July 19, 2015
Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: Stiff necked people with horns – It’s been a long time – Some comments on your column that exudes narcissism it the point of solipsism or why I can’t get enough of modern American Liberals.
Mr. Mayo
“…Then again, I was more than a little shocked
when I told a woman I was Jewish and she asked –
in complete seriousness – if she could see my horns.”
The Sun Sentinel
Page 1B
I am not Jewish but the Man who founded my Church was.
Forget about the 4 Source Theory of Pentateuch Composition. Forget about Arthur Koestler’s 13th Tribe. Forget about cooking all the flavor out of a noble rib-eye. Forget about my pal Max Katz being the reason for American anti-Semitism. Forget about the public love that Golda Meir showered on Richard Nixon. Forget about the 6 pound, 6 day old latke that American Jews had to swallow when a curmudgeonly Christian told them that Jesse Helms was the best friend Israel had in the Senate. Forget about the simple Israeli policy of “Shoot first”. Pray tell but where in the name of Shylock do you hide your horns?
Big Stein is on vacation. Wonderful Stevie got the sack. Schultz is a promising modern American Liberal ca-ca shill but needs seasoning. Because I am “bound and determined not to be cliché-ridden” I need industrial strength, mush-brained purveyors of “rainbow stew” jackassery to rile my Muse.
Praise G-d that you have entered the 10 ring this morning.
I won’t be able to trap the baby manatees until the tide turns this afternoon so I have time on my hands. Allah be praised that gravity defiers, scribes such as you, are never far from public view.
Mayo is offended because some people like to wear Confederate stuff – hats, shirts, flags, inter alia. As you say…”Even Germany has had the decency and common sense to ban swastikas”.
Here’s a flash, Mikey.
This country hasn’t. At least not yet.
The Supreme Court has ruled that Nazi wanabees, replete with swastikas, death head insignia, jack boots goose stepping to the tune of oom-pah bands, shouting Todt Juden, in a neighborhood filled with Holocaust survivors are OK
Mark Twain was right. Wagner’s music isn’t as bad as it sounds. Is it OK for me to listen to some of it?
Are you saying that red necks can’t dress up like Nathan Bedford Forest and shout Dixie because you are offended?
I say this as someone with 2 uncles 4 generations removed who went line abreast into the Wheat Field on July 2, 1863. Both were members of the 69th Regiment, the Irish Brigade. One of them is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”.
Oliver Cromwell killed about 1/3rd of the people of Galway in the 1650s, That is where my people, as Irishmen are wont to say, are from.
Does that mean I should stop reading Shakespeare?
Preston Henn flies the Confederate flag because he can. Maybe if people stop coming to his store he’ll choose to change his mind. Maybe not. Aren’t modern American Liberals always lecturing the “great unwashed” about the need for freedom of choice?
If it offends you turn your eyes away.
Kevin Smith
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