk and honey and constantly copulating golden geese consists of borrowing money from the Chinese and creating $1,000,000,000,000 a year from gossamer, spider webs, pixie dust, cotton candy, and my favorite, belly button lint, and then throwing it off the back of a moving train.
Forgive me but that train seems to have made a U-turn in the tunnel. The station named “Summer of Recovery” is on the other track, That’s the station with all the “shovel ready” jobs, right?
Your proposals for Florida disposing of its citizen created surplus is, let me polite here, underwhelming.
` 1 – Every Floridian could get $42 as his piece of the pie, pie being the key word. Speaker Pelosi, and isn’t it time to put an ankle bracelet on her should she get lost in the Capitol catacombs, said that food stamps, coupled with unemployment insurance, are the best red hot poker up the ass of a moribund economy. She said that they multiply 7 times as they go through the economy. The next step is easy. Each and every one of us gets $42. Not in cash but in pie scrip. Not pi scrip. Pie scrip. It can only be used for pie. Pie, as in moon pie, pizza pie, the neighbor’s pie, and your favorite, cow pie.
2 – You say that with “proper expertise and planning” every town in Florida will become OZ and every man will be a King.
The same people who gave, give, and will give us the Post Office, the same people who picked Solyndra, the same people who are incapable either of finding their ass using both hands or, and here’s a toughie, sand at the beach, will with the surplus of $845,000,000 created by the people of Florida cause lambs to volunteer to spend the night with a Cheshire cat grinning Lion King
Madness. Madness.
3 – Among the “team of nationally recognized entrepreneurs, business leaders, bankers…inter alia” who “will fundamentally change American society” will there be a place on the starting team for the Brothers Koch? How about George Soros? America, the land of the second chance, needs Bernie Madoff, don’t you think?
Isn’t it time for “Midnight Basketball” to get its chance to give feral Black youth trapped in inner cities without access to mass transit a chance to shine?
How about Alpha Gump. AKA Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., as the man to ride herd on those corsairs who want to remake society? Thank God he patched the hole in the ozone layer or we all would have been toast, right? Besides, anyone who can get a gazillion dollars from a tribe of Jew hating WOGs for a failed TV station should be in our corner.
I think that Governor Spitzer, Senator Edwards, Congressman Weiner, and Mayor Filner should be ex officio members of the steering committee. Their interpersonal skill will come in handy, particularly if some recalcitrant chicks need their bums stroked.
4 – You say that the Governor should “put an end to the hollow gesture of listening tours”.
Duty requires me to disclose that “listening tours” were begun by Hillary Rodham Clinton. Although she was born and raised in Chicago she was able to keep her love of the New York Yankees hidden. After looting the White House she decided she wanted to be the Senator from New York. She took her bus to the Anchor Bar in Buffalo to tell New Yorkers that she had a picture of Yogi Berra on her wall when she was a kid.
Maybe she should be in charge of the “reset” button.
I tell you as a true friend that the tooth fairy ain’t showing up. I caution you about handling sharp instruments or operating heavy machinery. If you don’t want to spend the weekend in adult sleep away camp, the one that has rooms with no handle on the inside of the doors, duck under the desk if you hear someone say “Baker Act”.
Kevin Smith
PS – POW! Stop the presses! What an idea!
Send the $845,000,000 to Detroit. “It is not too late to seek a better world.” We can make America’s Hiroshima cum Gomorrah into the next “shining city on the hill”. Let’s make Chelsea Clinton the Czarina It will look great on her resume. She has as much experience as her mother had when she parlayed her experience as a commodities trader and land developer into becoming a Director of Wal-Mart. It was just a coincidence that her husband was Governor of the Arkansas where the company is located.[Yeah, right}
If the President can reach out to the head thug in Iran I can reach out to you. How about a bus tour of all the successful Section 8 apartments in Broward County? It will be a chance to get to know each other plus it will be a primer on how well government can do things. Adult beverages will not only be provided they will be required. All aboard!
September 28, 2013
Fabiola Santiago
The Miami Herald
RE; Dr. Seuss and Paula Deen and, yes, there is a connection. Some comments on your column in today’s Miami Herald on a brash young Senator with less than 2 year’s experience daring to lecture both his elders and betters. Can you think of any other Senator who did that? Let me give you a hint. His initials are B.O. and even though he lives in public housing his 2 kids go a $52,500 a year per child grammar school
Ms. Fabiola,
Alas, I only got to the end of your second paragraph.
No mention of Dr. Seuss was ever heard in my house when my 2 children were being raised. Each of them has 2 degrees and have held professional licenses in 4 states. I mention that to show that they were able to overcome their stilted learning environment.
40 years ago, Paula Deen used the dreaded “N” word, the word that White folk dare not use. Since Dick Gregory had not yet published his extraordinary autobiography we know that Paula was not looking for a book . For this she has been exiled to one of Jupiter’s lesser moons. Lower cholesterol might be a benefit of her banishment.
Back in the magic time, the days between August 22, 1939 and June 21, 1941, a time that modern American Liberals desperately want to disappear, a time when modern American Liberals thought that Adolph Hitler was an OK guy, one of the biggest cheerleaders was the man who wrote the Dr. Seuss stories. Qui tacet consentire. By his silence he said it was OK to put Jews in the oven. I chose not to have him lecture my children.
Should I ever adopt the modern American Liberal custom of burning books his will be among the first to be tossed on to the pyre.
I may have to wait for Lent to get past your first 2 paragraphs.
Kevin Smith
Fabiola Santiago
The Miami Herald
RE; Dr. Seuss and Paula Deen and, yes, there is a connection. Some comments on your column in today’s Miami Herald on a brash young Senator with less than 2 year’s experience daring to lecture both his elders and betters. Can you think of any other Senator who did that? Let me give you a hint. His initials are B.O. and even though he lives in public housing his 2 kids go a $52,500 a year per child grammar school
Ms. Fabiola,
Alas, I only got to the end of your second paragraph.
No mention of Dr. Seuss was ever heard in my house when my 2 children were being raised. Each of them has 2 degrees and have held professional licenses in 4 states. I mention that to show that they were able to overcome their stilted learning environment.
40 years ago, Paula Deen used the dreaded “N” word, the word that White folk dare not use. Since Dick Gregory had not yet published his extraordinary autobiography we know that Paula was not looking for a book . For this she has been exiled to one of Jupiter’s lesser moons. Lower cholesterol might be a benefit of her banishment.
Back in the magic time, the days between August 22, 1939 and June 21, 1941, a time that modern American Liberals desperately want to disappear, a time when modern American Liberals thought that Adolph Hitler was an OK guy, one of the biggest cheerleaders was the man who wrote the Dr. Seuss stories. Qui tacet consentire. By his silence he said it was OK to put Jews in the oven. I chose not to have him lecture my children.
Should I ever adopt the modern American Liberal custom of burning books his will be among the first to be tossed on to the pyre.
I may have to wait for Lent to get past your first 2 paragraphs.
Kevin Smith
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
September 23, 2013
Aaron Deslatte
The Sun Sentinel
500 Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: “Women working full time on average earn 77% of what men make” – Some comments on your condemnation of same in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel
Mr. Deslatte,
I read the bad news too early to call my daughter in Dallas. I saw no sense in waking her with the bad news that even though she has 14 years of experience as a Labor and Delivery nurse – L&D is where the rubber still meets the road in today’s hospital. Running the anti-smoking clinic and giving nutrition counseling…not so – she only earns 77% of what her male counterpart earns.
Could some of what ails the Post Office come from when the female letter carriers found out that they only earn what male men – person/persons? – earn?
I saw a show this weekend about the B-2 bomber. It was hosted by a female Lieutenant Colonel. Do you think she should be piloting a plane chock-a-block filled with nuclear weapons when she finds out that she earns 77% of what Smiling Jack makes? What if she finds out at the time of the month when her “friend” drops by? I don’t think so.
Perhaps Johnny can’t read because his teacher, Angelina, only makes 77% of what her cousin Angel, also a teacher, makes.
If you tell me that female burger flippers in training earn 77% of what male burger flippers in training make I know of several underemployed lawyers who will gladly take up the legal cudgels on their behalf. No money down.
It seems that the only public place where such a disparity exists is the Obama White House. Tell me when the barricades are going up there, will you?
I think the ladies who play professional basketball would wet their knickers if they were to earn 77% of the average NBA player earns. Why no public outcry there?
Even though I am bound and determined not to be cliché ridden I wonder if you can give me the antonym for “rock-ribbed”.
You cite Congressman Posey’s district as being “rock ribbed” when mentioning the gender pay disparity. You mention the districts of Congressman Hastings and Congressman Grayson with no such qualification. [It would probably be unfair to mention that one of them is a felon and the other is barking mad so I won’t]
You end your instructional screed with a quote from someone named Catherine Hill. Her cv. reveals that she is employed by something called the American Association of University Women. I suppose she is a marvelous person but I know that I would not want to spend any time handcuffed to her in a storm sewer, particularly when she finds out that Joe Hill, her cousin and head flack catcher of the American Association of University Men, earns $100 for every $77 she makes. Hell hath no fury like a short changed academic chickie.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the Logical snare that all modern American Liberals fall into. I am reminded of Charley Brown, Lucy, and the football.
She says “This time I’ll hold it. Honest. I won’t drop it. Honest. I really mean it.”
Behind her smile and under her breath she is silently chanting “Putz” just before she drops the ball and he falls on his ass.
The trap of which I speak is “hoc post ergo propter hoc”. It enables mush brained saps, boobies who believe in the efficacy of Midnight Basketball, modern American Liberals all, to confuse correlation with causation.
For being in the vanguard of such cabeza de ca-ca ninnies who propagate such clap trap I bestow on you a high honor:
The honorarium that used to accompany this much sought after laurel has been suspended until the Summer of Recovery arrives
Kevin Smith
Aaron Deslatte
The Sun Sentinel
500 Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: “Women working full time on average earn 77% of what men make” – Some comments on your condemnation of same in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel
Mr. Deslatte,
I read the bad news too early to call my daughter in Dallas. I saw no sense in waking her with the bad news that even though she has 14 years of experience as a Labor and Delivery nurse – L&D is where the rubber still meets the road in today’s hospital. Running the anti-smoking clinic and giving nutrition counseling…not so – she only earns 77% of what her male counterpart earns.
Could some of what ails the Post Office come from when the female letter carriers found out that they only earn what male men – person/persons? – earn?
I saw a show this weekend about the B-2 bomber. It was hosted by a female Lieutenant Colonel. Do you think she should be piloting a plane chock-a-block filled with nuclear weapons when she finds out that she earns 77% of what Smiling Jack makes? What if she finds out at the time of the month when her “friend” drops by? I don’t think so.
Perhaps Johnny can’t read because his teacher, Angelina, only makes 77% of what her cousin Angel, also a teacher, makes.
If you tell me that female burger flippers in training earn 77% of what male burger flippers in training make I know of several underemployed lawyers who will gladly take up the legal cudgels on their behalf. No money down.
It seems that the only public place where such a disparity exists is the Obama White House. Tell me when the barricades are going up there, will you?
I think the ladies who play professional basketball would wet their knickers if they were to earn 77% of the average NBA player earns. Why no public outcry there?
Even though I am bound and determined not to be cliché ridden I wonder if you can give me the antonym for “rock-ribbed”.
You cite Congressman Posey’s district as being “rock ribbed” when mentioning the gender pay disparity. You mention the districts of Congressman Hastings and Congressman Grayson with no such qualification. [It would probably be unfair to mention that one of them is a felon and the other is barking mad so I won’t]
You end your instructional screed with a quote from someone named Catherine Hill. Her cv. reveals that she is employed by something called the American Association of University Women. I suppose she is a marvelous person but I know that I would not want to spend any time handcuffed to her in a storm sewer, particularly when she finds out that Joe Hill, her cousin and head flack catcher of the American Association of University Men, earns $100 for every $77 she makes. Hell hath no fury like a short changed academic chickie.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the Logical snare that all modern American Liberals fall into. I am reminded of Charley Brown, Lucy, and the football.
She says “This time I’ll hold it. Honest. I won’t drop it. Honest. I really mean it.”
Behind her smile and under her breath she is silently chanting “Putz” just before she drops the ball and he falls on his ass.
The trap of which I speak is “hoc post ergo propter hoc”. It enables mush brained saps, boobies who believe in the efficacy of Midnight Basketball, modern American Liberals all, to confuse correlation with causation.
For being in the vanguard of such cabeza de ca-ca ninnies who propagate such clap trap I bestow on you a high honor:
The honorarium that used to accompany this much sought after laurel has been suspended until the Summer of Recovery arrives
Kevin Smith
September 22, 2013
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Jeepers, but you’re going to be mad. I mean really, really mad when I tell you what’s been going on right in front of your nose. Some comments on your unlinkable column on welcome signs in today’s Sun Sentinel.
Big Stein,
Since you chose to remain mum on whether or not Adolph Eichmann should have been executed I’ll try a different topic.
Your column decries Hallandale Beach thus: “This is the same Hallandale Beach,
by the way, that decided to raid $4 million from its reserves.”
Later on you claim that you are shocked, shocked to find out that “commissioners aren’t spending their money, they’re spending taxpayers’ money”.
My initial diagnosis is that you are suffering from acute, pernicious toxic, contagious, and if left untreated, terminal modern American Liberalism.
One of the symptoms is talking about things, particularly economic things, about which you know nothing. A quick example would be if inner city youth are unemployable at $8 an hour why would they would be less unemployable at $10 an hour. God’s Holy Trousers but that’s so damn dumb it makes my cat whistle. Once you square the minimum wage rhomboid tell me how a single mother, a woman of color, is hurt when Wal-Mart cuts the price of Ritalin, a drug that enables her teenage son to escape being just another feral inner city youth.
Today’s example is Hallandale Beach “raiding” its reserves.
The purpose of reserves, a thing that requires the reserving entity to forego the immediate use of positive cash flow for an unknown future use, is that they can be “raided”. They are spending their citizens’ money. If the electors think they are spending it unwisely they can vote them out.
But wait…there’s more.
Send for Little Stein.
Get him home so he can Gorilla Glue all of your cranial – strike that – all of your bodily orifices. When he finishes that have him wrap you in duct tape like you were from the bottom of a pyramid.
When you find out what the United States has been doing to the sacrosanct “lock boxes”, the ones that have our successful golden years in their confines, the ones where all the money paid into Social Security is percolating, you will be several legs up on Krakatoa. If Little Stein can’t seal you up tighter than a clam’s ass you had best have a Haz-Mat 800 number on your speed dial. People in Pompeii will be impressed.
I don’t know how else to tell you this. No foreplay is possible.
Brace yourself.
The Feds, the people who run the Post Office, the people who have been fighting poverty for 50 years, have been “raiding” our “reserves” in a way suggesting that they are the largest ravenous fox in the world’s largest open hen house.
They did it in daylight. They have been doing it since 1964. They have been doing it with the advice and consent of the catchers on this Ponzi javelin team.
When the “lock boxes” are opened they will be filled with bupkis. The only thing inside will be IOUs scrip, chits, markers. Bernie Madoff could only hope to have done as well.
The only thing that will help those poor souls on the back nine of life will be the deus ex machina appearance of a device that will make $50 dollar bills and then throw them off the back of a moving train.
Talk about cojonic chutzpah!
It gets better.
Once a year the goniffs and shysters meet for a reconciliation.
“How much did we take? That much? Here’s my personal guarantee for it.”
Before the Gorilla Glue and the duct tape maybe Little Stein should sew up those potentially hazardous orifices. The reason is simple. No Congress can bind another Congress. There may come a time when the Continentals in the stash fly away. There may come a time when Sharia law, the UN, or the World Court forbids their distribution.
Of course, if the Welcome sign at Hallandale Beach was part of the Summer of Recovery that would be a mat of a different color, right?
“Raiding reserves”, coupled with “spending taxpayers’ money”, makes me want to shoot somebody. How about you?
Kevin Smith
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Jeepers, but you’re going to be mad. I mean really, really mad when I tell you what’s been going on right in front of your nose. Some comments on your unlinkable column on welcome signs in today’s Sun Sentinel.
Big Stein,
Since you chose to remain mum on whether or not Adolph Eichmann should have been executed I’ll try a different topic.
Your column decries Hallandale Beach thus: “This is the same Hallandale Beach,
by the way, that decided to raid $4 million from its reserves.”
Later on you claim that you are shocked, shocked to find out that “commissioners aren’t spending their money, they’re spending taxpayers’ money”.
My initial diagnosis is that you are suffering from acute, pernicious toxic, contagious, and if left untreated, terminal modern American Liberalism.
One of the symptoms is talking about things, particularly economic things, about which you know nothing. A quick example would be if inner city youth are unemployable at $8 an hour why would they would be less unemployable at $10 an hour. God’s Holy Trousers but that’s so damn dumb it makes my cat whistle. Once you square the minimum wage rhomboid tell me how a single mother, a woman of color, is hurt when Wal-Mart cuts the price of Ritalin, a drug that enables her teenage son to escape being just another feral inner city youth.
Today’s example is Hallandale Beach “raiding” its reserves.
The purpose of reserves, a thing that requires the reserving entity to forego the immediate use of positive cash flow for an unknown future use, is that they can be “raided”. They are spending their citizens’ money. If the electors think they are spending it unwisely they can vote them out.
But wait…there’s more.
Send for Little Stein.
Get him home so he can Gorilla Glue all of your cranial – strike that – all of your bodily orifices. When he finishes that have him wrap you in duct tape like you were from the bottom of a pyramid.
When you find out what the United States has been doing to the sacrosanct “lock boxes”, the ones that have our successful golden years in their confines, the ones where all the money paid into Social Security is percolating, you will be several legs up on Krakatoa. If Little Stein can’t seal you up tighter than a clam’s ass you had best have a Haz-Mat 800 number on your speed dial. People in Pompeii will be impressed.
I don’t know how else to tell you this. No foreplay is possible.
Brace yourself.
The Feds, the people who run the Post Office, the people who have been fighting poverty for 50 years, have been “raiding” our “reserves” in a way suggesting that they are the largest ravenous fox in the world’s largest open hen house.
They did it in daylight. They have been doing it since 1964. They have been doing it with the advice and consent of the catchers on this Ponzi javelin team.
When the “lock boxes” are opened they will be filled with bupkis. The only thing inside will be IOUs scrip, chits, markers. Bernie Madoff could only hope to have done as well.
The only thing that will help those poor souls on the back nine of life will be the deus ex machina appearance of a device that will make $50 dollar bills and then throw them off the back of a moving train.
Talk about cojonic chutzpah!
It gets better.
Once a year the goniffs and shysters meet for a reconciliation.
“How much did we take? That much? Here’s my personal guarantee for it.”
Before the Gorilla Glue and the duct tape maybe Little Stein should sew up those potentially hazardous orifices. The reason is simple. No Congress can bind another Congress. There may come a time when the Continentals in the stash fly away. There may come a time when Sharia law, the UN, or the World Court forbids their distribution.
Of course, if the Welcome sign at Hallandale Beach was part of the Summer of Recovery that would be a mat of a different color, right?
“Raiding reserves”, coupled with “spending taxpayers’ money”, makes me want to shoot somebody. How about you?
Kevin Smith
Saturday, September 21, 2013
September 18, 2013
Coach Bo Pellini
University of Nebraska
1499 R Street
Lincoln, NE 68588
Coach Pellini,
I ain’t Italian but some of my best friends are.
That’s why I can’t tell the fans to “go fuck themselves”. I can’t tell them to “kiss my ass”; you can. What’s more, you did.
I would suggest that unless you have an interest in a chiropractic clinic you counsel the Nebraska naïfs not to do them simultaneously.
But that’s not why I write.
#1 – The guy who taped you 2 years ago should be hunted down and kneecapped. Although that is an Irish tradition I hereby grant a temporary license to any Son of Caesar to seek justice for you.
#2 – Your apology – “I’m sorry if I offended you” – is reason enough to run your sad-sacked sorry ass out of Lincoln, out of Nebraska, indeed out of the central time zone.
What you said was wrong regardless if anyone was offended by it.
If you decide to fall on your sword don’t do it in Nebraska.
Eye-Tie gestures don’t work on Cornhuskers, particularly the ones who are “motherfuckers”.
Kevin Smith
Coach Bo Pellini
University of Nebraska
1499 R Street
Lincoln, NE 68588
Coach Pellini,
I ain’t Italian but some of my best friends are.
That’s why I can’t tell the fans to “go fuck themselves”. I can’t tell them to “kiss my ass”; you can. What’s more, you did.
I would suggest that unless you have an interest in a chiropractic clinic you counsel the Nebraska naïfs not to do them simultaneously.
But that’s not why I write.
#1 – The guy who taped you 2 years ago should be hunted down and kneecapped. Although that is an Irish tradition I hereby grant a temporary license to any Son of Caesar to seek justice for you.
#2 – Your apology – “I’m sorry if I offended you” – is reason enough to run your sad-sacked sorry ass out of Lincoln, out of Nebraska, indeed out of the central time zone.
What you said was wrong regardless if anyone was offended by it.
If you decide to fall on your sword don’t do it in Nebraska.
Eye-Tie gestures don’t work on Cornhuskers, particularly the ones who are “motherfuckers”.
Kevin Smith
September 18, 2013
Senator Bill Nelson
3416 south University Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 333208
Senator Nelson,
When President Obama was a Senator he voted against raising the Federal debt ceiling.
Why is it different now?
Yesterday he called on the Senate to pass a budget.
In the years since he has been President he never asked for an up or down vote on the Federal budget.
Why is it different now?
The courtesy of a reply to a constituent would be appreciated.
Kevin Smith
Senator Bill Nelson
3416 south University Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 333208
Senator Nelson,
When President Obama was a Senator he voted against raising the Federal debt ceiling.
Why is it different now?
Yesterday he called on the Senate to pass a budget.
In the years since he has been President he never asked for an up or down vote on the Federal budget.
Why is it different now?
The courtesy of a reply to a constituent would be appreciated.
Kevin Smith
September 18, 2013
Letter to the Editor
The Star Ledger
Star Ledger Plaza
Newark, NJ 07102-1200
RE: Will Happy Days ever be here again? – Some comments on your non-thought provoking editorial of 9/17 on the unfairness of it all.
If you believe that the only way to make poor people richer is to make rich people poorer, stop reading.
On the other hand the joy, the tumescent schadenfreude, of watching the Kennedys having to make it sans benefit of Poppa Joe’s ill-gotten gains is very tempting.
Alas, it is not to be.
Nobody is more protective of their loot – theirs, not mine, not yours – than modern American Liberals. The Kennedys, the paradigmatic template of that gang of poltroons, would be like the hoplites at Thermopylae defending their loot. The difference here is that they would win. They always do, don’t they? “Under the Lion’s Paw” was written for them before their name was known. Their distraction, one of caring for the poor, has worked for 8 decades. Why stop now?
As an Irish-Catholic born and raised in Bayonne, NJ and thus, genetically, a Democrat it is my sacred duty to tell you that the New Deal, the Fair Deal, the New Frontier, and talk about a lack of exit strategies, the 50 year old and counting War on Poverty haven’t worked. Any economic policy predicated on growing trees that give 12 crops a year of “rainbow soup” – Soup from a tree? Maybe next year’s Summer of Recovery will have them – plus a never ending gaggle of constantly copulating golden geese is, to be charitable, stupid. Strike that. Brobdanaglian, Homerically stupid. It is so stupid that we try it over and over and over and over. At the end of each attempt we are at the bottom of the hill with that God Damn big rock on top of us.
And yet we expect this time it will be different
You mention Occupy Wall Street and the striking McDonald’s worker as if they were heaven sent.
They weren’t.
At least the guys flipping burgers have the chance to become great burger flippers. The other ones were goons.
Raising the minimum wage means that inner city youth will be unemployed at a higher wage. To Hell with being unemployed at $15 an hour! How about $37.50? It will do wonders for their self esteem. That’s what I call a plan.
Say what you will about the Gilded Age it forged the magnet that drew 30,000,000 people to this country. They went about the business of making a better life for themselves. And yes, they created the wealth that saved the world, fed the world, and then recreated the world.
I left Bayonne in 1965.
The Kennedys were doing what they always did best.
No one but no one had ever heard of Warren Buffet. Bill Gates was in grammar school.
Which is why my dear friend, Big Mike from Bayonne, legendary sportsman, gifted restaurateur, and now a noble public servant, surely soon to be compared to Cicero, always says “That’s why you never see anybody swimming TO Cuba”.
“Any public policy that is predicated on robbing Peter to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support.” That was from Samuel Johnson. His good friend Edmund Burke said, “Unfortunately experience is the only school where some men will learn.
Uncle Adam said “What is prudence in running the affairs of a household can scarce be folly in running the affairs of an empire”.
Don’t you think the Newhouse family has too much money? Don’t you think some of it should go to minimum wage Ledger employees?
Kevin Smith
Letter to the Editor
The Star Ledger
Star Ledger Plaza
Newark, NJ 07102-1200
RE: Will Happy Days ever be here again? – Some comments on your non-thought provoking editorial of 9/17 on the unfairness of it all.
If you believe that the only way to make poor people richer is to make rich people poorer, stop reading.
On the other hand the joy, the tumescent schadenfreude, of watching the Kennedys having to make it sans benefit of Poppa Joe’s ill-gotten gains is very tempting.
Alas, it is not to be.
Nobody is more protective of their loot – theirs, not mine, not yours – than modern American Liberals. The Kennedys, the paradigmatic template of that gang of poltroons, would be like the hoplites at Thermopylae defending their loot. The difference here is that they would win. They always do, don’t they? “Under the Lion’s Paw” was written for them before their name was known. Their distraction, one of caring for the poor, has worked for 8 decades. Why stop now?
As an Irish-Catholic born and raised in Bayonne, NJ and thus, genetically, a Democrat it is my sacred duty to tell you that the New Deal, the Fair Deal, the New Frontier, and talk about a lack of exit strategies, the 50 year old and counting War on Poverty haven’t worked. Any economic policy predicated on growing trees that give 12 crops a year of “rainbow soup” – Soup from a tree? Maybe next year’s Summer of Recovery will have them – plus a never ending gaggle of constantly copulating golden geese is, to be charitable, stupid. Strike that. Brobdanaglian, Homerically stupid. It is so stupid that we try it over and over and over and over. At the end of each attempt we are at the bottom of the hill with that God Damn big rock on top of us.
And yet we expect this time it will be different
You mention Occupy Wall Street and the striking McDonald’s worker as if they were heaven sent.
They weren’t.
At least the guys flipping burgers have the chance to become great burger flippers. The other ones were goons.
Raising the minimum wage means that inner city youth will be unemployed at a higher wage. To Hell with being unemployed at $15 an hour! How about $37.50? It will do wonders for their self esteem. That’s what I call a plan.
Say what you will about the Gilded Age it forged the magnet that drew 30,000,000 people to this country. They went about the business of making a better life for themselves. And yes, they created the wealth that saved the world, fed the world, and then recreated the world.
I left Bayonne in 1965.
The Kennedys were doing what they always did best.
No one but no one had ever heard of Warren Buffet. Bill Gates was in grammar school.
Which is why my dear friend, Big Mike from Bayonne, legendary sportsman, gifted restaurateur, and now a noble public servant, surely soon to be compared to Cicero, always says “That’s why you never see anybody swimming TO Cuba”.
“Any public policy that is predicated on robbing Peter to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support.” That was from Samuel Johnson. His good friend Edmund Burke said, “Unfortunately experience is the only school where some men will learn.
Uncle Adam said “What is prudence in running the affairs of a household can scarce be folly in running the affairs of an empire”.
Don’t you think the Newhouse family has too much money? Don’t you think some of it should go to minimum wage Ledger employees?
Kevin Smith
September 18, 2013
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 South Capitol ST. SE
Washington, DC 20003
RE: What made him do it?
My dear Congresschickie,
When Congresswoman Giffords was shot you said that Rush Limbaugh was responsible for it.
It is manifestly owed to the ledger to report that the United States Attorney, a man appointed by a Democratic President [and a man who enjoined us never to bring a knife to a gun fight] could not prosecute the shooter because –A- he could not understand the charges against him and – B- he could not assist in his own defense.
That’s legal shorthand for he has snakes for brains.
[It must be noted that the same impediments did not prevent the Clintons from trying, convicting, and executing Ricky Ray Rector. Look it up. Never let the Rule of Law interfere with a good crisis.]
Doubtless, you will soon uncover evidence that Vlad Cheney, the Koch brothers, and the still blood thirsty ghost of Joe McCarthy made a Black Buddhist – a new minority, particularly those who are crazier than liquored up loons, worthy of Affirmative Action,? – shoot those people in Washington.
Coupled with the vile effects of the evil sequestration, piled on top of the consequences of a non-progressive tax code, egged on by Global Warming deniers who react tumescently to polar bear drownings, drowning in a tsunami of homophobia, whipped up like Dervish on speed by the hated Tea Party, he had no choice but to “kill those pain in the ass innocent by-standers”.
I never realized how easy it is to be a modern American Liberal.
Kevin Smith
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 South Capitol ST. SE
Washington, DC 20003
RE: What made him do it?
My dear Congresschickie,
When Congresswoman Giffords was shot you said that Rush Limbaugh was responsible for it.
It is manifestly owed to the ledger to report that the United States Attorney, a man appointed by a Democratic President [and a man who enjoined us never to bring a knife to a gun fight] could not prosecute the shooter because –A- he could not understand the charges against him and – B- he could not assist in his own defense.
That’s legal shorthand for he has snakes for brains.
[It must be noted that the same impediments did not prevent the Clintons from trying, convicting, and executing Ricky Ray Rector. Look it up. Never let the Rule of Law interfere with a good crisis.]
Doubtless, you will soon uncover evidence that Vlad Cheney, the Koch brothers, and the still blood thirsty ghost of Joe McCarthy made a Black Buddhist – a new minority, particularly those who are crazier than liquored up loons, worthy of Affirmative Action,? – shoot those people in Washington.
Coupled with the vile effects of the evil sequestration, piled on top of the consequences of a non-progressive tax code, egged on by Global Warming deniers who react tumescently to polar bear drownings, drowning in a tsunami of homophobia, whipped up like Dervish on speed by the hated Tea Party, he had no choice but to “kill those pain in the ass innocent by-standers”.
I never realized how easy it is to be a modern American Liberal.
Kevin Smith
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
September 15, 2013
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pines Road
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
RE: Congratulations on a long overdue honor
My dear Congresschick,
First, who says that Henry Wallace and Alger Hiss are dead? After Putin almost drowned in his own pee after the Kerry/Obama balls up he thanked them.
But back to the main reason I write.
The world knows that you are a closeted brown shirted, hob nail boot shod, free speech hating, Fascist thug wanabee. That’s a long way of saying that you are a typical modern American Liberal suffering from persistent, virulent, contagious “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Crikey, but I love saying that!
But now we can add another gem to your diadem.
This morning’s Miami Herald bestows a high honor on you.
You shattered the top end of its “Pants on Fire” meter.
This particular lie involved whether or not President Bush had international backing, after getting bi-partisan Congressional approval, when he invaded Iraq. You said, in your typical smarmy way, that America was alone. If memory serves, the only 2 political entities that were not with America when that balloon went up were Switzerland and the Swiss Guard at the Vatican.
You could have looked it up. You didn’t. You lied.
I say in your defense that at least you didn’t perjure yourself like President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs and Lois Lerner of the foetid Internal Revenue Service. Let us be thankful for small blessings.
It may put you in an advanced state of shock and awe but I, at great personal risk, defended you this morning.
While I was baiting my manatee traps at dawn a few boats loaded with Birthers, doubtless homophobic, red necked, non-Brooks Brothers blue collared, voter suppressing, creepy assed crackering, Climate change denying, non “creative class” dudes driving a carbon spewing, ozone depleting, polar bear drowning, foreign fuel consuming foreign made engine sailed by.
They were shouting that you sent your kids to private schools.
I said I could believe anything about you but that.
I remember you standing with the president of the Broward Teachers’ Union swearing fealty to public schools. [If I were to mention that this particular teacher/labor leader went to prison for paedophilia it might diminish my argument so I won’t.] “What is truth?” asked Pontius Pilate.
Your kids do go to public schools, don’t they?
Kevin Smith
PS – Speaking of half-truths and quarter lies, how is the family bank doing? You remember it, don’t you? It’s the bank where your husband is an employee, an officer, a shareholder, and a member of the Board of Directors. It’s the bank where you got the House to pass a particularly smelly “midnight transfer” bill benefiting it. That bank, remember? Maybe Nancy Pelosi is right. Sometimes you have to pass the bill to see what is in it. By the by, do you file a joint Federal income tax return?
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pines Road
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
RE: Congratulations on a long overdue honor
My dear Congresschick,
First, who says that Henry Wallace and Alger Hiss are dead? After Putin almost drowned in his own pee after the Kerry/Obama balls up he thanked them.
But back to the main reason I write.
The world knows that you are a closeted brown shirted, hob nail boot shod, free speech hating, Fascist thug wanabee. That’s a long way of saying that you are a typical modern American Liberal suffering from persistent, virulent, contagious “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Crikey, but I love saying that!
But now we can add another gem to your diadem.
This morning’s Miami Herald bestows a high honor on you.
You shattered the top end of its “Pants on Fire” meter.
This particular lie involved whether or not President Bush had international backing, after getting bi-partisan Congressional approval, when he invaded Iraq. You said, in your typical smarmy way, that America was alone. If memory serves, the only 2 political entities that were not with America when that balloon went up were Switzerland and the Swiss Guard at the Vatican.
You could have looked it up. You didn’t. You lied.
I say in your defense that at least you didn’t perjure yourself like President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs and Lois Lerner of the foetid Internal Revenue Service. Let us be thankful for small blessings.
It may put you in an advanced state of shock and awe but I, at great personal risk, defended you this morning.
While I was baiting my manatee traps at dawn a few boats loaded with Birthers, doubtless homophobic, red necked, non-Brooks Brothers blue collared, voter suppressing, creepy assed crackering, Climate change denying, non “creative class” dudes driving a carbon spewing, ozone depleting, polar bear drowning, foreign fuel consuming foreign made engine sailed by.
They were shouting that you sent your kids to private schools.
I said I could believe anything about you but that.
I remember you standing with the president of the Broward Teachers’ Union swearing fealty to public schools. [If I were to mention that this particular teacher/labor leader went to prison for paedophilia it might diminish my argument so I won’t.] “What is truth?” asked Pontius Pilate.
Your kids do go to public schools, don’t they?
Kevin Smith
PS – Speaking of half-truths and quarter lies, how is the family bank doing? You remember it, don’t you? It’s the bank where your husband is an employee, an officer, a shareholder, and a member of the Board of Directors. It’s the bank where you got the House to pass a particularly smelly “midnight transfer” bill benefiting it. That bank, remember? Maybe Nancy Pelosi is right. Sometimes you have to pass the bill to see what is in it. By the by, do you file a joint Federal income tax return?
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
September 2, 2013
Steven Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: A bit of a mea culpa
My dear Professor,
I may have been a bit harsh.
If so, and I will wait for the consensus of opinion to form, I will issue a formal modern American Liberal apology. Since everything is relative, I hereby conditionally apologize to anyone, anywhere, who was offended anytime by what I wrote or didn’t write, said or didn’t say, thought or didn’t think, did or didn’t do. Malum per se doesn’t count. I am sorry only to the degree that you have been offended by any or all of the above.
Got it?
My making mock of your agoraphobia and how it caused you to miss a seminal moment in American History is like blaming a dwarf for being short.
For this, I apologize, sort of. If you are OK with your shortcomings who the Hell am I to say nay?
Two things more.
#1 – Wal-Mart, the unfeeling profit monger from Bentonville, the oppressor of the poor and how cruel can they by cutting the price of prescription drugs by 98% thereby condemning the poor to monthly fits of angst et agida caused by their lack of conspicuous consumption, the company that turned to the Dark Side when Hillary Clinton, after a successful career in land development [White Water, remember?] and commodities trading [Broker Red Bone, remember?] left their Board, that Wal-Mart, has donated $400,000 to an out-reach reach out group dedicated to get unemployed, middle aged transgendered mid-level professionals back in the job force, [That the long awaited, much anticipated Summer[s] of Recovery never reached them is a matter for a different time. I suspect the Koch Brothers have a hand in it.] Whether they do this by hormone treatment or new shoes is irrelevant.
What’s important is that they care, they really, really care.
#2 – With regards to my listing of the failure of modern American Liberals to remove the beam from its eye in re the sad, sorry saga of the Democratic Party I must add the following:
Governor Spitzer
Congressman Weiner
Senator Edwards
Mayor Filner
What do they have in common?
#1 - They are the shock troops, the first ones over the top with the cry of “Bayonets Only” as their only instruction, the sharp end of the spear, so to speak, in the Democratic Party War on Women.
#2 – They are all Democrats.
As an aside, since “anticipation is the greater joy”, we can just wonder with great expectation for the ascension of Queen Empress Hillary the Frump to the Oval Office as partial reparations for her being the poster girl of abused public wives to see how long it takes for her to get some barely past teen age years, six-packed abs, glistening pecs, with humongous guns, buffed boy toys into said Oval Office so they can have a “bit of the gobble”. Once they pass the test of being able to lizard tongue a fly at 2 feet their instructions will simple. “Cover her in flour and aim for the wet spot.”
Steven Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: A bit of a mea culpa
My dear Professor,
I may have been a bit harsh.
If so, and I will wait for the consensus of opinion to form, I will issue a formal modern American Liberal apology. Since everything is relative, I hereby conditionally apologize to anyone, anywhere, who was offended anytime by what I wrote or didn’t write, said or didn’t say, thought or didn’t think, did or didn’t do. Malum per se doesn’t count. I am sorry only to the degree that you have been offended by any or all of the above.
Got it?
My making mock of your agoraphobia and how it caused you to miss a seminal moment in American History is like blaming a dwarf for being short.
For this, I apologize, sort of. If you are OK with your shortcomings who the Hell am I to say nay?
Two things more.
#1 – Wal-Mart, the unfeeling profit monger from Bentonville, the oppressor of the poor and how cruel can they by cutting the price of prescription drugs by 98% thereby condemning the poor to monthly fits of angst et agida caused by their lack of conspicuous consumption, the company that turned to the Dark Side when Hillary Clinton, after a successful career in land development [White Water, remember?] and commodities trading [Broker Red Bone, remember?] left their Board, that Wal-Mart, has donated $400,000 to an out-reach reach out group dedicated to get unemployed, middle aged transgendered mid-level professionals back in the job force, [That the long awaited, much anticipated Summer[s] of Recovery never reached them is a matter for a different time. I suspect the Koch Brothers have a hand in it.] Whether they do this by hormone treatment or new shoes is irrelevant.
What’s important is that they care, they really, really care.
#2 – With regards to my listing of the failure of modern American Liberals to remove the beam from its eye in re the sad, sorry saga of the Democratic Party I must add the following:
Governor Spitzer
Congressman Weiner
Senator Edwards
Mayor Filner
What do they have in common?
#1 - They are the shock troops, the first ones over the top with the cry of “Bayonets Only” as their only instruction, the sharp end of the spear, so to speak, in the Democratic Party War on Women.
#2 – They are all Democrats.
As an aside, since “anticipation is the greater joy”, we can just wonder with great expectation for the ascension of Queen Empress Hillary the Frump to the Oval Office as partial reparations for her being the poster girl of abused public wives to see how long it takes for her to get some barely past teen age years, six-packed abs, glistening pecs, with humongous guns, buffed boy toys into said Oval Office so they can have a “bit of the gobble”. Once they pass the test of being able to lizard tongue a fly at 2 feet their instructions will simple. “Cover her in flour and aim for the wet spot.”
September 2, 2013
Stephen Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: It ain’t labor if you love what you do
My dear Professor,
I had prepared my usual take on your typically absolutely bonkers, Damn near barking mad columns on Friday and Sunday. It’s a wonder that the Hubbell telescope hasn’t detected vampires coming at warp speed from outer space to our planet; such is the renown of your intergalactically famous bleeding heart.
They were, as is my wont, filled with wry asides, dead center perfect Historical and literary references – Some critics use the term “Johnsonian” in describing my notes, particularly to you. Since “modesty is a very overrated virtue” I have no choice but to agree with them. – and pricelessly perfect bitch slapping when that is what is required.
Your plea, put forward on Friday, of boycotting all things Disney – That’s Disney, as in Walt, Mickey Mouse, Disney World, and, for old-timers, Davey Crockett caps – because they refuse to provide chicken soup made from free range, pesticide free, chickens who died from natural deaths and were cooked on a non-fracked gas stove for cross-gendered employees with alopecia, is beyond both parody and satire. The Nairobi Trio would come out of retirement to accompany a dramatic reading of those columns.
I chose not to come with my much anticipated, always spot on, wet your pants broadsides because you made a startling personal revelation.
Your confession, a coming out if you will, of agoraphobia being the reason why you did not attend the King speech in Washington, 1963 is unique. [One of my finger nails on the blackboard moments occurs when “unique” is misused. It means “one of a kind”. It can’t be modified, as in really unique.] You are to be congratulated for being the first to bring this long neglected malady, and, may I add, a new group of victims deserving of respect, recognition, and government aid, to the public’s attention. Perhaps it’s time to drop the “Free Tibet” cause and take on a new one. “I Love a Parade” can be the theme song for the telethon. Times Square on New Year’s for all will be the goal.
The thought of gilding that would be an insult to lilies world wide
Kevin Smith
But wait. There’s more.
PS – To bring you back to your glory days, back when you believed that Alger Hiss was innocent and that the Rosenbergs were framed and that Bobby Kennedy was Senator McCarthy’s counsel [Honest. Look it up.], back to when your Shabbos task was to get your non-threatening Negro friend to turn on the lights at your shul, I bring back a term that you heard in your sleep.
Your “coming out” language – “Even so, I would never have gone to the “capital” because I am afraid of violence in even the most peaceful crowd…” suggests that the Columbia University you taught at is the one that enjoys a great reputation for preparing entry level workers for the radio business.
“Capital” is a mass of accumulated wealth. It is much hated by modern American Liberals except when used by the Kennedys or the old lady in Virginia that John Edwards – Remember him? – was probably schtuphing and definitely scamming.
“Capitol”, as In Washington, DC, is where the seat of government is. It is where people go to “seek a redress of grievances”. There was a big rally there in August, 1963. Sorry you missed it.
Firemen go into burning buildings, not because they like fire, but because they are part of something greater than themselves. They overcome their personal holdbacks and act for the greater good. Perhaps if you had read a bit more Kipling and a bit less Odets you may have been able to become a person more at ease with yourself as you enter the back nine of life.
You end your Sunday Jeremiad with lamentations unlimited about racist, red necked, homophobic, gun loving, Tea Party Republicans “hijacking governments”.
A quick trip down memory lane is required.
The Democratic Party hijacked the country in 1912 when they elected Woodrow Wilson, the most racist, bigoted President of the 20th century.
The Davis-Bacon Act, the most anti-Black Federal legislation of the 20th century, was introduced by a Democrat President and passed, overwhelmingly, by the Democratic House and the Democratic Senate.
HUAC – the House Un-American Activities Committee – and I am sure you spent your prepubescent years condemning it – was the creature of a Democratic House. It was a favorite of a Democratic President. It was used by big city Democratic Party leaders to keep opposition off balance. They didn’t have to suppress the vote. They mastered the art of counting and counting and counting and counting until they had enough votes to overcome the rural, most Republican vote, [vide Cook county, Hudson County, Suffolk County, and Baker v Carr]
Vice President Garner, Vice Presidential candidate Senator Sparkman, Senator Bilbo, Senator Eastland, Senator Gore, Senator Fulbright, Senator Ervin, Senator Russell, whose name is on the Senate building, Senator Tennis, whose name is on an aircraft carrier [CVN74]…send up a flare when you see anyone who was at or would have been at the 1963 King rally.
Here’s a pop quiz.
Which political party did Governor George Wallace, he of “Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” fame, not to mention the dust up at the Edmund Pettis Bridge in Selma, Alabama, have the honor of addressing its national convention on national TV at prime time? Hint. It wasn’t the Republican Party.
Do you guys still have Jefferson-Jackson dinners? Jefferson was a slave owner. Jackson killed more Indians than John Wayne and John Ford could have counted.
On the other hand what can you expect from a party that lied to the American people about 3 wars in the 20th century? What can you expect when a President has the backing of his party after he admits that he perjured himself?
You’re just doing what comes naturally.
Back to work tomorrow
Stephen Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: It ain’t labor if you love what you do
My dear Professor,
I had prepared my usual take on your typically absolutely bonkers, Damn near barking mad columns on Friday and Sunday. It’s a wonder that the Hubbell telescope hasn’t detected vampires coming at warp speed from outer space to our planet; such is the renown of your intergalactically famous bleeding heart.
They were, as is my wont, filled with wry asides, dead center perfect Historical and literary references – Some critics use the term “Johnsonian” in describing my notes, particularly to you. Since “modesty is a very overrated virtue” I have no choice but to agree with them. – and pricelessly perfect bitch slapping when that is what is required.
Your plea, put forward on Friday, of boycotting all things Disney – That’s Disney, as in Walt, Mickey Mouse, Disney World, and, for old-timers, Davey Crockett caps – because they refuse to provide chicken soup made from free range, pesticide free, chickens who died from natural deaths and were cooked on a non-fracked gas stove for cross-gendered employees with alopecia, is beyond both parody and satire. The Nairobi Trio would come out of retirement to accompany a dramatic reading of those columns.
I chose not to come with my much anticipated, always spot on, wet your pants broadsides because you made a startling personal revelation.
Your confession, a coming out if you will, of agoraphobia being the reason why you did not attend the King speech in Washington, 1963 is unique. [One of my finger nails on the blackboard moments occurs when “unique” is misused. It means “one of a kind”. It can’t be modified, as in really unique.] You are to be congratulated for being the first to bring this long neglected malady, and, may I add, a new group of victims deserving of respect, recognition, and government aid, to the public’s attention. Perhaps it’s time to drop the “Free Tibet” cause and take on a new one. “I Love a Parade” can be the theme song for the telethon. Times Square on New Year’s for all will be the goal.
The thought of gilding that would be an insult to lilies world wide
Kevin Smith
But wait. There’s more.
PS – To bring you back to your glory days, back when you believed that Alger Hiss was innocent and that the Rosenbergs were framed and that Bobby Kennedy was Senator McCarthy’s counsel [Honest. Look it up.], back to when your Shabbos task was to get your non-threatening Negro friend to turn on the lights at your shul, I bring back a term that you heard in your sleep.
Your “coming out” language – “Even so, I would never have gone to the “capital” because I am afraid of violence in even the most peaceful crowd…” suggests that the Columbia University you taught at is the one that enjoys a great reputation for preparing entry level workers for the radio business.
“Capital” is a mass of accumulated wealth. It is much hated by modern American Liberals except when used by the Kennedys or the old lady in Virginia that John Edwards – Remember him? – was probably schtuphing and definitely scamming.
“Capitol”, as In Washington, DC, is where the seat of government is. It is where people go to “seek a redress of grievances”. There was a big rally there in August, 1963. Sorry you missed it.
Firemen go into burning buildings, not because they like fire, but because they are part of something greater than themselves. They overcome their personal holdbacks and act for the greater good. Perhaps if you had read a bit more Kipling and a bit less Odets you may have been able to become a person more at ease with yourself as you enter the back nine of life.
You end your Sunday Jeremiad with lamentations unlimited about racist, red necked, homophobic, gun loving, Tea Party Republicans “hijacking governments”.
A quick trip down memory lane is required.
The Democratic Party hijacked the country in 1912 when they elected Woodrow Wilson, the most racist, bigoted President of the 20th century.
The Davis-Bacon Act, the most anti-Black Federal legislation of the 20th century, was introduced by a Democrat President and passed, overwhelmingly, by the Democratic House and the Democratic Senate.
HUAC – the House Un-American Activities Committee – and I am sure you spent your prepubescent years condemning it – was the creature of a Democratic House. It was a favorite of a Democratic President. It was used by big city Democratic Party leaders to keep opposition off balance. They didn’t have to suppress the vote. They mastered the art of counting and counting and counting and counting until they had enough votes to overcome the rural, most Republican vote, [vide Cook county, Hudson County, Suffolk County, and Baker v Carr]
Vice President Garner, Vice Presidential candidate Senator Sparkman, Senator Bilbo, Senator Eastland, Senator Gore, Senator Fulbright, Senator Ervin, Senator Russell, whose name is on the Senate building, Senator Tennis, whose name is on an aircraft carrier [CVN74]…send up a flare when you see anyone who was at or would have been at the 1963 King rally.
Here’s a pop quiz.
Which political party did Governor George Wallace, he of “Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” fame, not to mention the dust up at the Edmund Pettis Bridge in Selma, Alabama, have the honor of addressing its national convention on national TV at prime time? Hint. It wasn’t the Republican Party.
Do you guys still have Jefferson-Jackson dinners? Jefferson was a slave owner. Jackson killed more Indians than John Wayne and John Ford could have counted.
On the other hand what can you expect from a party that lied to the American people about 3 wars in the 20th century? What can you expect when a President has the backing of his party after he admits that he perjured himself?
You’re just doing what comes naturally.
Back to work tomorrow
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