Monday, September 30, 2013

September 28, 2013
Mayor Robert Conley
City Hall
50 Kings Road
Madison, NJ 07940

RE: Did the Gods take their revenge?

Mr. Mayor,

Let’s stipulate to the following:

#1 – The Madison High School football team, AKA The Dodgers, lost today, ending their 39 game win streak.
#2– Mike Warsek is an alumnus of Madison High School. He played football there. He owns a sandwich shop in town. Doubtless, he puts some extra capicola on players’ sandwiches.
#3 - He paid for a sign that read Dodger Domination – One Nation Under God.
#4 – Someone hung the sign on private property. In this case, a railroad trestle.
#5 - You forgot that if a fish kept its mouth shut it wouldn’t get in trouble. You took the sign down.
#6 – Reread #1.
#7 – Reread #6 and #1.
#8 - #6 & #1 - Redux

The Declaration of Independence mentions “nature’s God”. Should the Declaration of Independence be banned from American History classes in Madison High School?

Should the Pledge of Allegiance be banned from all public events in Madison, NJ because it contains the phrase “In God We Trust”?

The penny says “In God We Trust” and the dollar bill says “Annuit Coeptis”. [If you need a translation send a SASE] Should they both be banned from commerce in Madison, NJ?

It would be unfair of me to say “Post hoc ergo propter hoc”. It is the fallacy most used by charlatans disguised as climatologists, Luddites, and Lysenkoists. Some team members and their families may fall victim to it, particularly at the next election.

Some good has come from your hubris.

You have won a most prestigious award.

I hereby name you


I will try to have a halftime award ceremony presentation at the next home game. It will be preceded by a short prayer asking that God protect you from injury when your dumb ass is being run out of town on a rail.

Kevin Smith

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