Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 13, 2014
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: “Rubio’s Comments on Climate Change Ignore Reality” – Some comments on your unlinkable so achingly correct anti-rational editorial on the horror, the horror of Senator Rubio’s dissent from the GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDisruption edicts, all of which are now comfortably ensconced in the altar of “settled science”.


First, some good news.

I was out and about in the pre-dawn hours with my constant companion, Chicken Little. I was able to say, yet again. “Look up, you silly goose. The sky hasn’t fallen. How about double or nothing?” The boy who cries wolf was absent.

The temperature was in the high 70s.

That reading always astonishes me because my first climate rabbi, the author of “The Population Bomb”, the original weather Jeremiah and frequent star of the Johnny Carson Show, Paul Ehrlich, PhD told us in 1970 we would either starve to death or freeze to death by 2000. I add that I am calorically challenged and, since last year, cashmere free.

Honest. You could look it up.

Incidentally, if we go by “what so many scientists say” – not quite a substitute for replicable proof and harmful to the out of favor Scientific Method but good enough for editorial Sophistry – Ptolemy would still be top dog in astronomy. He reigned supreme for almost 1500 years. That’s a millennium and a half. His “settled science” was well and truly settled. And then it became “unsettled”.

Honest. You could look it up.

You warn of rising electricity costs if we impose a “regulatory cap on carbon emissions”. I have some bad news to offset my good news.

The United States has significantly reduced its carbon emissions.

Try as they will even the evil Koch Brothers can’t increase it. The reason is simple. The Chinese and the Indians have not read the memo. Tom Stayer’s billions don’t count in Kiplingville. The Chinese open one coal burning power plant each week. Every week. The Indians, Deo Gracias, are close behind. As far as the wily Orientals are concerned the baby seal eating polar bears are on their own.

You speak of “taking a less partisan, more pragmatic view”.

Try these on for size.

Approve the Keystone Pipeline
Canonize “frackers”
Drill in the swamps West of the Sawgrass Mall
Drill in Biscayne Bay.
Drill in Tampa Bay.
Drill anywhere free men want to spend their money.

On the other hand, we can continue to buy oil from Nigeria and Brunei.

“Local governments are already in the trenches, moving forward,” said Broward Commissioner Kristin Jacobs,…a member of President Obama’s Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience…”

It is a toss-up with that group either being compared unfavorably to the world’s smallest violin or favorably to the 3rd tallest building in Wichita, Kansas. Either way the race is not to the swift. A modern Horatius will not be found in that group of swells

What is indisputable is that Broward Commissioner Kristin Jacobs, a horse’s ass of Homeric proportions, is dumber than a box of hammers. She wouldn’t know a trench from a hole in the ground. To have her plead the case, any case, will lead to an epidemic of terminal enuresis. She labors mightily in the shallow end of the wading gene pool. I hope she does not have access to either sharp objects or heavy machinery.

Pop quiz.

How did Greenland get its name? Why did it snow in Boston in July, 1816? An upward spike in temperature in Europe 11 centuries ago gave us the Renaissance. Do you have a problem with Dante?

It is “settled science” that Global Warming is good for man.

Forgive me for stating the obvious but how did the last Ice Age end? We don’t have to round up the usual suspects. Global Warming pleads guilty.

As the earth warms more land becomes more arable. More arable land means that more protein producing crops and protein producing animals can be grown and raised. More protein means people get smarter. Smarter people do smart things. Things like chemistry and biology and pi and medicine and music and cities and smelting and books and self-governance and the polio vaccine and the Green Bay Packer Sweep and Velcro and pizza and walking on the moon and “lock boxes” and even modern American Liberalism. Well, nobody bats a thousand.

Honest. You could look it up.

Am I going too fast for you?

There is thing you can do to make your bones in the silly business of climatological pseudo-science.

If you really believe all the anti-rational mumbo jumbo folderol promulgated by ohmadahnish demagogues of Brobdanaglian proportions all you have to do one thing.


If you don’t, would it be OK to call you hypocrites? Actually, what with hypocrisy being one of the privileges of being a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal, it will be a badge of honor.

Kevin Smith

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