Monday, September 14, 2015

September 13, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Kim Davis and empirical proof that Pavlov was right particularly when it comes to modern American Liberals commenting on something, anything that the doesn’t fit the accepted narrative du jour.

Big Stein, 

Sometimes you make it too, too easy.

You may need to consult with Little Stein, the perpetual student. See if he can round up a copy of the New Testament, the Divine Comedy, and the Hound of Heaven.

The once private sins of Kim Davis are now public. As such she is fair game for scroyles and poltroons who buy ink by the barrel.

You take her to task for her doing what she says is her duty. See if Little Stein can dig up a copy of Antigone. She and Creon had a disagreement over rights. 25 centuries later and the conflict still isn’t resolved.

Atonement and redemption have been part and parcel of Western religions for 30 centuries.

Should it end here?

But enough about those irksome theological points.

“You break the law, you are a criminal.
That’s [pretty simple. And accurate.”
The Sun Sentinel

Your straight line, no parabolic curves allowed, Logic is on point. Of course, there is no sense of being a modern American Liberal without exceptions. For instance, how does a place become a Sanctuary City? Actually it is rather easy. All you have to do is break the law. When the Mayor of a city gets to pick and choose which Federal law either to obey or ignore the Rule of Law suffers. At the very least, the law is like a standard. There 32 ounces in a quart bottle. No more; no less. Go figure.
“The law is not a pick-and-choose buffet line.”
Either loc cit or op cit or both.

President Obama, and let me quickly add that he is the best President we have, on at least 17 separate occasions broke, either by commission or omission, broke ObamaCare, his own law. If the President can do it why can’t I? Further, I get to pick and choose which law to enforce and which law to ignore, right?

“Another right-wing beauty, Ted Cruz, was with him”

Let the record show that Alan Dershowitz, the lawyer who got Klaus Van Bulow off when he killed his wife, Sunny, and a fan of nude sun bathing, and probably the best known law Professor in our fair land, has said on several occasions that Ted Cruz was his best student ever. That is just a useless factoid that adds to the conversation.

I hate to pile more stuff on Little Stein’s overflowing plate but see if he can track down the source of the following:

“When statesmen forsake their private 
conscience for the sake of their public duties
 they lead their country by a short route to chaos.”

Is the line between malum per se and malum prohibitum gone away? 

Call the role.

Galileo, Zenger, Thoreau, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Kim Davis

She is in good company.

Kevin Smith


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