July 18, 2015
Randy Schultz
The sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: Some observations and comments on your unlinkable Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel on vox populi and the rat bastard Republican legislators who refuse to abide by the wishes and commands of the people.
Mr. Schultz,
Your unctuously oleaginous column about bad old White Republican legislators in Tallahassee who thwart the will of progressive people who want to make a system “so perfect that no one will have to be good” is, alas, a typically flawed modern American Liberal construct.
The dirty little secret, the turd in the political punch bowl that everyone knows Is there like Shamu the Seaquarium whale waiting for the dinner bell to sound so he can leap out of the water, is that all the players walked into the cigar smoke filled – I hope – back room to “create” safe seats for Blacks to occupy. The price that the non-urban legislators got for their compliance was the complementary “creation” of - can you believe it – safe Republican seats.
How else could Alcee Hastings, a famous Florida felon, a lout who had his Black-robed ass impeached and flung off the Federal bench for cause, could have been elected to the House of Representatives?
There are at least 3 districts that would send O.J. Simpson. Step-n-Fetchit, Mike Tyson, or Bill Cosby to Congress.
Isn’t that the way that a Democracy is supposed to work? Do some homework and see what Madison said in Federalist 10.
Bayonne, NJ, my hometown in the good end of Hudson County, solved the racial imbalance by cutting the Black section in half lengthwise and then bulldozed parts of both sections into urban renewal zones with greatly reduced population densities.
The only 2 places more Democratic than Hudson County would be a wine and cheese party at Barbra Streisand’s 1% digs or Zabar’s every Sunday at noon in good weather.
You say that the “Florida legislature has ignored direct orders from the public” in the matter of “fair” voting districts.
Does the same Logic apply to the overwhelming command of the people of Florida in the issue of same sex marriages? If memory serves 62% of the electorate voted it down.
OOPS. Silly me!
Being a modern American Liberal means that you never have to say you’re sorry for “eclectic indignation” and “my favorite color is plaid” school of public policy.
“Open and transparent” redistricting?
No wonder you are in favor of abortion. If you believe such clap-trap you would always be pregnant.
Kevin Smith
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