May 11, 2014
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: G-d help us all! – Some comments on your column asking why God won’t just go away.
Big Stein,
When you’re right, you’re right.
Prayer is a vexing issue. [It will be more so when the burnoosed, teenage girl snatching WOGs begin to exert their power but that’s for a different discussion]
That is why I am making you a one-time offer.
I will come to the coven of modern American Liberals – ink stained wretch local chapter AKA the Sun Sentinel – on Wednesday at noon. I will collect all of your divinely referenced currency. It goes without saying that I will dispose of same in an environmentally sensitive manner. I can’t get more Christian than that, can I?
Your extra credit assignment is to find out what in the name of the anti-Christ “annuity coeptis” means.
You “pray that public officials…cut taxes”. Stop praying. There is one sure fire, 100% guaranteed way to cut taxes. Are you ready for this? Here it is.
At the Federal level we can toss a coin to see whether the Department of Energy or the Department of Education gets the chop first. Wait a minute! Shoot them both together. Forgive me but “God will know His own”.
PS – To make matters worse, a Koch Brothers operative starts all Supreme Court hearings with “God save the United States and this honorable court”. What next? Swearing on bibles? Army chaplains? Navy Crosses? Los Angeles class submarines? Where will it end?
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
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