September 23, 2013
Aaron Deslatte
The Sun Sentinel
500 Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: “Women working full time on average earn 77% of what men make” – Some comments on your condemnation of same in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel
Mr. Deslatte,
I read the bad news too early to call my daughter in Dallas. I saw no sense in waking her with the bad news that even though she has 14 years of experience as a Labor and Delivery nurse – L&D is where the rubber still meets the road in today’s hospital. Running the anti-smoking clinic and giving nutrition counseling…not so – she only earns 77% of what her male counterpart earns.
Could some of what ails the Post Office come from when the female letter carriers found out that they only earn what male men – person/persons? – earn?
I saw a show this weekend about the B-2 bomber. It was hosted by a female Lieutenant Colonel. Do you think she should be piloting a plane chock-a-block filled with nuclear weapons when she finds out that she earns 77% of what Smiling Jack makes? What if she finds out at the time of the month when her “friend” drops by? I don’t think so.
Perhaps Johnny can’t read because his teacher, Angelina, only makes 77% of what her cousin Angel, also a teacher, makes.
If you tell me that female burger flippers in training earn 77% of what male burger flippers in training make I know of several underemployed lawyers who will gladly take up the legal cudgels on their behalf. No money down.
It seems that the only public place where such a disparity exists is the Obama White House. Tell me when the barricades are going up there, will you?
I think the ladies who play professional basketball would wet their knickers if they were to earn 77% of the average NBA player earns. Why no public outcry there?
Even though I am bound and determined not to be cliché ridden I wonder if you can give me the antonym for “rock-ribbed”.
You cite Congressman Posey’s district as being “rock ribbed” when mentioning the gender pay disparity. You mention the districts of Congressman Hastings and Congressman Grayson with no such qualification. [It would probably be unfair to mention that one of them is a felon and the other is barking mad so I won’t]
You end your instructional screed with a quote from someone named Catherine Hill. Her cv. reveals that she is employed by something called the American Association of University Women. I suppose she is a marvelous person but I know that I would not want to spend any time handcuffed to her in a storm sewer, particularly when she finds out that Joe Hill, her cousin and head flack catcher of the American Association of University Men, earns $100 for every $77 she makes. Hell hath no fury like a short changed academic chickie.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the Logical snare that all modern American Liberals fall into. I am reminded of Charley Brown, Lucy, and the football.
She says “This time I’ll hold it. Honest. I won’t drop it. Honest. I really mean it.”
Behind her smile and under her breath she is silently chanting “Putz” just before she drops the ball and he falls on his ass.
The trap of which I speak is “hoc post ergo propter hoc”. It enables mush brained saps, boobies who believe in the efficacy of Midnight Basketball, modern American Liberals all, to confuse correlation with causation.
For being in the vanguard of such cabeza de ca-ca ninnies who propagate such clap trap I bestow on you a high honor:
The honorarium that used to accompany this much sought after laurel has been suspended until the Summer of Recovery arrives
Kevin Smith
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
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